Hate The Hassle or The Expense Of Trimming Your Dog’s Nails?

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Easy Steps To Getting Your Dog’s Nails Trimmed Without The Hassle!

Is there such a thing as easy nail trimming when it comes to your Chihuahua? Let me tell you a story. When I got my first Chihuahua, he was only 9 weeks old and so, so tiny. The very first time I tentatively and fearfully attempted to clip his nails, I accidentally cut the quick. He yelped and I felt so terrible!

From that time forward, I took him to have his nails trimmed by professionals. They may have nipped him too, but they were always behind a door and at least I didn’t have to witness it.

easy nail trimming
Cutting just above the cuticle

This was a pain in the-you-know-what most of the time, — not to mention the cost — and when we added two more Chihuahuas to our family it was even more of a pain in the rear, not to mention, even more expensive! I decided I had to get over my fear and so did they. They did fine when others clipped them (at least that’s what they always told me), but they sensed my fear and that, of course, made them fearful when I attempted it.

So, if you are like I was, yes, was, then you need this post. Getting my dog’s nails trimmed is now a breeze, is done in a flash and costs nothing except the expense of buying nail clippers. This is what I did:

Why it’s so difficult for some:

Most dogs just don’t like having their paws touched. Nail trimming can be very stressful for you and the dog. But, it doesn’t have to be.  Conditioning the dog to sit calmly while you trim their nails can be simple.

Easy Tips:

Here are tips for making this necessary task much more pleasant for you and them. You will need two people, one to hold the dog (don’t restrain) and the other to help your dog get used to having his nails trimmed. It is possible to do it by yourself, but it is much more difficult with only two hands.

easy nail trimming
Wish your dog were this cooperative?
  • While one person is holding the dog calmly in their lap they will give the dog treats. The other person will just gently stroke the dog’s paws and stop when the other person stops giving the treats. This will take a little practice to get the timing right. Do this until the dog pays no attention to the one touching their paw.
  • Next, again while one is calmly holding the dog and giving him treats, the other person takes the clippers and just gently taps on the dog’s paw. Do this until the dog pays no attention and continues to remain calm. Allow enough time between treats that the dog begins to associate handling with treats and no handling means no treats.
  • Next, while your assistant gives treats just place the clippers over the nail without clipping. Do this until the dog pays no attention to you and the Clippers.
  • Finally, while your assistant is giving the treats begin to clip his nails.


This will take a little time  — over a period of days — and patience, but soon you no longer will have to give the treats while trimming the nails, but be sure to treat them when you are done so they will continue to associate nail trims with a pleasurable experience.

What I do now

Now it’s even easier than ever to trim your dog’s nails. I use a grinder. Follow the very same steps to desensitize your dog to the grinder. The reason I love my grinder is that now I never worry about cutting the quick, and you don’t end up with any sharp places on the nail when you are done.

These are some top-rated nail trimmers and a grinder.

Cordless Nail Grinder
Cordless Nail Grinder

Easy to use and works great for Chihuahuas! Quiet and comfortable

Nail Scissors & Case
Nail Scissors & Case

Super easy, precise cut with case. Perfect for Chihuahuas and small breeds

Safari Professional Nail Trimmer
Safari Professional Nail Trimmer

Professional trimmer for professional results

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