Some heart facts
Why diet is so important
Is there a healthier diet?
Why fresh is best
esa stress free and & happy

Keeping people and their pets together wherever they go.

Whistle’s health tracker uses sophisticated AI to track activity and translate their behavior into daily health insights. It will soon even track your Chihuahua’s emotions!
I’ve often said that my Chihuahuas’ are my heart. You’ve probably said the same thing or something similar. But what about our Chihuahua’s heart? It is so important to keep our Chihuahua’s heart healthy!
Some Heart Facts
- Dogs have a larger heart to body mass ratio than all other mammals.
- A dogs heart rate is 60-140 beats per minute, and humans are at 60-100 beats per minute
- The best screening test for heart disease is having your veterinarian listen to your pet’s heart with a stethoscope twice a year as part of a wellness exam.
- The heart’s a muscle, and muscle is made from protein. That's why it is so important that a dogs diet include large amounts of heart-healthy animal protein.
- The only differences between human, dog, and cat hearts are nearly identical. There are only some slight differences in a few valves and the coronary vessels, or blood vessels, that supply the heart with blood and nutrients.

- People who love pets live longer, have less stress, and have fewer heart attacks.
- Dogs are just as prone to getting heart disease as people are. In fact, dogs and people share over 400 ailments and illnesses.
- Heart disease in dogs is increasing each year
- Leaky valves are a common cause of heart disease in dogs. A group of veterinarians has been doing open heart surgery to replace damaged valves, a procedure which will soon be available in the United States.
Did you know that, Unlike people, dogs don’t typically have heart attacks from clogged arteries, so saturated fats aren’t a problem and are actually a very good source of energy?
Taurine, an amino acid that dogs (but not cats) can make, helps the heart pump effectively. Deficiency can cause the heart to weaken
Selenium is an antioxidant that fights damaging free radicals that can contribute to heart disease and cancer in your dog.
Overweight pets can be predisposed to cardiovascular disease. If your Chihuahua is obese, it’s really not IF your Chihuahua gets heart disease, it’s WHEN will he or she get heart disease?
There is and I highly recommend it. Keep reading
Why fresh is best
- More energy
- Shinier coat
- Healthier skin
- Less waste and firmer stools, less smelly (makes for easier clean up)
- Bright, healthier eyes
- Best of all — fewer trips to the vet!
I now feed my Chihuahuas my own homemade recipe, however, I DO NOT recommend that anyone do that unless they have the experience and knowledge of a veterinary nutritionist or a canine nutrition specialist. The reason for that is the average person may leave out some essential nutrients that dogs need to be and remain healthy, or too much of some nutrients can be very toxic to dogs. For instance, too much vitamin D can cause kidney failure.
But before I became a canine nutrition specialist, I fed my dogs Spot & Tango
Unlike humans, dogs typically don’t have heart attacks from clogged arteries. In fact, saturated fats are actually good for your Chihuahua. Where does saturated fat come from? From meat and dairy products. Beef, poultry, lamb, coconut, and cheese, just to name a few. Spot & Tango recipes include turkey, beef, and lamb.
Taurine is an essencial amino acid. Taurine is necessary for the development of your dog’s healthy brain cells, as well as for building proteins, taurine is also linked to the improvement of heart health and heart conditions. Taurine regulates the blood flow throughout your dog’s body, which helps to strengthen the heart’s walls Most dogs’ bodies make taurine. However, some do not and older dogs may not produce it anymore. Foods that have Taurine are turkey (dark meat), port, beef, fish, lamb (dark meat), and raw goat’s milk. Spot & Tango’s recipes include turkey, beef, and lamb.
Selenium is an antioxidant that fights damaging free radicals that can contribute to heart disease and cancer in your dog. Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, brown rice, spinach, and oatmeal, just to name a few. Spot & Tango’s Turkey & Red Quinoa recipe has heart-healthy selenium. And their Lamb & Brown Rice recipe has spinach and brown rice.
Last, but certainly not least obesity is a common cause of heart disease in Chihuahuas as well as many other diseases such as cancer. The importance of maintaining a healthy weight for your Chihuahua can not be overstated. Spot & Tango recipes come pre-portioned to the exact right amount for your Chihuahua.
Just like with humans, your Chihuahua’s weight may fluctuate. For instance, your Chihuahua may need more calories in the winter to help regulate body temperature and keep them warm. Spot & Tango, is always there to help you. If your Chihuahua begins to gain weight or to lose weight, just let them know and they will adjust your portions accordingly. You have no worries and can rest assured that your Chihuahua is getting all the heart-healthy ingredients in the exact portion that your Chihuahua needs to be and stay healthy throughout his or her entire life.
The conclusion of the matter is; you simply can not go wrong with Spot & Tango. You can get a free trial by clicking on the button below.
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