How to Choose a Bed for Your Chihuahua

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Does Your Dog Really Need A Bed of His or Her Own?

Do you consider your bed a necessity or a luxury item? Undoubtedly you said “a necessity. It’s the same for your dog’s bed! When choosing a bed for your chihuahua there are a few things to consider first.

Choosing a Bed for Your Chihuahua

Of course, your dog can sleep on the sofa, in a chair, in your bed, or even on the floor, but dogs need a place of their very own. Here are a few reasons why;

  • Having their own bed gives them a sense of security. Find a cozy spot, maybe in the room most occupied by his/or her people only in a quiet corner away from the family activity.
  • Dog’s are territorial, and yours will appreciate a place he can claim as his own. Dog’s are also den animals, which means that they like a quiet, place to go, maybe with less light or even where it’s dark.
  • If you were given a choice between sleeping on the floor or in your cozy bed, which would you choose? Dog’s are no different. They also prefer a place that is softer and with a cushion. A Bed also provides insulation against the cold, hard floor. A dog’s normal body temperature is different than ours and even with their natural fur coats, they get cold especially Chihuahuas and short-haired dogs.
  • A bed of their own even protects your home. If your dog has a place of his own it helps keep fur, dirt, and dander off your own bed or furniture. This is especially important if someone in your family has allergies.

How To Choose A Bed For Your Chihuahua

When choosing a bed for your Chihuahua(or beds)there are a few things to consider. You know your dog better than anyone else, so here are a few things to think about.

What is your dog’s sleeping style?

As humans, we have different sleep styles, don’t we? Some sleep on their back, some on their stomachs, and some on their side, and some just sprawl out all over the bed. Again, dogs are the same. When considering a bed for your Chihuahua, spend some time observing him while he is sleeping. What is his or her sleep style? Does he curl up in a ball when he sleeps? Does he sprawl out or sleep on his back?

What about your Chihuahua’s size and activity level?

Chihuahuas can weigh anywhere between 3 to 8 lbs and some weigh even more. A larger Chihuahua that is very active will probably appreciate a bed with sturdy construction and made of thicker and more durable material than a tiny Chihuahua would. If they spend a lot of time outside,  — Chis love to soak up the sun! — you might want to consider a bed with a removable and washable cover.

Consider Your Budget and Decor

Today, dog beds are available in a wide range of styles and colors. You can find one made of all different materials and in a wide range of prices. So, you will surely find one that fits with your budget and your unique decorating style.

After considering all these things you are ready to find just the right bed for your Chihuahua. As well as different sizes, colors, and materials, you will find different types of beds. They are;

Orthopedic Beds

An orthopedic dog bed is a mattress type of bed that provides orthopedic support. This is the type of bed you might consider if your dog is a senior and has arthritis or joint pain. It’s also a good choice for dogs that are lean or thin and have more prominent bones because it provides extra cushioning and avoids painful pressure points. These type of beds are generally roomy so they are a great choice for those Chis that sprawl out to sleep.

bed for your Chihuahua, orthopedic dog  bed

Bolster or Donut Style Beds

A Bolster or Donut Style dog bed is a Round or oval bed and usually has a cushioned bottom and a raised side. Does your Chi like to curl up in a ball when he sleeps? Or does he like to rest his head or chin on something? Then this style of bed is perfect for him. These are the type of beds that little dogs love. I have three Chihuahuas (as many of you already know) and they almost always curl up in a little ball when they sleep and they love to rest their chin on something, it is a Chihuahua trait, but most little dogs do too.

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Pillow or Cushion Beds

A pillow or cushion dog bed is a large pillow or cushion. It comes in many different sizes and it’s the bed for those Chis, big or small that like to sleep all sprawled out.

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Heated  Bed

Heated beds are warm and cozy and are beneficial for older dogs. Heat helps ease the pain and stiffness in joints. The gentle heat soothes and reduces stiffness. This type is a good bed for your Chihuahua because they can easily lose body heat.

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Outdoor Beds, Cots

Outdoor beds or cots are for dogs that like soaking up the sun. All Chihuahuas like to lie in the sun. An outdoor bed or cot is raised to keep your Chi up off the hot ground or away from biting critters in the grass. They are waterproof for easy cleaning and the frame is sturdy to support a dog’s weight, big or small.

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When you are choosing a dog bed for a puppy, be sure to consider what his size will be full grown. It’s better to let a puppy grow into his bed and will save you from having to buy a new bed in 6 months to a year later.


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