A “Fresh” Review of NomNomNow Dog Food

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Why a Fresh Review?

Yes, this is another NomNomNow review, but I promise you that this is my honest opinion. Any good and honest company wants honest reviews of their product and NomNomNow is a wonderful company started by a group of dog (and cat) lovers and they truly care about their customer’s pets! So, let me tell you about my experience with NomNomNow.

What is NomNomNow?

As already mentioned, NomNomNow was started in 2015 (that’s when ChiChis And Me began!) by a group of animal lovers. They have a veterinary nutritionist on staff who creates and formulates their recipes. They make their food in their own kitchens and package and deliver it fresh right to your door. Each recipe is created with your particular dog’s needs in mind.

nomnomnow review four founders of nomnomnow three of them holding a dog
NomNomNow’s Animal Lovers!

How I Came To Know About NomNomNow

In 2017 I attended a pet bloggers conference. BlogPaws 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. There I met a wonderful group of people, pet lovers of all kinds, bloggers, pet companies, etc. Among those people, I met (in the elevator, no less) a very nice guy that happened to be there representing a young company called NomNomNow. Little did I know then that I would not just do one NomNomNow reviews, but two and how much I would come to love NomNomNow and how much my dogs would benefit from that meeting.

people in lined up in front of a table registering for a event woman in forefront holding a fawn and whit chihuahua in a pink dress
Pebbles and I registering at BlogPaws 2017, Myrtle Beach, SC (Chico was in the hotel room and Remedy was just a baby and stayed home with my oldest son

If you follow my blog, then you already know that my Pebbles was diagnosed with an enlarged heart when she was only 8 years old. So, by the time I met Kevin with NomNomNow, I had been doing a lot of research on dog nutrition and the link between manufactured dog food and DCM or heart disease. This was long before the FDA’s report which came out just recently that has linked certain commercial dog foods to the increase of heat-related illnesses in dogs.

A “Fresh” Review of a Fresh Dog Food

Why do I say this is a “fresh” review? I was considering making my own homemade dog food but at that time I didn’t know how to be sure that Pebbles and my other dogs were getting all the balanced nutrition that they needed for their specific needs. I learned that NomNomNow was created and formulated by their own veterinary nutritionist. Well, that sold me to at least try it! So I did in September 2017 and I wrote a NomNomNow review then.

Oh, How We’ve Grown!

Since then, thanks to you ChiChis And Me has grown by leaps and bounds and has become the go-to place online to get all your Chihuahua information! NomNomNow has also grown and offers many new products since 2017, so I happily agreed to do another review.

Homemade Recipes

It is now becoming a popular trend among well-meaning dog owners to make their own homemade cooked or raw dog food. The problem with that is that some people believe that if it is homecooked, it must be nutritious and good for them.

nomnomnow review, fresh ingredients lined up in front of a bowl of nomnomnow fresh dog food
NomNom, Now Uses Only Fresh Ingredients

You’ll find a plethora of homemade dog food recipes on Pinterest and elsewhere online and I have checked some of them out now that I have done tons of research on dog nutrition and what nutrients dogs need to be healthy for a lifetime. Almost all of them are lacking in balanced nutrition. But, I don’t claim to be a veterinarian or a nutritionist. But Dr. Shmalberg is. And he knows exactly what dogs need to be healthy, to stay healthy, and to live a long life through nutrition.

Other Products

NomNomNow is growing and expanding all the time. They now have other excellent products all created for the purpose of making your dog(s) as healthy as possible. Now, besides their fresh, natural ingredients dog food (and cat food), they have:

  • Treats
  • Probiotic Supplements
  • Microbiome Testing Kits


Their treats include Beef Jerky and Chicken Jerky. The beef jerky is made from certified 100% top sirloin single ingredient with no preservatives. The Chicken Jerky is also made from certified 100% chicken breasts single ingredient with no preservatives.

nomnomnow review, woman holding a bag of nomnomnow chicken jerky treats and feedin one to a fawn and white chihuahua on her lap
Pebbles loves the Chicken Jerky Treats! I feel good about giving them to her because they are chicken and nothing else!

In this NomNomNow review, I will tell you that all three of my dogs love both the beef and the chicken jerky treats. I love them because you can tear off small pieces and give them as special treats for training. Even my stubborn little Pebbles that has her own mind when it comes to performing a certain command, will do whatever is asked of her for a NomNomNow jerky treat!

As for Remedy, her excitement is palpable when she sees me reach for the beef or chicken jerky treats.

Probiotic Supplements

An important part of this NomNomNow review is to tell you about their probiotics. The relationship between animals and their gut microbiome is carefully balanced: overgrowth or absence of specific bacterial strains has been associated with various health problems. Dysbiosis—an imbalance of the beneficial bacteria found in the gut microbiome—is linked to conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and diarrhea, and more.

Scientists are learning that microbiome imbalance may even be linked to animal joint health and cancer. We still don’t know exactly how much a microbiome imbalance can affect a dog’s health. But we DO know that having a gut microbiome in a healthy balance definitely can improve your dog’s overall health.

Remedy’s Dirty Little Secret

Because of NomNomNows’ probiotic supplements, Remedy is now allowed to lick me on the face. This was something I would never allow her to do before. Why? Well, she will be embarrassed if she knows that I told you, but she used to have a dirty little secret. Yes, you guessed it, she used to eat poop. Specifically, Pebbles’ poop. Yes, YUCK!

I have watched carefully and since adding NomNomNows’ probiotic supplements to her food, she no longer eats poop, Pebbles or any other poop. Apparently the microbiome in her gut was lacking something that was in Pebbles’ poop. I had previously tried absolutely everything possible and I had no expectations when I began this NomNomNow review and started giving them their probiotics

Microbiome Test Kit

Your dog’s gut health is an important measure of their overall wellness. NomNomNow’s microbiome kit is the best and most accurate way to understand your pet from the inside out. With this kit you can learn about any imbalances and see how your Chihuahua’s microbiome compares to a healthy gut. Reasons to test your dog’s microbiome include:

nomnomnow review, blue merle chihuahua lying on blue rug in front of nomnomnow products
Remedy with NomNomNow’s Microbiome testing kit, probiotics supplements and beef, and chicken jerky treats
  • Inform their future. Your pet’s gut provides an amazing amount of detail on what is needed to maintain good health.
  • Discover their unique needs. Learn how you can address potential imbalances in your pet’s microbiome.
  • Did you know your pet insurance might pay for microbiome testing? 

Some pet insurance companies, especially those that have been founded within the last fifteen years, consider this a diagnostic test and will cover the costs for the procedures provided that your veterinarian specifies that the testing is recommended treatment.

My Dogs’ Microbiome Test

I have yet to send in my test kits for my three dogs. I plan to do so in the next few weeks and it takes 2-5 weeks to get the results. I will update this NomNomNow review when I have the results.

I’ve read all the directions, however, and the directions are very clear and easy to follow. They tell you exactly how to get a stool sample — no need to touch their poo! — and how to mail it to them for testing. You get the results online in about 2-5 weeks.

The Ordering Process

To begin your first order of NomNomNow, you will answer a few questions about your dog’s breed, weight, ideal weight (in case they need to lose or gain weight their portion will be adjusted), activity level, and any health issues. This way you know that your dog is getting exactly what he or she individually needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all dog food which I love! My dogs are unique and special, just as yours are and should be fed with their unique and special needs in mind.


The ordering process was simple, painless, and quick. You set up your profile and a profile for each individual dog (or cat). You can include a photo of each pet and this is where you will go to make any adjustments that need to be made in the future.

Then you decide on the recipe your dog would like. Not sure what that is? Do you have a picky eater? No problem! They have variety packs so your dog can try each one and if they have a favorite, you can change your order anytime.

So anxious for her NNN Tasty Turkey Fare, she is reaching for it! Ground turkey, brown rice, carrots, spinach, egg, fish oil, and NNN’s own nutrition blend

Do you need to suspend your delivery for awhile? You can do that. Are you traveling? They can help you with that too. Dogs change just like people do. You may need to make some changes in their diet throughout their lifetime. That is no problem with NomNomNow. If you have any questions or specific needs, they are easy to contact and very helpful!

The Recipes

The recipes are listed on their website along with the ingredients in each one. They are:

  • Heartland Beef Mash (Remedy’s favorite)
  • Tasty Turkey Fare (Pebble’s favorite)
  • Chicken Chow Wow (They all three love it!)
  • Porkalicious PotLuck (Chico’s Favorite)
nomnomnow review, packets of nomnomnow with fresh ingredients lined up
Good enough for you to eat!

For each recipe, they also provide a video of Dr. Shmalberg explaining why each ingredient is used in that recipe. All you and I want is to make sure that our dogs are the healthiest that they can be. All recipes:

  • Exceed AAFCO standards for dog food formulation for all life stages
  • Use real, whole food ingredients (good enough for you to eat)
  • Are perfectly portioned and personalized meals for your individual dog

Since my NomNomNow review in 2017, they have improved the packaging. It is now much easier to open and serve. That was one of the negatives of my last review.



Chico: Chico is 16 and has arthritis. Because of his arthritis, his walk had become rather plodding. It happened so gradually that I hardly noticed. He often walked like he was in pain.

Part of the ordering process includes telling NomNomNow their age and any health problems they may have. Since changing from a premium brand dry kibble to fresh food, he is getting around better. He has good days and better days, of course, but his little Chihuahua bouncing walk — if you have a Chihuahua, you know exactly what I mean — is back.


Remedy: Remedy is only 4 years old and full of energy. So much so that she wears me out trying to make sure she gets enough exercise and playtime every day. Her coat was rather course. I thought it was just because she is a short-coated Chihuahua. I was wrong. Since feeding her fresh dog food from NomNomNow her coat has become silky soft. Cuddling and petting her is so soothing, she gets more cuddle time and we both benefit from that.

blue merle chihuahua on back in play
My playful and energic Remedy Jane!

All three of them now have smaller stools and they are firmer and less smelly! That is always a plus in my book. I have three to pick up after, you know. Remedy is a bigger dog and she produces bigger stools, however, they too are smaller now.


Pebbles: I saved Pebbles for last because I have noticed the most dramatic change in her since switching from kibble to fresh dog food. The benefits and changes in my other two are not something I can show you …. but the change in Pebbles is something that I CAN show you!

Pebbles was diagnosed when she was about 8 years old with DCM — Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy — and was put on heart medication. She is now 13 years old and her DCM has gradually progressed. Although there is no cure, I honestly believe that feeding her fresh dog food instead of dry kibble has extended her life! Why do I believe that? It is the only explanation for the change in her activity and quality of life.

The change began in 2017 when I first started feeding my dogs NomNomNow fresh dog food. This is a difference that I can show you! Below is a photo of Pebbles before and a video of her today.

Pebbles collapsed after a walk

The above is a video of Pebbles after we went for a walk. She came in and went to get a drink but before she got to the water bowl, she just collapsed.

Pebbles after we began feeding her NomNomNow fresh dog food

The above video is of her wanting to play just a few weeks ago. What a dramatic difference! Don’t misunderstand me, feeding your dog fresh dog food will not cure heart disease! But it certainly can extend the life of one who has it. It may also help prevent it if you begin feeding them fresh dog food before they get it.

She still has bad days, but she now has some wonderful good days too! She will not live as long as she might have if she did not have DCM, but I believe from the bottom of my heart that when I began feeding her NomNomNow in 2017, I extended her life and definitely improved her quality of life.

Concerned About Cost?

The cost depends entirely on the number of dogs (or cats) and their weight, so I can’t give you an exact amount, but I can tell you that for a Chihuahua the monthly cost is approximately $27.00 a week. It may turn out to be a little more than dry kibble per week, but the health benefits are well worth it!

Think of it as an investment and the amount of money you will save in the long run in vet bills. A healthier dog equals fewer vet bills!

Are you ready to try it? Now is the time! If you order today get 50% off your first order! (cancel or suspend your order any time)


See What Nutrients Does Your Senior Chihuahua Need?

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