Everything You Need To Know About Vaccinating Your Chihuahua

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All you need to know about vaccines will be a series of posts. There is too much important information regarding dog vaccines to put in one post. I’m writing this series of posts because I believe that every Chihuahua owner should be well informed about the vaccines that they put in their Chihuahua’s body.

veterinarian examining a chihuahua while woman is asking a question with her daughter looking worried
We need our veterinarians, but should we blindly accept their advice about dog vaccines in regard to vaccinating your Chihuahua?


  • How often should your Chihuahua be vaccinated?
  • Each vaccine contains what?
  • What disease does each vaccine prevent?
  • Will vaccines benefit my Chihuahua?
  • Am I putting my Chihuahua at risk by giving him yearly vaccines?
  • My Chihuahua has cancer, heart disease, — fill in the blank — should he have his annual vaccines?
  • My Chihuahua is a senior, should he have yearly vaccines?
  • What studies have been done on vaccine protocol and what were the results?

In this series of posts, all those questions and more will be answered. Your Chihuahua can’t make these decisions for himself. Remember, you are your Chihuahua’s health advocate so you need to be well informed on this very important subject. By the end of this series, you will know the latest vaccine protocol. You will be able to make a decision regarding the necessary and not-so – necessary – Chihuahua vaccines. You will learn about the studies that have been done. You will know everything you need to know to make an informed decision regarding your Chihuahua and the necessary vaccines for him or her.

Benefits of Vaccines

There is no doubt that vaccines have saved the lives of many pets over the years, but they are not without risk. Many, understandably trust that whatever their vet recommends for their Chihuahua is the best way to go.

veterinarian about to give a chihuahua a shot
Wait! Is that vaccine necessary for your Chihuahua?

However, would it surprise you to learn that veterinarians don’t even agree on what ones are necessary and how often they should be given? Is your veterinarian up to date with the latest studies about vaccines? Maybe, maybe not.

Should You Rely Only On Your Veterinarian Recommendations?

Although veterinarians are absolutely necessary and most really care about your Chihuahua’s health and wellness, when it comes to vaccines, they can’t agree. So you can’t always depend on their recommendations when it comes to vaccines and what is in your Chihuahua’s best interest.

woman in yellow dress holding chihuahua with a surprised expression yellow background
That vaccine is for what???

You don’t want to miss this very informative and important series on vaccinations and everything that you need to know. So be sure to sign up for our Weekly Tips email where you will be the first to know about the next installment in this series! (pssst, when you sign up you will get a FREE ebook on How to Housetrain a Chihuahua!

Don’t miss part 2 of this series: PART TWO

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2 years ago

Where is my free ebook on how to house train a chi

Betty Hindmon
Betty Hindmon
3 years ago

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