Is your Chihuahua The “Boss” Of The House? How To Overthrow His Little Dictatorship!

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This post has been updated, on 4-2-22

Why is it important to teach your Chihuahua That You Are “Boss”

At the risk of being repetitive, it must be said again. Chihuahuas are the most loyal and protective dogs. But, these wonderful qualities can be channeled into unwanted behavior if you don’t know some important things about Chihuahuas and their unique inbred temperments. Your Chihuahua can become the boss of your house.

brown and white long haired chihuahua growling, showing teeth looking straight at the camera.
Don’t let your little Chihuahua become the boss of your house

What are the signs that your Chihuahua has become the “boss” of your house?

Does your Chihuahua growl when someone tries to sit in “his” chair? Does he bark as loud and as long as he pleases? Does he chew on your shoe (or another forbidden object) and refuse to give it up when he is caught? Does he guard his food with a vengeance? Is he fine as long as it’s him and you, but if someone comes close to you does he growl, snarl, snap, or worse, bite? Then it is definitely time for a “coup”! It’s time to overthrow your tiny tyrant and take over the policy-making in your home! Let him know that he is no longer the boss of your house.

It’s always best, of course, to prevent it in the first place when they are puppies. But, what if you adopted an older dog? Or, what if you have unknowingly let it happen and it’s time to take over?

Keep Your Emotions In Check

We, hoomans, tend to take our Chihuahua’s behavior personally. We tend to put human concepts and emotions on our Chihuahuas. Remember in “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” when Chloe was unhappy with what Rachel was feeding her and she put a piece of her unappetizing canned food in Rachel’s shoe? No? Well, here’s a reminder:

The point is that some people think that their Chihuahua’s bad behavior is just to show their hooman who is “boss”. The truth is that dogs don’t have the emotion or concept of revenge.

Your Chihuahua can, however, sense your feelings and emotions. If you are nervous that you will get snapped at or bitten, take it from me, he knows it. So whenever around your Chihuahua it is important to always remain calm and confident.

What Does It Mean For You To Be “The Boss”?

I use this term even though, it’s not a matter of who is the “boss”. It’s a matter of your Chihuahua trusting you and knowing that he needs to look to you for guidance and learn from you what behaviors are allowed and what ones are not okay.

How Do You Do This?

When we hear the word discipline we think of punishment. When I was a child, dicipline often meant a spanking. For the most part, that kind of child-rearing has changed. Actually, discipline has a meaning of “training”, “molding”, “teaching”. That is the discipline you should use when “disciplining” your Chihuahua. Things to always keep in mind:

  • Use only positive reinforcement: Chihuahuas often show aggressive behaviors when feeling threatened. So let them know they can trust you because they should never feel threatened when with you.
  • Reward good behavior: when your Chihuahua begins to associate obedience with a positive experience (like getting a treat), he will be more likely to perform that behavior in the future.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is the KEY! when it comes to teaching a Chihuahua you absolutely must be consistent. Spend about 10 minutes twice a day working on training and socializing your Chihuahua.
  • Get help if you need it: dog training is a big commitment, especially when you are dealing with a Chihuahua with behavior issues or aggressive behaviors. If you need a little bit of help getting through, there is no shame in turning to a professional.

What should I do first to stop my bossy Chihuahua?

If you haven’t already, the first thing you need to do is to teach him the basic commands. These are:

  • sit
  • down
  • stay
  • come
  • leave it
  • and especially for Chihuahuas, enough (a good one to stop barking)

Why is it important to start with the basic commands?

For one reason it is a great bonding experience. But, the most important reason is that you are letting him know that he must now listen to you. Using positive reward-based training, he soon learns that he must do as you say if he wants that delicious piece of chicken you have in your hand. Later, a smile and a cuddle from you will be all the treat he will need. However, never stop training and occasionally give them treats for listening to you.


Once your Chihuahua realizes that you are in charge not only will he be a more pleasant addition to your household, but he will be a happier dog. He will become a well-adjusted dog. That is because he wasn’t really happy being a boss. As the boss, it was his job (he thought) to protect you and the whole family. That’s a big responsibility for such a tiny dog! After all, he really doesn’t want to be boss of your house.

To learn how to teach your Chi the basics, don’t miss my book on “How to Train a Chihuahua“.

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