Our Fall Give-A-Way

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Finally, we have another give-a-way!

Just look at what you could win in our fall give-a-way!

BEGINS 10/8-18 AT 12:00 NOON CDT


ENDS 11/5/18 AT 12:00 NOON CDT

Ahhh, Fall

I love Fall, don’t you? What I don’t like about fall is all the cleaning! Do you hate to clean as much as I do? Or are you one of “those” people that do their spring and fall cleaning every year like clockwork?

Either way, you are going to LOVE this give-a-way! This is one powerful, yet lightweight, hand-held vacuum cleaner. Pet hair be-gone!

Just look at all the attachments and how easy it is to get to all those hard-to-reach places in your home. This vacuum has a 5-star rating from 427 votes.

Remove pet hair and other dirt and dust from your floor, carpet, blinds, baseboards, furniture, mattress, etc. so easily!

You don’t want to miss this give-a-way! So enter today. Don’t put it off, you might miss the deadline! To get all the details about the vacuum and how to enter just click the button below.

give-a-way vacuum cleaner to remove pet hair
Pet Hair Be-Gone! Remove pet hair from your home almost effortlessly!

Learn how you could win this powerful and light-weight vacuum in our fall give-a-way!

Only 1 entry per person


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