Help Us Celebrate International Chihuahua Appreciation Day!

It’s that time of year again! The biggest day for Chihuahuas and Chihuahua parents around the world!

To celebrate again this year, ChiChis And Me and Famous Chihuahua want to feature your fabulous Chihuahua and make them famous! Here’s how:

Send us a picture of your chihuahua with a sign that says, “happy chihuahua appreciation day!” before may 13th and we will place it in our 16th annual “May 14th international chihuahua appreciation day” feature!

We also want to honor Harley. Harley was known as a little dog with a big dream. Harley brought awareness about the mistreatment of dogs in puppy mills!

And in honor of Teaka who started it all!

Teaka with Nadia from Famous Chihuahua. RIP Teaka!

Chihuahuas from around the globe will be celebrating this special holiday! Have FUN celebrating with your Chihuahua this year! Send us your picture today, get creative (or not) and have FUN! Guaranteed fun for the whole family!

Please use the subject line: Chihuahua Appreciation Day and include your first name and your dog’s name. Thank you


All photos will become the property of ChiChis And Me and may be used on this website and other social media platforms owned by ChiChis And Me or their partner, Famous Chihuahua. No photo will be returned.

You will find your photos HERE:

Or go to our “Featured Photos” on the menu.


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