What You Need To Know About Chihuahuas and Gum Disease

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Gum Disease In Chihuahuas: What You Need To Know

A Guest Post by:

Nadia Alterio, Owner, and Editor of Famous Chihuahua

Why is Periodontal Disease Common in Chihuahuas

So, why is gum disease in Chihuahuas and other small breed dogs so common? Did you know that Chihuahuas and some other small breed dogs have the same amount of teeth as larger breeds? That’s a large number of teeth crowded into a very small mouth in which tartar can build up, leading to gum and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease causes bad breath. But, it can (and often does) cause much more serious health issues.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Chihuahuas are prone to periodontal gum disease – a bacterial infection of the mouth.  When it begins, it usually goes unnoticed, as there are no outward signs and symptoms.

However, if left untreated it can progress from plaque build-up to inflamed gums (gingivitis) and finally to a severe state that may include tooth and bone loss.

Have you seen a Chihuahua that always has his or her tongue hanging out of its mouth? The reason for that is that they have lost teeth and gums that hold the tongue in their mouths. This is one reason gum disease in chihuahuas is so common. Yes, they may look cute with their little tongue out, but it makes it much more difficult for them to eat.

This is my Winston who we adopted at nine years old. He had already lost so many teeth that this is what happens

Periodontal disease is also said to cause cardiovascular disease as the bacteria from the mouth enters your Chihuahua’s bloodstream leading to heart disease and other forms of bodily organ damage.

Recognizing gum disease in Chihuahuas

Do your own oral examination and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does your Chihuahua’s breath stink?  This is probably the most common early sign
  2. Does your Chihuahua have red or swollen gums?
  3. Are your Chihuahua’s teeth yellow or brown?
  4. Are any of your Chihuahua’s teeth loose or missing?
  5. Has your Chihuahua’s appetite changed?  Are they losing weight or having trouble chewing?
Brown teeth and/or red inflamed gums are a clear indication of gum, periodontal disease

Symptoms of severe gum disease include:

  • Halitosis – alarmingly bad breath
  • Red, inflamed and bleeding gums – gingivitis
  • Trouble picking up their food
  • Teeth that are loose and move when touched
  • Blood appears in their water bowl or on their chew toys
  • Their saliva is bloody or stringy
  • They shy away when you try to touch their heads
  • They make noises when they eat or yawn
  • They chew on only one side of their mouth
  • There appears to be bumps or lumps in their mouth
  • Nasal discharge or progressive sneezing (bone between the nasal and oral cavity deteriorates)

Preventing gum disease in your Chihuahua

Gum disease can be prevented if caught early.  Here’s what you need to do:

Just as you stay on top of your own health, you need to stay on top of your Chihuahua’s health. This means brushing your Chihuahua’s teeth and routine oral care.

gum disease in chihuahuas brush teeth to prevent
Brushing daily is necessary to help prevent gum disease

So if your Chihuahua has bad breath, red inflamed gums, loose or missing teeth, and appetite changes, take them to the vet for an oral examination immediately! Your dentist will probably do a thorough cleaning. It is the only way to get rid of plaque that causes Parionental disease.

About Nadia

gum disease in chihuahuas and why so common

Nadia Alterio is the Editor and Founder of FamousChihuahua.com, a fun and informative website that features Chihuahuas and offers helpful Chihuahua information.  In 2011, she founded International Chihuahua Appreciation Day celebrated on May 14th by Chihuahua lovers worldwide.

For years, Chihuahuas have been a part of Nadia’s family, which has allowed for Nadia to gain an immense amount of knowledge of the breed while working with many veterinarians and pet professionals along the way.

As a former professional athlete, Miss British Columbia, Psychology and Business Graduate, Internet Marketing Extraordinaire, and loving mother of a happy and healthy boy, Nadia’s life journey has been nothing short of incredible.  She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, where she runs Famous Chihuahua®, her Internet Marketing Consulting business, and is a proud representative of her Italian heritage.

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