How Important Is Play In A Chihuahua’s Life?

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Chihuahua Toys & Games. Are They Important?

Do you think it is important for your Chihuahua to play? How would you answer that? Some Chihuahuas are naturally playful, especially when they are puppies, and some are couch potatoes. Does it matter? Actually, it does. Why?

Why Playtime Is Important For Your Chihuahua

  • If you play with your Chi it helps to strengthen the bond between both of you.
  • Play releases pent-up energy that they would otherwise release in other unwanted ways.
  • Dogs, including Chihuahuas, are social animals. Playing teaches them how to communicate.
  • Play is important for a better quality of life. Playing stimulates the brain and exercises the body. After all, don’t you think playing is more fun than just laying around all day doing nothing?
  • When your Chi plays it releases feel-good hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.

But, suppose you have a little couch potato. He doesn’t seem to want to play, is it really so important in that case? Yes! If your Chihuahua is a rescue, he may not have ever had the opportunity to play before. He doesn’t know what he is missing. He hasn’t yet learned the joy of playing. It’s up to you to show him that playtime is fun and teach him how to play.

How To Get Your Chihuahua Started With Learning To Play

There are basically two ways for your Chihuahua to play:

  • Toys
  • Games


Let’s start with toys. It is very important that your Chihuahua has access to plenty of toys to play with. Just like children, they get bored with the same old toy and need a variety to choose from. So how do you get them started?

To introduce your Chihuahua to the joys of toys, first, let him watch you while you play with it. Then leave it laying around. Dogs are very curious creatures and soon he will venture over to sniff that toy and start playing with it as he saw you do.

Bark Box

Each box is a unique themed collection:

  • 2 innovative toys
  • 2 all-natural treats
  • 1 chew

Your very first box also includes an exclusive offer! Buy your Chihuahua a Monthly box of fun!

box of toys and treats from bark box

When choosing toys for your Chihuahua make sure they are appropriate for his age, season, and materials that the toy is made of. Toys are also important for playing games with your Chihuahua. Put some away for a while, change them out every so often. It will be like getting new toys without having to actually buy new toys.


Games can be divided into categories:

  • Tug of war
  • Hide & Seek
  • Fetch
  • Pounce and shake

To teach your Chihuahua how to play games takes patience. It may take lots of patience. Anytime you try to teach your Chi something new it will take consistency and patience. So put your patience hat on and let’s get started.

To begin create a space in a room to provide an area for your Chihuahua to play. If you have more than one dog as I do, do this with only one dog at a time. It is best that the other dogs or pets not be in the same room. That way your Chihuahua has to rely on you and only you to learn what you want him to do. It also cuts down on the chaos.

Get down to your Chihuahuas level on the floor. Use your most excited voice and act excited! This is going to be fun! Now introduce your Chihuahua to the toy. Depending on your Chihuahua use a ball or a squeaky toy, to begin with. Pretend that you are playing with it. Then turn away from your Chihuahua. Remember, dogs are curious and now you have all his attention on that toy. It must be something good because mom or day likes it.

Toss it in the air and catch it. Then put it on the floor in front of him. Let him get close, sniff it, then grab it back. Toss it and catch it again then set it down. Let your Chi bat at it, sniff it, or mouth it then grab it away. Now it’s a competition and your Chihuahua has just learned to play tug of war.

But as in any type of game or sport, there are rules. They are:

  • Never force it. If your Chihuahua is not interested the first time or times, try a different toy the next day and keep trying.
  • Make sure the space or area is safe for both of you. No sharp cornered tables or heavy things either of you could bump into while playing.
  • Inspect the toys before you buy them. Make sure there is nothing that can be chewed off and swallowed. Your Chihuahua, not you. 🙂
  • Always be excited and use your most excited tone of voice. Give lots of praise and some treats too.
  • Tap into the child inside you and just have tons of fun!

When teaching your Chihuahua anything new each and every step is a training session. Keep each session no more than 10 minutes once or twice a day. Each step learned is a grand accomplishment for both of you. Following are some games you can play with your Chihuahua and how to teach your Chihuahua to play them.

Tug Of War

It has been said that the game of tug of war may cause aggression in a dog. Not if you know the rules of the game.

  • Let your Chihuahua win multiple times
  • Stop the game immediately if your Chihuahua gets over-excited. Growling, — some Chis growl when simply playing, it’s up to you to learn the difference between your dog growling because he is playing or growling because he is getting over-excited and more aggressive — or biting at your hand instead of the toy.

Tug of war is a very physical and mental exercise for your Chihuahua. After a good ol’ game of tug of war, he will be too tired to get into trouble. This type of game will cut down on any bad behaviors your Chihuahua has displayed.

Name The Toy Game

Wow your friends and family by teaching your Chihuahua the names of toys. Begin this Chihuahua game with 4 or 5 toys. Pick them up one at a time and repeat the name of the toy over and over. For example, Giraffe. Repeat over and over. Then squirrel. Repeat over and over. Continue with the other toys.

Then pile the toys in front of you and ask him to fetch the giraffe. If he doesn’t respond, continue with the other toys by name. If he doesn’t respond, be patient and repeat the process again. Still no response? Try again the next day and the next day until he finally will grab on to the toys. Don’t scold him if he gets it wrong, just put it back in the pile and try again.

When he gets one right, throw him a parade! Just kidding … get excited and praise him lavishly and perhaps give him a treat. Once he has those 4 or 5 toys down begin introducing new toys in the same way.

A Good Old Fashioned Game Of Fetch

But all dogs naturally know how to play fetch, right? No. Believe it or not our calico cat, Lucy plays fetch. We didn’t teach her, she taught us that she wanted to play fetch. Isn’t that crazy? I don’t know much about cats, so maybe that is more common than I knew. Let me know in the comments below if you have ever had a cat that played fetch.

calico cat with pink ball between paws
Lucy with one of her balls

My Chihuahuas though didn’t have a clue how to play fetch. But it is a fun Chihuahua game and one that is good for them physically and for mental stimulation. You can teach your Chihuahua how to play fetch. Here’s how.

Begin in a small space. A hallway, a bedroom, or a small enclosed space in the backyard. This helps your Chihuahua to stay focused on you and not on what is going on around him. It may be helpful to put him on a leash. That will give you more control, however, keep it loose.

Most dogs are programmed to chase after something that is thrown but not all. As before, first, introduce the ball or toy as instructed above.

First, simply throw the ball or toy a short distance. Encourage him to go get it. If he has already been introduced to toys and the joy of play he will most likely go after it.

Once your Chihuahua is consistently chasing the ball or toy move on to the trickier part. Teaching him to bring it back to you. This is also where a loose leash may be needed. Once you throw the ball or toy he will now chase after it and grab it with his mouth.

You simply use the cue word, bring or come. Use the same word each time. If he doesn’t come to you right away, gently tug on the leash toward you. Remember, use your most happy and excited tone of voice. When he does come back to you with the ball praise him and give him his favorite treat. My Chihuahua’s favorite treats are;

chihuahua with bags of treats, including cloud star's tricky trainers
Winston wondering when he is going to get a Tricky Trainer treat.

Tricky Trainers. I love them because they are tiny bites, just right for a Chihuahua. Their favorite is cheddar flavor and peanut butter. They prefer the chewy ones but they also have crunchy ones. I also like that they are not messy and won’t gunk up your pockets. :). The 14 oz bags will save you money, however, I warn you, everyone loves them so much they are often out of stock of the larger bags. They replenish their stock often, though.

Continue the process and give your Chihuahua time to learn the cue word and what it is you want from him. Let him know that there is a reward for bringing it back to you.

The next step is teaching him to drop the ball. Once he consistently is bringing it back to you it’s time to move on to this step.

Chihuahua playing tug of war with a human in green grass

All this step involves it to hold the ball or toy while it is in his mouth and giving the cue word; “drop it” or “give”. Don’t try to tug on it or take it from him. Once he willingly lets you have the ball. Offer him a treat in exchange for the toy. He will no doubt release the ball so he can eat the treat. When he does give him the treat and praise him. Give him the toy back. That will teach him that giving up the toy does not mean it will be taken away.


In conclusion, it can be frustrating trying to teach your Chihuahua games and how to play because it may be something new to them. But, never, ever raise your voice angrily, scold or shout at him. If you do, then it is no longer a game and no longer fun for him or for you. He will forever after be reluctant to “play”.

I hope this article has convinced you that playtime is essential for your Chihuahua’s well-being. I hope that it has given you the tools you need to make it happen and make it fun! Let me know in the comments below. Now, go play! 🙂

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