A Tail Of Caution For Chihuahua Owners

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Houston, Texas Channel ABC News Station Channel 13

This Chihuahua news story happened on December 11, 2017, and comes from ABC news channel 13 in Houston Texas. They posted on their website an article that I thought would be a good reminder for all of us. This can happen in suburbia as well as in the country.

A man in west Houston wants to warn everyone after he says an owl killed his Chihuahua.

chihuahua news, a white long haired chihuahua standing in green grass
Supervise your Chihuahua when outside even during the day

Travis Payne let his dog, Chloe out into the yard in the middle of the afternoon, he never imagined that it would end in tragedy and sorrow.

Telling this Chihuahua news story he said that he had always worried about hawks and he would always check the treetops before he let little Chloe out into the yard. But, he never checked for owls. He never expected that an owl may be dangerous, especially in the middle of the day.

chihuahua news, a great horned owl sitting in a tree
A great horned owl

He dashed toward the owl, but sadly, it was too late to save Chloe.

When telling this Chihuahua news story he couldn’t help being emotional. He told the news station that Chloe was a very sweet dog and was very dear to them. “Our house seems quite empty without her,” said Payne.

When he researched online, he learned that the owl he spotted was a Great Horned Owl. Great Horned Owls live in oak trees and are known to hunt small animals like skunks and rats.

Payne’s sister posted on social media about the attack to warn other pet owners.

A Lesson For All Of Us!

This is a Chihuahua news story that every Chihuahua owner needs to hear, including me! We live in a fairly good-sized town in a typical neighborhood. I saw an owl sitting on the fence in our back yard in the middle of the day. It was small and I think it might have been a very young owl.

I had heard owls from our bedroom at night in the past, but I never thought I’d see on in broad daylight because I always thought that owls were nocturnal.

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The lesson is to never let your Chihuahua outside unsupervised. Keep close on your precious Chihuahua and keep them safe!

This incident happened in September 2014 and thankfully this little girl was luckier than Chloe.

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