Mirror, Mirror, on the wall who’s the rarest of them all? Did you know that there is a Chihuahua that is very rare? Keep reading to find out who’s the rarest of them all!
Chihuahuas come in a huge variety of coat colors and patterns. The AKC official standards do not accept some of these rare colors and patterns. But, that’s only a concern if you want to show your Chihuahua.
Color and pattern preferences among breeders and Chihuahua lovers abound and for each preference, there is a Chihuahua in that color and/or pattern.
But, some of them may be very difficult to find. From top to bottom, these are the rarest colors or coat patterns you’ll find in a Chihuahua:
- Merle-is an uncommon coat pattern for a Chihuahua
- Brindle-is also an uncommon coat pattern for a Chihuahua
- Lavendar or Liliac-is an uncommon color for a Chihuahua
But, none of these are the rarest of all.
The Merle coat pattern

Merle in a dog is one of the most fascinating coat patterns in the world. It’s fascinating and beautiful to look at, but the genetic science behind it is even more intriguing.
Some refer to the merle pattern as dapple or blotched. It is irregular blotches of fur on a solid color background. A background of black or gray is called a blue merle. A background of brown or tan is known as a red or chocolate merle.
Although they are beautiful, because of the genetics involved, they can also be associated with some health problems. These can include deafness and blindness if the breeder is not responsible or educated in genetic science.
There are several dog breeds that the merle pattern is common. These include The Australian Shephard, Collie, and others. But the merle pattern in a Chihuahua is not as common. However, with that being said, it is becoming more common in Chihuahuas as more people now are looking for one, thus more breeders (responsible or not) are producing them.

the brindle coat pattern
The brindle coat pattern is often referred to as tiger striped. The brindle gene is one of the three alleles in the K locus.
The brindle mutation interacts with other coat color genes to produce different intensities of the brindle pattern across the body of the dog. If you want to learn more about the brindle pattern in dogs see: 17 Brindle Dog Breeds.
The brindle pattern is common among many dog breeds including Boxer, Great Dane, and others. However, the brindle coat pattern is uncommon in the Chihuahua breed.

The lavender or lilac coat color
Just as the name implies, the lavender or lilac coat color results in a silvery or gray look. The color comes from a recessive gene inherited from the parents.
As with most rare colors and patterns, lilac-colored dogs can have health issues. Some of these include alopecia or hair loss. The alopecia leaves patches of skin exposed and can become scaley and itchy.

The lavender or lilac color in other breeds is not uncommon. These include Australian Shephard, French Bull Dog, and Great Dane to name a few. However, the lavender or lilac color in a Chihuahua is rare.
the rarest of them all
Drum Roll, Please! The rarest Chihuahua of them all is a pure snow-white Chihuahua. I know what you are saying right now, “pshaw, I’ve seen lots of white Chihuahuas” or “my Chihuahua is white.
But those are not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a PURE WHITE Chihuahua. What’s the difference?
The rare pure white Chihuahua has no markings at all. They have no black pigmentation at all. The inside of their ears are pink, their nose is pink or a light color, their lips are pink or light, their paw pads are pink, and their nails are white, even their eyes are a light color. The reason they are so rare is because they are not easy to produce. To get a pure-white Chihuahua both parents also have to be pure white.
But, these rare pups are not albino. A pure white Chihuahua is the result of the sw gene combined with the ‘cch’ allele which determines the skin color.

be aware
If your heart is set on a Chihuahua with a rare color or pattern be advised that they may come with health issues. Be absolutely sure that you get your Chihuahua from a responsible and educated Chihuahua breeder. One that is educated in the science of genetics.