How to Contribute To ChiChis And Me

ChiChis And Me Welcomes Guest Posts

However, I want to make sure that my readers receive quality content from my website. This website is not just a “pet” related website. We are all about Chihuahuas here. With that being said, most dog-related content can be applied to Chihuahuas, just make sure that your post is worded toward the Chihuahua breed.


If all you want is exposure there is no fee to host your guest post. However, that also means it will not be posted on any of ChiChis And Me Social Media Platforms and I can not guarantee more traffic for you or your link.

If you want me to post your guest post on ChiChis And Me social media and boost it on Facebook, the charge to host your guest post is $100.00. I still will not guarantee more traffic to your link, however, It will definitely be seen by more people.

Posts Must Be 100% Original

  • Any posts accepted must be exclusive to ChiChis And Me
  • Posts must be 100 percent original. This means:
  • No plagiarism! We use plagiarism checker by Grammarly. If you try to pass off someone else’s work as your own, you’ll get a warning. But if you do it again, you’ll be banned and blacklisted and I will not post it here on ChiChis And Me.
  • No self-plagiarism: You may not re-post all or any part of your own published content or any other written material. If you do use someone else’s words/thoughts as in a quote, it must be properly attributed.
  1. I need to see samples of your writing (if you have sent your website link with samples in your request, this is not necessary because I have already checked it out).
  2. The topic and content must benefit my readers. Just about any pet-related subject can be applied to Chihuahuas and the post must be adjusted toward Chihuahuas
  3. It must be detailed and unique. (no fluff) Not a topic that has been written about over and over again.
  4. Must NOT be posted on your website or anywhere else
  5.  It must be 500 to 1000 words
  6. Once accepted, I own the post
  7. You can have as many links as you want as long as they link to information that is beneficial to my readers (also see In Article Links below)
  8. I will need a short bio with only two links to your site or social media
  9. It will be pre-approved by me and I have the right to refuse it if it doesn’t meet any of the rules above or the standards of ChiChis And Me
  10. Any photos will be added by me to ensure that they are royalty-free

What To Write About

You are welcome to draw from your own experiences to come up with your own ideas and topics. Please feel free to pitch several ideas to me and be sure it is not a subject already posted or is being worked on by me or another author. Always try to go beyond the basics/obvious.

The most successful articles tend to be:

  • Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics)
  • How-to articles/guides
  • Explainer posts (e.g., what is… / why x matters)
  • Expert roundups

Always provide actionable tips and practical advice. Since this is a website specific to Chihuahuas, I would like it to be specific to Chihuahuas, or at least applicable to the Chihuahua breed.

Share your own experiences. Don’t rely heavily on quoting influencers, experts, or authorities from other sites.

Be the expert!


If you have a relationship (an affiliate or work for a company) or someone mentioned in your post, you must disclose it. It could be mentioned only in your bio if you prefer.

How long should your post be?

  • Posts should be at least 500 words.
  • I do love longer posts, my time is limited. So, if you want to write a longer post, please feel free to do so, but discuss it with me first.

Note: Longer posts tend to get more page views, time on the page, and social love. However, they also burn you out a lot quicker. Remember, you could probably turn that monster post into 3 or 4 more targeted posts instead!

The best posts are clear, concise, and only as long as they need to be. After all, my readers are busy, just tell them what they need to know.

Yoast SEO

I love Yoast SEO. It will highlight potential SEO and readability problems and areas for improvement.

What you need to worry about for your post:

  • SEO Title: Make sure this matches your headline.
  • Slug: This is the same as your URL/Permalink.
  • Meta Description: Optimize for search and give readers a reason to click in 1-2 concise sentences.
  • Focus keyword: What search query do you want to rank for?

In Article Links

  • No links to people’s home pages. Linking to sources’ Twitter handles, LinkedIn profiles or another type of bio page is OK.
  • No calls to action that are self-promotional
  • Any links that appear superfluous will be removed by me.
  • I reserve the right to add rel=”nofollow” to any link or remove a link at any time, before or after an article is published.
  • No links to websites in these areas: pills/RX, porn, gambling, and payday loans.
  • No affiliate links
  • If the article is promoting a product it can be included only once in the article.

Buying, trading, or selling links is strictly prohibited. If someone approaches you to buy links in your articles, we’d appreciate you tipping us off (anonymously) via this form.

If you have an idea for a guest post that you would like us to consider please send us your information by e-mail to


on guard!

Ho to stop your Chihuahua’s over protective bhavior

Your guide to understanding  the root causes of overprotective behavior and provides step-by-step strategies.

Don’t worry, we hate spam too—unless it’s the kind in a can. Our emails are all meat, no filler!

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