How To Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks Safely

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Wait! Before you buy your next flea and tick prevention product, there are some things you should know. Are you looking for safe flea and tick repellants?

There are two types of flea prevention, spot-on products, and pills. The spot-on is the type that you apply to the back of your dog’s neck.

Spot On Flea And Tick Preventatives

In April 2009, the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) issued a warning about spot-on products. This was after receiving over 44,000 reports of adverse reactions during 2008, including 600 deaths. That was a 57 percent increase in reported incidents in a single year.

These “incidents” were reported as skin reactions, GI tract and nervous system related.

  • Skin reactions included redness, itching, hair loss, sores, and ulcers.
  • GI symptoms included vomiting, diarrhea, and salivation.
  • Nervous system reactions included lethargy, nervousness, movement problems, tremors, and seizures.

A Year Long Study Done by the EPA Found That Most Reactions:

  • Happened to dogs weighing between 10 and 20 pounds
  • Adverse reactions most commonly reported were mixed-breed dogs
  • The CHIHUAHUA, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, Pomeranian, Dachshund, Maltese, Yorkshire terrier, and the Bichon Frise were at particular risk.
  • Dosage ranges were found to be too wide in some cases.

Flea And Tick Prevention Pill And Chews

The labels on the products, sold mostly as flavored chews, already mention the risk of neurological side effects, and the risks have been reported by consumer groups. It is just important for vets and owners to get more information, the FDA said.

Pills or chews that protect dogs and cats against fleas can cause neurological problems such as stumbling or seizures, and pet owners need more warning, the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday. ~ NBC News

The EPA then goes on to say that the flea and tick products on the market are safe in MOST CASES.

safe flea and tick repellants

Is your dog one of those MOST CASES, or one that may have a bad reaction? Even if you have used traditional flea and tick preventatives in the past with no problems for your dog, it can still happen. Body chemistry changes and problems can arise where there were none before.


After all, in order to kill fleas, ticks, and eggs they have to use pesticides. I just don’t want my dogs to be exposed to pesticides even if they claim that they are in an amount that won’t harm your dog.

Fleas and Ticks Can Carry Some Serious Diseases

You must protect your dog from flea and tick born diseases, some of which can be very serious, so what’s a dog mom to do?

My Remedy loves to model for Only Natural Pet

There are many natural and herbal flea and tick preventatives on the market. I think I’ve tried them all (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration, that would probably take a terribly long time!)

What I’ve Found to Be Most Effective AND Safe

Maybe I haven’t actually tried them all, but I have tried many that didn’t work before I found what actually does work.

safe flea and tick repellants
My Pebbles is happy when we get this in the mail

I now use Easy Defense Ultimate Flea and Tick Kit for small dogs from Only Natural Pet. You can buy Easy Defence products as a whole kit that works together or just one at a time. The kit includes:

  • Flea and Tick Collar
  • Flea and Tick Tag
  • Flea and Tick Shampoo
  • Flea and Tick Spray
  • Barrier Bites
  • All in one Remedy powder
  • Herbal Squeeze-On
safe flea and tick repellents
Easy Defense Ultimate Flea and Tick Kit for Small Dogs

Flea and Tick Collar: 4 Months of non-toxic protection, long-lasting, durable, and water resistant.

Flea and Tick Tag: 12 Months chemical-free protection. It utilizes your pet’s own bio-energy to create a natural preventative to biting insects.

Flea and Tick Shampoo: Without pesticides or parabens it is a safe and effective flea repellent with a powerful combination of ingredients while also nourishing skin and coat.

Flea and Tick Spray: Pesticide-free it safely repels pests from your dog with geraniol and peppermint oil.

Barrier Bites Soft Chews: Holistic protection from the inside out. Easy to give turkey flavored and my dogs think they are the greatest treats!

All in One Flea Remedy: It effectively ELIMINATES fleas. You can apply this powder directly to your dog’s fur, bedding, even your carpet, furniture or yard. 100% chemical free it is safe for dogs, cats, and their humans.

Herbal Squeeze on: This is a safe and natural alternative to spot-ons. Just squeeze it on between the shoulders once a month after bathing. Uses natural pest repelling properties. No chemicals, or pesticides.

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