How To Tell If Your Chihuahua is Happy

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We want our Chihuahuas to be happy. Do you know whether yours is happy? Your Chihuahua gives you signs to show you that he is a happy little doggo. Do you know what they are?

Dogs don’t appear aloof as cats do and they don’t play hard to get. If they’re happy they show it unashamedly. You know the happy tail wagging and the licks. Especially the licks. Chihuahua’s are notorious for showing affection and happiness with big sloppy kisses; usually in the face.

But, in spite of that, some wonder if their Chihuahua is truly happy all the time. They can’t tell you with words, so you have to learn their doggy language and what these signs mean.

10 Ways To Tell If You Have a Happy Chihuahua

There are 10 common signs. It’s in their expressions and in their body language. If your Chihuahua exhibits these tell-tail signs on a regular basis, then you can bet your bottom dollar that he is as happy as you were hoping he is.

the back of a brown chihuahuas head looking toward a door with two people coming through a door all you see of the people is their legs

1. They Greet You At The Door When You Come Home

If your Chihuahua is waiting for you as soon as you open the door, that is a happy Chihuahua. Or in most cases, jumping up and down and excitedly turning in circles. This is a loud and clear message that he is very happy that you are back! It is a sign that the two of you have a special bond and a positive relationship.

tan and white chihuahua lying in grass on their back and appears to be smiling

2. A Happy Chihuahua Will Show You Their Belly

A dog’s underside is a vulnerable part of its body. When they turn over, lying on their back showing you their belly and wagging their tail, they are showing that they trust you explicitly. And he is asking for a belly rub! This is the purest form of happiness!

chihuahua in the middle of rolled out toilet paper sitting on carpet in front of an orange wall

3. They Mind Their Manners

Chihuahuas that have destructive or aggressive behaviors — destroying throw pillows, chewing on furniture or shoes, biting, snarling — are generally under stress, anxiety, or may just be bored. If your Chihuahua exhibits these behaviors while you are away it could be a sign of anxiety, so check out these tips on helping your Chihuahua with anxiety issues. Or smart tips on keeping your Chihuahua busy while you are away. On the other hand, when they are content and happy they exhibit good behavior.

woman holding a tri colored long haired chihuahua sitting on a couch with both looking lovingly at each other

4. They Cuddle Up With You On The Couch

If you allow your Chihuahua on the couch and he hops up (or begs to be picked up) to curl up with you this is another sign that he is happy to be around you. Dogs, in general, are social creatures, and Chihuahuas are usually bonded to one particular person in the family, cuddling up next to you shows happiness and affection.

brown chihuahua doing the play bow with bottom up, paws front down tail wagging on white background

5. They Show You The “Play Bow” Postition

This is a common position for dogs showing you they are happy and feeling playful. When the front is down, the tail is straight up and usually wagging, ears are forward, eyes are directly on you, it is a clear invitation he wants to play, chase, or wrestle.

woman hand feeding a tan and white chihuahua over a dog dish with more food in it on patio showing green grass in forefront

6. They Have a Healthy Appetite

A Chihuahua that can’t wait to chow down is generally a happy, healthy, and content Chihuahua. If yours refuses to eat or his appetite is less than usual he could be feeling some stress or anxiety. Anytime your Chihuahua’s appetite changes from eager to finicky suddenly, you should have him checked out by your veterinarian to make sure that there is not a serious reason for it.

two long haired tan and white chihuahuas sitting on couch both have heads tilted to the side

7. They Tilt Their Head When They Look At You

Ahhh, the adorable head tilt. It’s a sign that your Chihuahua is in a good mood, happy, and/or they are intently trying to decipher what you are saying. The inquisitive look. They may display this look when it’s close to dinner time. The ears are down, but their big brown, black, or blue eyes are focused solely on you.

tan chihuahua running with paws off the ground and mouth open appearing to smile with blurry background

8. A Happy Chihuahua May Get The Zoomies

Dogs love to run. When they are excited and happy they need a way to burn off that excess energy. They will sometimes zip through the house or around the yard over and over again. Their tail is up, the mouth is open, and their tongue is often hanging out. They might even bark to let you know just how happy they really are.

very happy and smiling tan and white chihuahua sitting on cobble stones

9. When They Wag Their Whole Body

A wag is just a wag unless your Chihuahua is wagging his whole body! You know the one when you wake up in the morning or before eating, or maybe before a car ride or a walk, when their whole body wags along with their tail. That’s when you know they are really happy and excited!

a brown and white happy chihuahua lying on bed with paw around teddy bear

10. When They Appear Calm and Relaxed

Not all Chihuahuas express their happiness in such obvious ways. Is your Chihuahua just naturally a calm and chill dog? Don’t worry. Being calm and easygoing are also signs that your Chihuahua is content. When their ears are up and forward, their mouth is slightly open and their eyes are soft you can rest assured that your Chihuahua is content and happy!

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T. Stewart
T. Stewart
2 years ago

Is it also a sign of happiness when your chi wants to sleep with you? Laylabelle will crawl under the blankets with me even if she doesn’t stay all night long, she stretches then curls in a ball next to my tummy

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda

Mine does the same thing and takes all the covers

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