How Much Would It Cost To Feed My Chihuahua a Fresh Diet?

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Why Feed Fresh?

It is becoming more and more evident that feeding your Chihuahua a fresh, human-grade dog food is much healthier and better for them than manufactured store-bought dog food. But have you wondered what it may cost to feed your dog fresh instead of manufactured dry kibble? Why should you feed your dog fresh?

Everyone that I know that has switched to fresh dog food (including myself) has these things to report:

  • Better breath
  • Softer, silky coat
  • Less shedding
  • Smaller, less stinky stools
  • Fewer trips to the vet

Best of all? Long, healthy, happy life for your Chihuahua!

If you read my blog, then you know that I work at a veterinary hospital. They sell all kinds of prescription dog food. They recommend certain specialty — all manufactured —dog foods to their clients for their dogs. What do they feed their own dogs? Fresh human-grade dog food. All the veterinarians in my hospital — that have dogs — feed their dogs’ fresh-human grade dog food.

cost to feed dog fresh, a baby chihuahua looking at camera as if begging for food with empty dog food bowl on blue background

If you ask your veterinarian what you should feed your dog, they will probably tell you certain dog food that is sold in their clinic. But, ask them specifically what they feed their own dog, if they are being honest, they will tell you they feed their dog(s) fresh, human-grade dog food.

Why The Discrepancy?

Although veterinarian clinics and hospitals truly care for your dog and are needed when your beloved Chihuahua is sick, injured, or needs annual checkups, they are still, after all, a business.

They make a lot of money from the dog food, trinkets, leashes, shampoos, etc. that they sell at their clinics or hospitals.

Caution Is Needed

One reason a veterinarian would never advise you to feed your dog fresh dog food is that the general public wouldn’t know how to do it safely. You really have to know what you are doing before you attempt to do it yourself. You have to know canine nutrition; what nutrients they need and how to create a balanced meal with all the nutrients that they need to be and remain healthy and at their best.

How Much Does It Cost To Feed Fresh Dog Food?

I now feed my Chihuahuas fresh homemade dog food, but only after two years of research from science journals and veterinarian journals about canine nutrition. Depending on the ingredients that you use and prices in your area it costs approximately $24. per month per dog.

I have three Chihuahuas and the cost to feed my dogs fresh is approximately $72. a month to feed all three of our dogs fresh, homemade dog food that is so much better for them ($24./month for 1 dog). I could go on and on about all the benefits that I started seeing in their coat, energy levels, and most of all their overall health after we began feeding them fresh food instead of the premium store-bought dog food we were feeding them.

cost to feed dog fresh, a chihuahua licking lips with eyes closed as in really enjoying a bite of food

Most premium store-bought, manufactured dog foods cost about $60. for a 30lb bag. That bag should last about two months at one cup a day per dog. So, for a Chihuahua, the cost is approximately $30. per month, per dog. However, manufactured dog food is the same as feeding them fast food every single day of their lives. Definitely not healthy nor does it contribute to a long life for your Chihuahua.

Canine Nutrition Specialists

I have spent years researching and learning from the experts’ canine nutrition. I am now a canine nutrition specialist specializing in the Chihuahua breed. Feel free to check out my nutrition consulting services. I’m sure you will find one that fits both your needs and your budget.


Fresh Food Delivery Service

Many prefer the convenience of having personalized fresh dog food delivered to their door. There are two that I have fed my Chihuahuas at one time or another and that I highly recommend. You will find them below.

Don’t want the bother of making your own? There are two fresh food delivery services that I highly recommend. I have used both during the two years that I was researching for my book and before I started making my own.


Founded in 2015 and headquartered in the SF Bay Area, Nom Nom home delivers meals for dogs and cats made with the freshest, highest-quality ingredients, prepared weekly in the company’s own kitchen facilities, tailored to meet the specific nutritional needs of each pet. Today, Nom Nom serves pets across the country. For small dogs, the cost is approximately $3./day

Spot & Tango

Spot & Tango uses whole ingredients that come from local suppliers who share our values. Meals are cooked to order in their USDA-certified kitchen just days before arriving at your door. For small dogs, the cost is approximately $80./month


Both NomNom and Spot & Tango have fresh ingredients formulated by a veterinary nutritionist. They are more expensive than making your own but so convenient. Prices are similar between the two. Delivered to your door free. Both are proportioned and created for your specific Chihuahua’s needs according to ideal weight, age, activity level, and health issues.

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