A Heartwarming Chihuahua Rescue Story — Abandoned, Helpless, And Scared

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This Chihuahua rescue story begins with heartbreak and ends with a happy-ever-after. I love those kinds of stories and I love to share them with you.

This story began in May when Stanley the Chihuahua was found abandoned in a crate on Route 80 in New Jersey, USA. 

Stanley at a whopping 22 pounds Photo courtesy of: Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Facebook Page

Unbelievably, this poor helpless abandoned Chihuahua was left on the side of a busy highway locked inside a crate, disabled, and completely helpless.

He was “rescued” picked up by animal control and taken to their facility. Now he was stuck in a kennel alone with barking dogs. He was frightened and unable to move out of his own waste.

Finally Rescued

When Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge heard about this abandoned Chihuahua they rushed to rescue this poor Chihuahua. Then his long road to recovery began. He was given the medical attention that he so desperately needed and placed in a loving foster home.

It is difficult to even imagine where and under what conditions that he lived in before he was abandoned. They determined that he was approximately 8 years old and 21-22 pounds. A Chihuahua should weigh under 10 pounds.

Getting Help and Finding Love

In his new foster home, he would prop himself up and attempt to drag himself around on his front legs. Which only resulted instead of his going around in circles trying to reach his foster mom.

A much happier Stanley (photo courtesy of Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Facebook Page)

Thanks to all the outpouring of love and support from the community this abandoned and helpless Chihuahua was given a wheelchair-like mobility device that allowed him to move without going in circles and chafing his stomach and chest on the floor.

Although Stanley lives for today, I can’t help but think about his past. I keep imagining poor Stanly locked inside a crate watching the cars speeding by, terrified, confused, and hoping his people will come back for him. I cannot comprehend a human being doing such a horrible thing!

Stanly’s Happy-Ever-After

Now, 5 months later you would never guess he was the same Chihuahua that was rescued on a highway! He is now down to 10 pounds and is able to use his legs. But, the happiest news is that little Stanley has now found a forever home!

Thanks to the outpouring and support from the community Stanley, the Chihuahua who was abandoned on a busy highway has defied all odds and came out of a horrible situation victoriously to a loving new home.

Thanks to all the love that was bestowed on him by his foster mom, Kathy he reached his weight-loss goal and received the medical care and rehabilitation that was needed to make him healthy again.

Kathy formed a bond with Stanley and he finally felt what it is like to be loved, something he clearly had never been shown before. Thanks to Kathy, Stanley has now been adopted into a loving forever home where he will know only love from now on.

Stanley all slimmed down! Photo courtesy of: Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Facebook Page

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