How to Keep Your Chihuahua Healthy In The Summer

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So many look forward to summer. It’s a time to explore and go for walks with our Chihuahuas. They probably look forward to summer as much as humans do! But, it is also a time to think about how to keep our precious Chihuahuas healthy and happy during the hot summer months.

Staying Cool

Do you take your Chihuahua with you when you go camping? Do you love to go for long strolls in the park in the summer? Then there are some things you need to consider about Chihuahuas and warm weather. For one thing, they get thirsty much quicker than we do. So always have plenty of fresh water available to them when you are camping and carry lots of fresh water for your Chihuahua when going on long walks or car rides.

They can get overheated quickly. If you notice your Chi hyperventilating and/or excessively panting check his gums. If they are pale your Chihuahua is overheated. Wrap them in a cool towel or let him cool down in a kiddie pool. If you notice him becoming disoriented or confused, get him to a veterinarian immediately.

Don’t assume your Chihuahua can swim! When in water always use a safety jacket!

Sliced cucumbers and watermelon are great hot weather treats for your Chihuahua. Make sure there are no seeds and don’t let them eat the skin or the rind. These can upset their stomach. Another treat is to freeze some salt-free chicken or beef broth in a Kong or an ice cube tray. For extra health benefits drop in some hemp seed oil in the broth.

Did you know that quality hemp seed oil can help regulate your Chihuahua’s body temperature and lower blood pressure? Your Chihuahua will thank you! A quality hemp seed oil also has many other health benefits also. It can aid with anxiety, joint pain, and my veterinarian recommends it for his cancer patients.

Shortly after consumption, CBD activates TRPV-1 receptors and helps regulate body temperature, and reduces chronic or acute pain and inflammation. Avoid the cheap imitation CBD oils that don’t contain the medicinal properties that have beneficial ingredients.

Hot Cars

I know that most people know not to leave their Chihuahua in a car even for a second. Yet, every summer we still hear of dogs that have died from being left in a car that got too hot. I’m always appalled when we go on a car trip and stop for snacks or gas, at how many dogs I see left in cars while their owner goes inside for “just a minute”.

tan and white chihuahua alone in car looking out the window away from camera
Never leave your Chihuahua alone in a car!

Keep in mind that on an 85-degree day the temperature inside a car with the windows slightly open can reach 102-degrees in 10 minutes, and 120-degrees in 30 minutes. How hot is too hot for a Chihuahua? Most dogs can tolerate 90-degrees, but only in a shaded area with lots of fresh water, not when in a car with the sun beating down on the roof!

Up To Date Flea, Tick, and Parasite Protection

Mosquitos can carry heartworm disease as well as other parasites. Fleas and ticks can carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Symptoms of these include lethargy, limping, loss of appetite, and more.

When buying flea and tick prevention, I prefer going the natural route. Traditional flea and tick prevention products that you find in any pet store or at your vet contain pestisides. Personally, even if they claim to be “safe”, you are putting a dangerous substance in or on your dog.

It’s true that not all “natural” ones work. The one that I have found to work as well as the ones that are toxic is Only Natural Pet Easy Defense. It comes in a squeeze on, chews, collars, sprays, etc. But it works. My Chihuahuas have never had a single flea on them.

Always Watch Them When Around Water

It is critical that you keep a close eye on your Chihuahua when around water. Do not assume that your Chihuahua knows how to swim! During the summer months, algae blooms are common and dogs can develop neurological and kidney damage from drinking or swimming in contaminated water.

Protect Them From Burns

Did you know that dogs can get sunburned just like humans? Just like humans, they can also get skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the leading cancers found in dogs. This is especially true of short-haired Chihuahuas. When out in the heat for more than a minute, always use sunscreen on your dog. Do not use human sunscreen because they have ingredients that may be toxic to a dog. They make sunscreen specifically for dogs that are safe.

white chihuahua standing on brick road with legs of two people in summer
If it is too hot for the palm of your hand it’s too hot for your Chihuahua to walk on

Their pads can burn too. Keep your Chihuahua off any hot concrete, asphalt, and metal. Before you put your Chihuahua down, touch the surface with the palm of your hand. If it is too hot to touch for you, it’s too hot for the pads of your Chihuahua’s feet. You can find natural balms that will help with dry skin and protect their paw pads. Use a dog balm on the pads of their feet to protect and moisturize as well as a replacement for booties or socks.


It’s important to keep a close eye on your Chihuahua during this time of the year. You and your Chihuahua can enjoy many happy times during the summer as long as you know the dangers to look for and how to protect your Chihuahua from those dangers. Happy, healthy summer!

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