Have You Met This Adorable Media Sensation Yet?

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I have a new favorite on Instagram! If you haven’t yet met Morty The Misfit, then you are missing out!

Who is Morty The Misfit?

Morty is practically an overnight media star on TikTok and Instagram. I don’t know about you, but TikTok is not really my fortè, but I do love Instagram. I came across Morty and my heart just melted like a chocolate bar on a bright sunny day! Ummm, chocolate, that sounds good! But, back to Morty.

instagram post of morty the misfit

Why Morty Is So Special

As mentioned, Morty goes by Morty The Misfit on Instagram and TikTok, but his mom says he also goes by “DJ_Mitchythemisfit” and that is how he describes himself. Cyndi Lauper, Whoopie Goldberg, Carrie Ann Inaba, and Martha Plimpton, are among his celebrity followers because he is famous for his dance moves.

What makes Morty so special is the fact that he dances — or bounces to the beat of his own drum. Morty is a 7-year-old pooch that has a plethora of neurological, musculoskeletal, and emotional issues. His owner, Danielle Ruffino knew of all those issues when she and her husband adopted him from a Texas rescue organization in 2020. All of these issues naturally make life for him a challenge, but because of some of them, he has a rounded spine that gives him an animated bouncy and prancing walk.

Morty The Misfit Is Well-Cared For

But, Ruffino says that he is in no pain which is a blessing and they let him happily prance around their home in Maine. Then one day she took a video of him prancing and added some music and walla! A star was born! She said she had already put videos and pictures on his Instagram account, but when set to music, he became a media sensation that most humans can only dream of. When she put a video of his “prancing” with the song “run” by Awolnation the views suddenly went wild.

That video was followed by an endless array of music. Somehow his natural bouncing gait matches all genres of music, rock, country, Motown, disco, anything actually, even heavy metal!

That was soon followed up by videos of Morty prancing to a seemingly endless array of musical genres. His wobbly gait somehow manages to match the beat of rock, country, alternative, Motown, doo-wop, hip-hop, disco, easy listening, and metal.

At this writing he is having some gastrointestinal issues and although Ruffino says that he eats ferociously and drinks plenty of water he is losing weight. At this time they are doing tests and changing his diet (although, he’s not happy about that!) hoping they can find the answer and help him.

I’m curious, who do you think is luckier? Ruffino for finding Morty, or Morty for finding her?

So go check out Morty the Misfit, he needs more followers…..🤪

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