Dukey’s Story of Heroism

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In this amazing Chihuahua story, you will learn about Dukey and how he became a hero and possibly saved the life of his owner!

chihuahua stories, dukey a fawn and white short haired chihuahua sitting in front of a chiristmas tree

This Chihuahua story is as told by Dukey’s owner, Loretta Coutlee January 24, 2020, with a few grammatical and spelling changes.

Dukey is my hero! I rescued Dukey from a puppy mill when he was only 4 months old. He was skinny and dirty, but I paid $200. for him and took him home. I took him to the vet to get him all checked out to make sure he was okay.

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By the time he was 1 yr old, I noticed something strange. Whenever he was near me, he would pull on my pants or he wanted me to sit. Turns out I was having seizures and I didn’t know, at least not yet. He would go crazy when I was having one. I didn’t realize what was going on until later. My family thought I was going crazy. Then one day I was alone and fell down a flight of steps. I still don’t know who got or how the ambulance crew got there, but I still think it was my hero, Dukey!

I know this because while I was in and out of consciousness I heard someone say; “Would someone please get this dog some food and get him away from her?”. I know that Dukey was my hero and saved the day because the next day when my son came to visit me in the hospital he said there were teeth marks on my phone!

Dukey was my little service dog for 4 1/2 years. On January 24, 2020, I knew that it was time for him to retire because his anxiety had gotten worse. Now my heart breaks, but my little Dukey will always be my little hero!

From The Editor

Thank you so much, Loretta, for sharing Dukey’s “Amazing Chihuahua Story” with us! I’m sure I can speak for all my readers when I say that little Dukey is indeed a hero!

Want your Chihuahua’s story to be told?

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