How To Make DIY Shampoo For Your Chihuahua

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Are you, like me one of a growing number of people who are turning to natural, holistic, and alternative solutions for our Chihuahuas? There are times when your Chihuahua needs traditional medications and a myriad of other things we use on and for our Chihuahuas. Natural DIY dog shampoo is a good place to start.

However, don’t you agree that whenever possible natural is better? Fewer chemicals in our Chihuahua’s bodies and on their coats and skin is in my opinion the best way to go whenever possible.

a wet chihuahua in a bathtub clinging to the side. use a diy dog shampoo to bathe your Chihuahua

Most of the time it’s the money-saving way to go as well. In the world of dog shampoos, there are hundreds of different brands and hundreds of shampoos for different needs. But, these eight DIY shampoo recipes are easy to make with all-natural ingredients you will probably find in your pantry.

Oatmeal For Dry Skin

Oatmeal is the main ingredient for this all-natural shampoo. Because oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a protection for the skin it’s very good for dry, itchy skin. Soothing irritations and itchiness. It helps to lock in moisture and slows the loss of moisture preventing dryness.


  • 1 Cup of Oatmeal.
  • 1 Cup of Baking Soda.
  • 4 Cups of Warm Water.
  • 10 Drops of scented fragrance (optional – vanilla, almond or rosemary, and be sure they are pet safe)
  • Bottle for storage.


Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or food processor until it’s the consistency of flour. Pour into a large bowl mix in baking soda, warm water, and scented fragrance. Wet your Chihuahua with warm water and then gently rub on the DIY shampoo until it lathers work it into his coat and if he will allow it, let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Store leftover in a bottle at room temperature.

Aloe Vera Gel and Apple Cider Vinegar For Dry Skin

Apple cider vinegar has some amazing benefits. It is great for both deterring fleas and treating skin conditions, even for removing odors. Aloe vera gel instantly calms skin and soothes sensitive skin.



Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle. Shake it until ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Apply to your Chihuahua, work into his coat and rinse. Be extra careful not to get it into his eyes.

Flea Repellent DIY Dog Shampoo



In a clean spray bottle combine all ingredients and shake thoroughly. Wet your Chihuahua with warm water, spray on the shampoo and work into his coat, paying special attention to the harder-to-reach places. Rinse thoroughly. Avoid getting any in his eyes.

three chihuahuas in bath robes one sitting in a round tub with a loofah, a bar of soap and bottle of perfume.
Have a spa day!

These are a few DIY dog shampoo recipes that I think you will use over and over again. The castle soap or baby shampoo will help the ingredients bind together, baking soda will balance the acidity of vinegar and water which is pH neutral, essential oils will make your Chihuahua smell irresistibly delicious, and oatmeal to soothe dry itchy skin.

Note: I do not recommend using baby shampoo for your Chihuahua except in very small amounts as in these DIY dog shampoo recipes.

NEXT UP: Help For Your Chihuahua’s Dry, Itchy Skin

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