I’ve heard from so many Chihuahua parents that are at their wit’s end trying to get their picky eater to eat. Well, I’ve heard your pleas and there is help!
Most of us Chihuahua parents love and cherish our Chi’s. We even admittedly baby them — including me. They are our babies after all. However, there is a very fine line between nurturing them and spoiling them. We love and cherish our Children too, but few parents will cater to their children and become short-order cooks. Just as you train your children, it is your responsibility to train your Chihuahua.

How To Help A Picky Eater
Dogs are creatures of habit. They thrive on having a routine schedule. Try to keep your Chihuahua on as consistent a schedule as possible. Same feeding time and same bedtime. This is especially true when potty training. Take them out to potty on a schedule and be consistent.
It’s best to feed your dog twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Put their food out and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take it away until the next mealtime. If it has been left uneaten, take it away after 15 minutes. If you are feeding dry food, just give it to them at the next mealtime. If canned or perishable, put in the refrigerator until the next meal. If that is the case, put it in the microwave for a few seconds to take the chill off before offering it to them. Don’t give him any treats between mealtimes.
“Pet owners can actually help to create a fussy eater by worrying too much and giving in to them.” ~ AKC (American Kennel Club)
There is no such thing as an inherently picky eater. On the contrary, it is in your Chihuahua’s DNA to eat to survive, it’s simply instinct. As long as a dog is not ill, he can survive for over a week without eating, however, I promise yours will eat in a day, two at the most. If your Chihuahua goes without eating for 48 hours, take him to the veterinarian and have him checked out. If there is nothing wrong and he is not ill, then do not worry that your Chihuahua is going to starve to death — he won’t. When he is hungry, he will eat whatever is put before him.
What about calories? Is he not getting enough if he skips a meal or two?
One thing I fervently urge you is to not give in to the temptation to feed your Chihuahua table scraps. There are many dangers in doing so. For instance, some foods that are good for us are actually toxic to dogs. For another thing, we season our food to taste. Seasoned food can be very harmful to a dog. They can get toxic amounts of salt and other spices. That is not to mention the possibility of obesity.
You Can Make Their Food More Palpable
With that being said, you can add some human food to their meal that may make it more tempting for them.
- Add some no-salt-added chicken or beef broth to their food
- Fresh water-based vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, cauliflower)
- Occasionally add a scrambled egg
- Air-popped popcorn (plain, no butter, no salt)

Remember that just because it’s a vegetable that you don’t like, your dog may absolutely love it! So don’t hold back from trying to add different fruits and vegetables to their meal, just be sure they are safe for dogs!
Here’s a List:
- Apples
- Banana
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cranberries
- Cucumbers
- Mango
- Peaches (NO PITS!)
- Pears
- Pineapple
- Raspberries
- Strawberries (no green stems)
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Carrots
- Green beans
- Peas
- Spinach
There appears to be a segment of the dog population that simply eats when they feel like it. These dogs may simply not eat on the schedule we have chosen for them. It may be argued that having such a dog, one who is not a voracious eater but who grazes, is a blessing. Owners of canine gluttons — as my Remedy Jane — can barely imagine what it must be like to have a picky eater!

As a long-time Chihuahua parent that has seen it all, let me tell you that if you give your Chihuahua an inch, he will take a mile! Don’t let your Chihuahua rule you, believe me, once you do, you will come to regret it!
What is The Best Dog Food For Chihuahuas?
Dogs usually love table scraps, because we eat them and they taste good. But, as mentioned, feeding them table scraps is dangerous. However, feeding them the right human food with the right nutrients in the correct balance is not just better for your dog, I’ve not met one yet that didn’t love it!

Unless you have extensive hours of study in canine nutrition, please don’t try to make your own dog food recipe. Don’t go on Pinterest or other websites and feed your Chihuahua a recipe that you find (healthy treat recipes are okay and actually better than any you can buy, but not for a regular diet).
Those recipes are created by people who may have the best of intentions but do not know what nutrients are absolutely essential for a dog’s overall health and long life. Many are simply inadequate and some are actually dangerous and your dog could look perfectly fine, yet be undernourished.
The best human-dog food is one that is created by or overseen by veterinarian nutritionists. There are many out there, however, there is only one that in my opinion is simply the very best that you can buy. That is:
The reason I love NomNom is the fact that it is formulated by, not just a veterinarian, but one that has specialized in nutrition. It’s as convenient and easy as dry dog food. It comes in pre-packaged pouches with the exact correct amount for your individual Chihuahua and will help him lose/gain weight if needed or maintain his ideal weight.
Their food is approved by all animal feed control agencies and cooked in their own kitchen, (not a manufacturing plant) and the ingredients are grown and sourced in the USA. My dogs absolutely love it! Pebbles, my used-to-be picky eater literally jumps for joy at mealtime now. There are four different recipes and you get a variety pack to see which one your Chihuahua jumps for joy for.
Because NomNom is not processed, it will not upset his/her tummy when changing recipes.
NomNom is a little on the expensive side, however, very reasonable for a tiny Chihuahua because the price varies according to the breed and weight of your dog. The best part? Now through ChiChis And Me NomNom is giving my readers 60% off your first order! This offer won’t last long!
Want one-on-one nutrition and weight loss/management advice from an expert? Check out my One-On-One Weight Loss Program