How To Teach Your Chihuahua To Put Away Toys

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Does your Chihuahua have a plethora of toys? That’s a good thing, they need toys to keep them occupied and out of trouble. They need plush toys, chew toys, and interactive toys. Want to learn how to teach your Chihuahua to put away toys?

When toys may become a problem is when they are strewn all over the house! As I write this I see about 12 toys scattered all over my office floor.

two chihuahuas and a cat with toys on floor, teach chihuahua to put away toys
Okay, 12 might be a slight exaggeration, but you get my drift

Are you tired of picking them up every day? Wouldn’t it be nice if they would pick up and put their own toys away? You can teach your Chihuahua to put away toys!

It can be a bit complicated and it’s easier if your Chihuahua loves to play fetch. But, if your Chihuahua doesn’t like to fetch — some just don’t — you can first teach him to pick up the toy, but it is a longer process.

What You Need:

  • Toy Box
  • A couple of your dog’s favorite toys
  • Clicker (optional)
  • Your Chis favorite treats

Here’s How To Teach a Chihuahua to Put Away Toys:

  • Put the box near you and toss your Chi’s toy. You can use a cue for fetch, but you don’t have to. As he gets near you with his toy, point toward the box. No verbal cue yet, just point to the box. If he drops it into the box, click or say “YES!” OR “GOOD!” then drop a few treats into the box. this can help your Chi to realize that the box is important. If he doesn’t drop it in the box just toss it again and try again. It helps to have the box directly between you and him so it’s in his sightline.
  • It is important that your Chihuahua understands that the toy has to be in the box to get a treat. When your Chihuahua gets to the point where he is dropping the toy into the box about 80% of the time or better, move the box a little away from you, but not too far. Then see if he still drops the toy into the box.
  • If he continues to drop the toy into the box 80% of the time or more, keep moving it back a little and continue this until it is as far as you need it to be from you.
  • If he doesn’t drop the toy into the box, move it back closer to you and continue this until he gets it right 8 out of 10 times, etc.
ad for chewy's toys, teach chihuahua to put away toys

Don’t forget to treat him each and every time at first. As you continue to reinforce this trick you can gradually discontinue the treats. Example: treat him every other time, after a certain number of times cut it to treating him every third time, etc.

When he does it right and you don’t give him a treat, be sure to give lots of praise and petting instead!

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