How To Find The Right Dog Trainer For Your Dog

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What Not To Do!

Yesterday, I happened upon a dog training class being conducted outdoors, so I stopped to watch. I was absolutely horrified by what I saw the dog trainer do!

The dog trainer was showing the owners how to walk their dogs on a leash and then sit on command when they stopped walking. One poor woman was having trouble getting her lab mix puppy to sit. The trainer stepped in to show her how. She grabbed the leash and yanked up by the collar so hard the dog yelped in pain! Oh, that dog sat, alright, but if that were my dog I would have walked out of that class!

The Problem With The Dog Training Industry

This is what bothers me about dog trainers. Dog training is an unregulated industry. ANYONE can claim to be a certified trainer, buy business cards and start charging for training services. You don’t have to have a degree or a license or anything to say you are a qualified trainer. You can even BUY a certificate online that “certifies” you as one without having to take any classes at all if you want to seem more legit.

dog trainer and chihuahua on beach
A good dog trainer treats you and your dog with kindness and respect

I want to make it clear that I am not a dog trainer. I have years of experience training my Chihuahuas and have learned a lot of do’s and don’ts along the way, sometimes through trial and error and in other ways, but, I don’t recommend that for you. It took years. One thing I know for sure though is yanking on a leash till it hurts is not the way to teach your dog to sit!

Finding The Right Dog Trainer is Important

With all that being said, I highly recommend getting a qualified dog trainer for anyone with a dog. Especially for a brand new dog owner and even one that has had years of training experience. One that is qualified can help you hone your skills and show you how to correct any behavioral problems your dog may have. Group training classes are great for socializing your puppy. But, how do you know if the person doing the training is right for your dog or not?

When searching for the right one for you, it’s very important to evaluate them and their training methods before trusting them with your precious dog, not to mention your hard-earned money. Believe it or not, an unqualified dog trainer can do much more harm than good. Do your research, (this is a good place to start).

What Makes A Good Dog Trainer?

First, ask the trainer about her methods and training philosophy. Be sure that you are comfortable with her answers. Most important is to look for a dog trainer who uses positive reinforcement training. That is rewarding the dog for appropriate behavior and teaching them alternative behaviors in place of inappropriate ones. This method is not only the most effective, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your dog. It strengthens the love between you and instills a love of learning in your dog.

Determine What You Are Looking For

You need to be sure about what type of training you are looking for. Is it to correct a problem behavior? Or is it the basic training, like sit, stay, etc. that you need. Ask them if they provide classes or private training to meet your needs. Not all trainers offer the same services.

chihuahua doing agiility needs a dog trainer
Want to get your dog on the agility circuit? You’ll need a dog trainer for that.

A class environment with other dogs provides the added benefit of socialization and distraction training. But, some dogs learn better on a one-on-one basis. Especially if your dog gets overstimulated or anxious.

Private Dog Training

If it is private training that you need, find out if the dog trainer trains at a school, in your home, or out in the world. This is something you will need to know depending on what you want from your dog trainer.

For instance, if you need to teach your dog to use a dog door, or to ring a bell when they need to go out, you will need the trainer to come to your home. If you need to train your dog the basics, (sit, stay, come, etc.) that can be done at a school. If you need to train your dog not to lunge at other dogs on a walk, well, that needs to be done out in the world where there are other dogs.

Other Ways To Learn Whether The Dog Trainer Is Right For You

The dog trainer should be patient, encouraging, and respectful. It would be good to observe a training class before you hire them. Watch the dogs and the students as much as the trainer, to be sure that they are all enjoying themselves. Training your dog should be a fun experience both for you and your dog. Ask for references from former students.

a child dog trainer with a chihuahua
A good trainer includes the children of the household in the training experience

Look for a dog trainer who provides more than the basics. Dogs and humans have different ways of looking at the world. The more you understand your dog, the better equipped you are to be successful and live in peace and harmony together.

Your training sessions should include learning about dog behavior, dog communication, and educate you about how dogs learn.

What Great Trainers Know

A really great dog trainer knows that their job is to train you how to train your dog. If you need one-on-one training the trainer at some point should include the whole household, including the children. The very best dog trainers understand the importance of consistency and getting the whole family involved in the training will provide that needed consistency.

Where to find Recommendations

Ask around at the dog park or a knowledgeable neighbor. Check out the certification for Professional Dog Trainers Directory or the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Thumbtack is another good source to find a dog trainer near you.

Don’t only rely on a friend’s recommendations (or anyone’s for that matter) unless you know they have knowledge of professional trainers, without doing your own research with all these tips in mind.

A good dog trainer needs to be right for you, your dog and your individual needs. Finding the right trainer is a smart investment that will help ensure a lifetime of happy and harmonious living with a well-mannered dog.

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