Pet parents around the world are beginning to learn just how unhealthy kibble can be. But, just look at the packages of kibble. Images of lean meat, fresh, colorful fruits, and vegetables, you’d think that kibble would be healthy and have all the natural ingredients that your Chihuahua needs, right?
Sadly, no, that is not always the case. When all those ingredients are cooked at a very high heat all the nutrients in those ingredients are completely depleted. So, what do they do? They have to add artificial nutrients or supplements back into the food in order to be considered “complete & balanced”.
A fresh food diet must also be “complete and balanced”. Most veterinary nutritionists reccomend 60% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 10% healthy fats in each meal. If you get a dog food recipe from the internet the creator of that recipe most likely doesn’t know that.
The right amo
unt of vitamins and minerals is also crucial to a “complete and balanced” diet. Example: Too much vitamin D can cause kidney issues leading to kidney failure. On the other hand, not enough vitamin K can cause internal bleeding.
If you decide to feed your Chihuahua fresh food it will literally transform your Chihuahua’s body. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect after switching to 100% fresh food:
In The First Few Weeks: increased energy levels, more excitement at mealtime, and healthier/smaller poops!
In the first year, there is a lower chance of cancer and other diseases. Dogs that eat green, leafy, yellow-orange vegetables three times a week have lower rates of urinary bladder cancers.
Fewer Trips To The Vet: Eating fresh food dramatically boosts their immune system making it stronger and helping your Chihuahua to ward off illness.
Healthier Weight: You know that fresh food is healthier for you than potato chips. Guess what? It’s the same for your Chihuahua! Feeding your Chihuahua fresh fruits and vegetables and natural protein sources will help them to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. A healthy weight throughout their life increases their life span.
Many well-meaning pet parents think that because it’s fresh it’s complete and balanced. Many go to Pinterest and choose a recipe they find there and begin feeding it to their dog. The problem is … those people have not studied canine nutrition and don’t know how important balance is in a diet!
For instance; too much vitamin D can cause kidney failure. Vitamin K deficiency causes excessive bleeding because the blood is unable to clot.
About Me:
I have spent over 25 years researching and studying canine nutrition. I have worked with and consulted with veterinarians about canine nutrition. I know canine nutrition and what it takes to be sure that your Chihuahua is getting all the nutrients and in the right balance to be and remain healthy. I know what nutrients will help support a healthy heart, skin and coat, joints, and so on. The following recipes are packed full of all the nutrients your Chihuahua needs daily and they are in the right balance. Recipes you can rest assured are created by someone you can trust!
“Awesome! You’re a fantastic Chihuahua parent who truly cares about your Chihuahua’s health and is always looking to create new and healthy recipes that you know are nutritionally balanced for your best friend.
If your dog is a fan of beef, this recipe is perfect for them! Not only is it tasty, but it’s also packed full of essential nutrients like protein and fiber and vitamins and minerals from the veggies. So, let’s get started!
With ingredients such as lean ground beef, beef liver, sweet red peppers, kale, sweet potato, rice, oats, and apple your dog will jump for joy!
It’s easy to make, easily sourced and is batched so you can freeze some for later use and put some in the refrigerator for serving in the next few days.
Included with the recipe are a list of each nutrient and what each nutrient provides for your Chihuahua and the percentages of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, portion sizes, and links to suggested herbal and holistic supplements if you wish to add them to the recipe.
This recipe lasts about a week for my four Chihuahuas ~ TOTAL OF 11 PAGES
Samples of Inside:
ChiChis And Me totally understands that you want the absolute best for your best friend and confidant.
This is a fantastic recipe that includes healthy turkey as a protein source. Other ingredients include spinach, brussels sprouts, broccoli, portabella mushrooms, blueberries, cranberries, barley, and krill oil.
Trust us; your Chihuahua will be chomping at the bit when it’s time for mealtime.
Give it a try, and feel free to let us know how much your Chihuahua loves it!
It’s easy to make, easily sourced and is batched so you can freeze some for later use and put some in the refrigerator for serving in the next few days.
Included with the recipe are a list of each nutrient and what each nutrient provides for your Chihuahua and the percentages of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, portion sizes, and links to suggested herbal and holistic supplements if you wish to add them to the recipe.
This recipe will last my four Chihuahuas a week. TOTAL OF 10 PAGES
Samples of Inside:
More and more pawrents are learning the importance nutrition plays in the overall health of their doggo. There is no better way than with a diet that you know is nutritionally balanced with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
This is a fantastic recipe that includes healthy lean porK as a protein source. Trust us; your Chihuahua will jump for joy for this delicious recipe. Other ingredients include Quinoa, Sweet Potato, Peas & Carrots, Green Beans, Mango, Flax Seed Oil
Give it a try, and feel free to let us know how much your Chihuahua loves it!
It’s easy to make, easily sourced and is batched so you can freeze some for later use and put some in the refrigerator for serving in the next few days.
Included with the recipe are a list of each nutrient and what each nutrient provides for your Chihuahua and the percentages of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, portion sizes, and links to suggested herbal and holistic supplements if you wish to add them to the recipe.
This recipe will last my four Chihuahuas a week. TOTAL OF 10 PAGES
More and more pawrents are learning the importance nutrition plays in the overall health of their doggo. There is no better way than with a diet that you know is nutritionally balanced with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
This is a fantastic recipe that includes healthy lean ground chicken as a protein source. Other ingredients include butternut squash, brussels sprouts, broccoli, pear, barley, and krill oil. Trust us; your Chihuahua will jump for joy for this delicious recipe.
Give it a try, and feel free to let us know how much your Chihuahua loves it!
It’s easy to make, easily sourced, and is batched so you can freeze some for later use and put some in the refrigerator for serving in the next few days.
Included with the recipe is a list of each nutrient and what each nutrient provides for your Chihuahua and the percentages of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, portion sizes, and links to suggested herbal and holistic supplements if you wish to add them to the recipe.
This recipe will last my four Chihuahuas a week. TOTAL OF 10 PAGES
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