I have said many times here on my blog that Chihuahuas can be fear aggressive. Chihuahuas are very loyal, protective, and sweet little dogs. But, all those wonderful qualities can become bad behaviors if not trained properly. Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn how to teach your Chihuahua to be as well-behaved and calm at all times just as a service dog?

Let’s face it, Chihuahuas don’t have the best reputation. I’ve heard things like, “they’re mean little yippy dogs”, “little devil dogs”, “terrible barkers”, “can’t housetrain a Chihuahua”, and more. If you own a Chihuahua you have probably heard them all too.
Can A Chihuahua Be A Service Dog?
The answer is yes. Chihuahuas can be service dogs.
There are different forms of what people call “service dogs” such as:
- Service Dog
- Emotional Support Dog
- Therapy Dog
But, a dog that serves in any of those capacities must be trained well to perform what it is that the person needs.
Your Chihuahua Can Be Trained Like A Service Dog
Your Chihuahua can be trained to behave just like a service dog would under any circumstance. I’m not talking about training him or her TO BE a service dog, but to be as well-behaved and calm as a service dog at all times. There are professional dog training classes that train service dogs to perform a certain task. But, that dog also needs to learn patience. Just try teaching your dog to “be patient”. They don’t understand that concept. However, they can learn to “stay” patiently until the person “releases” them.

So service dogs need to be trained to love people, other dogs, not to be afraid of people in wheelchairs, etc. In other words, a service dog must be trained to do many things.
What Is E-Training?
You can call it a virtual dog training class, online training, or e-training. The term E-dog training class usually refers to training sessions that take place “online”, or “electronically”, instead of in person. There are workshops, Zoom calls, videos, and even slide shows.
E-training has grown tremendously since the pandemic began. But, you may be skeptical. I don’t blame you and you should be cautious when looking for an e-training class for your Chihuahua. Scammers are getting smarter about convincing people that they are legitimate, and even the savviest person can fall prey to a scammer.
Does E-Training Work? How?
So, the question is; is e-training really as good as physical in-person classes? How does it work? I have something to share with you that I am very excited about. Why? Because I get so many questions about how to “fix” or stop a certain unwanted behavior that their Chihuahua is displaying.
I have trained all my Chihuahuas from the very first one myself. But, I cannot help someone to change their Chihuahua’s behaviors in a comment on a blog post, or in an e-mail, or even on the telephone or a Zoom call. It is very frustrating to me because I want very much to help everyone, it’s just not possible.
If you take your Chihuahua to a physical, in-person training class they can teach you how to help your dog to behave. They are great for teaching your Chihuahua the basics. However, an E-Training class can teach you how to train your dog.

E-Dog Training classes can help with those basics, but with serious issues as well. Whether it is aggressive behavior, fear when in public and around strangers, to a Chihuahua that is reactive. A dog that is reactive may be triggered by other dogs, people, cars, or anything else. You can search for a trainer that specializes in each of these situations, but E-training gives you access to the best trainers from all over the world. You can find the perfect match because you won’t be restricted by location.
But, Beware!
So, how do you choose the right online Dog Training class and avoid being scammed? First, look for their qualifications. Then look for the training methods that they use. Be sure that they use positive training methods. There are still trainers out there that use outdated “coercion” training. These outdated and actually at times, cruel methods can set you and your Chihuahua back and be damaging to your Chihuahua and your bond with him/her, by destroying your Chihuahua’s trust and confidence in you. When looking for an E-dog training class, their training methods should be easy to find on their website.
Look to see if they have a blog. This too will help you to see what methods they use and how they think about dog training. Look for whether they offer a free workshop or trial. This will also help you to determine what their training methods are.
About K-9 Training Institute
I am very excited to tell you that we have partnered with K-9 Training Institute. I am excited because I believe this is the answer to my being able to help those whose Chihuahua has some serious behavior issues.
They train dogs of all breeds, from tiny ones like little Chihuahuas all the way to Great Danes (Winston, Cora, and Remedy have a cousin, Leo who is a Great Dane, he is huge! but we all love him).

I love K-9 Training Institute because they are versatile and help with every kind of behavior problem, whatever your need is, they will teach you exactly what to do to overcome the behavior and transform your Chihuahua into a calm, obedient, and well-mannered dog at all times. Just like a service dog!
Plus, best of all, they are very reasonably priced. You can start with a FREE workshop and if you like that their masterclass is very affordable plus you can make easy payments in three monthly installments.
I highly recommend that you try it on for size by enrolling in the FREE workshop. I think you will be impressed. You will meet the trainers and get a good sampling of what you will learn more in-depth in the 10-week masterclass. This class is yours to keep and you can have access to it anytime for years to come. They also have a 90-day unconditional money-back guarantee.
Meet The Trainers:

Eric Presnall
Lead Presenter and Trainer
K9 Training institute
Before working with the K9 Training Institute, Eric was the host of an Animal Planet TV show that went searching for the most well-trained dogs in the U.S. – skateboarding dogs, surfing dogs, service dogs, etc. His role was to judge the trainers’ success with their dogs. He also worked alongside Hollywood stars who were also animal rights activists like Betty White, Greg Kinnear, and more.

Dr. Alexa Diaz, Ph.D
Lead Animal Behaviorist
K9 Training Institute
Dr. Diaz has more than 20 years of experience in training service dogs to assist people with physical and mental disabilities. She has also trained rescue dogs to become emotional support dogs for war veterans suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Her research on animal behavior has been published in several academic journals.
Now through ChiChis And Me, you get 50% off the cost of the masterclass should you decide to purchase it after enrolling in the FREE workshop.
This post was written before the world lost our beloved Betty White who as everyone knows was an avid advocate for the welfare of animals and had worked with Eric Presnall on “Animal Planet’s show about the best-trained dogs (see photo above). RIP, Betty, we all will miss you. ~ Linda