Oh, yum! Don’t those grapes look good? Grapes are a great healthy and delicious treat for us, but not so for your Chihuahua.
Guess what? They look really good to your Chihuahua too. However, grapes, as you may know are toxic to dogs.
But how toxic? If your Chihuahua ate just one grape or half a grape is it really going to be that serious?
What types of grapes and raisins are toxic? How much is too much? Why are they toxic to dogs? What should you do if your Chihuahua eats one? What if you didn’t see him eat a grape or raisin, what are the symptoms? What is the treatment? What is the prognosis? How can I prevent my Chihuahua from ingesting grapes or raisins?
Let’s get answers to those questions!
why are grapes and raisins toxic to your dog?
There is ongoing research being done as to exactly why grapes and raisins are so toxic to dogs.
What we know so far is Grape toxicity is linked with kidney damage. Eating the fruit can result in sudden kidney failure and even death. But why?
Over the years, there has been speculation as to whether the toxicity may be due to a mycotoxin (a toxic substance produced by a fungus or mold) or a salicylate (aspirin-like) drug that may be naturally found in the grape, resulting in decreased blood flow to the kidneys.
More recently, it has been considered that tartaric acid may be the cause. However, to date, no specific toxic agent has been clearly identified.
Since it is currently unknown why these fruits are toxic, any exposure should be a cause for potential concern.
what types of grapes are toxic?
Dogs have been poisoned after ingesting seedless or seeded grapes of all varieties. Red and green grapes/raisins, organic, non-organic, and even grape pressings from wineries.
Something I had not thought of is that even foods that contain grapes, raisins, and currants such as cereal, trail mix, and granola mix. Baked goods that contain grapes, raisins or currents even grape juice, grape jellies, and any type of wine are all toxic to your Chihuahua!
how much is too much?
Unfortunately, we just don’t know exactly how much is too much.
The fact is that some dogs are more sensitive to it than other dogs. Some can eat a few and have no adverse effects, while some can ingest only one with tragic results.
You don’t know how much is too much for your dog until it is too late.
what sould I do if my chihuahua eats one?
If you suspect that your Chihuahua may have eaten one contact your veterinarian, or pet poison control service immediately.
Since you don’t know just how your Chihuahua will react it is best not to take any risks with their health.
Because it is a toxin the sooner it is diagnosed and treated the better the outcome for you Chihuahua and the less expensive the treatment will be for you.
what if you aren't sure? what are the symptoms?
Most commonly you may notice vomiting generally seen within 24 hours following ingestion.
Also, lack of appetite, lethargy, and possibly diarrhea within 12 to 24 hours after they have ingested the poison.
The more severe signs are not usually seen until between 24 to 48 hours after ingestion. By this time acute kidney damage has already begun.
The signs of acute kidney damage are nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, and the smell of ammonia on their breath. As the poison progresses the kidneys will stop functioning and he or she may not be able to produce urine.
The blood pressure increases dramatically and the dog may lapse into a coma because of a buildup of substances that the kidneys usually eliminate through urine. Once the kidneys shut down the prognosis is very poor.
how can you be sure?
Sadly, because the symptoms mentioned above for grape or raisin poisoning are non-specific. The early signs are similar to a myriad of other illnesses and issues. These include simply eating something that they shouldn’t, a food allergy, and common tummy aches.
More severe symptoms can be signs of kidney failure from other causes. Your veterinarian will depend on what you tell him or her, a history of eating grapes, raisins, or currants, or observing pieces of grapes or raisins in your dog’s vomit.
Your veterinarian may also recommend a blood test (CBC), urinalysis, and other diagnostic testing. These will help to determine the amount of kidney damage and the results will determine whether your Chi is likely to recover or not.
how is it then treated?
The first thing your veterinarian will do is to induce vomiting. Administering activated charcoal will prevent the absorption of the toxin from the stomach or intestines.
Grapes and raisins will stay in the stomach for up to 4 to 6 hours after absorption. After absorbing as much toxin as possible with activated charcoal further treatment may be needed.
Further treatment may include intravenous fluids to help support the kidneys in the hope that it will minimize the damage to the kidneys. Anti-nausea medication may be given to control the vomiting, as well as drugs to help manage blood pressure.
Depending on the severity of the toxicity, most veterinarians will hospitalize your Chi to administer intravenous fluids for 48 hours following ingestion, while some may need to be hospitalized for several days.
While hospitalized your Chihuahua’a kidneys will be monitored and more blood tests given to determine whether more aggressive treatment may be needed.
how to prevent grape or raisin toxicity
Of course, it’s always best to prevent it from happening in the first place. But how?
Keep all grapes, raisins and currants out of reach of all your pets. This includes any food or baked good that may contain any of these ingredients. Never give your Chi a grape as a treat.
on a personal note:
On a personal note. Be sure that any visitors know this as well. While we as Chihuahua pawrents may know to keep grapes, raisins, and currents out of reach, your guests may not know.
Personal example: We had company from out of town visit for a few days. We had grapes in the refrigerator and one of our guests put some in a bowl and set it on the kitchen counter.
Our Chihuahuas couldn’t reach them, I’m sure that was their thought. However, they didn’t think about our cat who could reach them. Lucy our cat got one and dropped it on the floor where our Chihuahuas could reach them. Thankfully, I got to the grape before they did!
Although Lucy didn’t eat one either, grape, raisin, and current toxicity have only been identified in dogs. While they may not be toxic to cats, too much is unknown and we make sure that grapes are not where she could get them either.