I want to introduce you to my little Corazón. Out of my Fab-4 she is my little spit-fire! She has never-ending energy yet is perfectly content to spend the day cuddling and reading a book with me. Cora is a beautiful apple head, long-haired, black and white Chihuahua with beautiful big brown eyes. My little brown-eyed girl.
Cora's Personality
Dog pawrents everywhere know that each dog is unique with their own unique personality. As mentioned, she is a little spitfire with abundant energy.
She is fiercely loyal and loving. She loves being outdoors (unless it is freezing cold-who can blame her for that?) When the weather is nice she will spend lots of time just exploring her backyard. Then she will find a comfy spot in the sun and have a lie down.
how CORA came to us
In 2020 we had three Chihuahuas, Remedy, Pebbles, and Chico. Our baby Chico passed away on July 17, 2020, at the age of 17. So, I was left with two. Two that I love with all my heart!
At that time I was also working part-time at a veterinary hospital. There I got to meet many of the local rescue organizations. Most in the area had their rescues vetted at our hospital.
I learned about a rescue organization called “For The Love Of Every Animal” (F.L.E.A.) run by one woman. She is a super big-hearted powerhouse of a woman! She rescues dogs and cats of all breeds and finds them not just good homes, but wonderful homes. She is very particular about who she lets adopt any of her dogs.
I told her if she ever got any Chihuahuas to let me know. So in 2020 soon after we had lost our precious Chico, she called to let me know that she had just gotten 4 Chihuahuas that needed homes.
I would have adopted all four if only we had the money and the time needed for four more Chihuahuas! That would have meant a total of seven Chihuahuas! When adopting any dog you must count in the cost of toys, treats, food, beds, and veterinary costs. And you must decide if you have the time and energy to spend quality individual time with each one. It was simply out of the question for us. However, I was confident that F.L.E.A. would find great homes for the others.
I was interested in a male she had. The other three were female. I had decided that my next Chihuahua would be another male. Not to replace Chico. That would be impossible anyway. The reason was although Remedy and Pebbles got along famously, sometimes adding a new female can cause tension in the pack.
However, the male was a short-haired Chi, and I kind of had my heart set on getting a long-haired Chihuahua this time. It was a dilemma, but I ultimately chose Cora, a beautiful long-haired apple head black and white Chihuahua. Cora was six years old when she came to live with us on October 12, 2020.
I was told that when she was a puppy the markings on her butt looked like a heart. Corazón means “heart” in Spanish, so she was named Corazón. That was her name when she came to me. So I kept the name and shortened it to Cora. I can’t roll my “R’s”, so Corazón is difficult for me to pronounce. I do, however think it is a beautiful name!
That was all we knew or know about Cora’s past before she was rescued. It hurts my heart to think of her possibly being neglected or abused in her past! But we really know nothing about it. It took her about a month to decide that this was a place of love and her new home. Until then although she would let me pick her up, she would lay on the floor in a corner and keep to herself most of the time. We just let her be until she felt comfortable with us. We saw her sassy little personality come out gradually. Now she is a happy, happy little girl!
Bringing another female into the pack was a challenge as I suspected it would be. Pebbles by this time was 14 years old and she and Cora basically ignored each other. Remedy, on the other hand had already established that she was “Queen” of this pack, so there were a few tussles to begin with. It took time and patience and sometimes separating them in different rooms, but they have come around. Remedy is still “Queen” of the pack — as it should be — so there is no more jockeying for the title. 😀
When Cora came to live with us on October 12, 2020, she weighed 9.2 lbs. According to her body type her ideal weight is 5.0 to 5.2 lbs. We had some work to do!
5 lbs … no big deal right? Not for you and I, however, just 2 extra pounds can be detrimental to any dog’s health, but especially for a tiny Chihuahua! Just 2 extra pounds is tough on their joints and can cause arthritis and other joint issues.
The video above is of Cora taken on the evening of her first day with us. She was NOT the energic little spitfire then as she is now! Were she to remain that much overweight over time she would be at risk of a whole host of diseases. Diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, just to name a few. But most importantly, it has been proven that being overweight can take 2 or more years off their life span! Just think about that! You could have your Chihuahua for 2 or more years longer if they are at their ideal weight! Cora is carrying a whopping 5 lbs too much weight for her little body!
In this video, she still had a few ounces to lose. Yes! Ounces count! 2 ozs is not much for us to lose, but it makes all the difference for a dog! However, having lost most of her unwanted weight, she’s not trying to keep up with me — I’m trying to keep up with her! 😄
need help with your dog's weight?

Don’t worry— Our Weight Loss Program is designed by a canine nutrition specialist and is here to help!
With this program, you get personalized one-on-one help and all the tools you will need to successfully reach your dog’s ideal weight and maintain it for a lifetime!
cora's favorite game
It’s heartbreaking, but Cora—like my other two rescues—doesn’t play games. Sadly, this is common among rescued dogs. Regardless of their past, it’s likely they were never given the chance to experience the simple joy of play. If they never learned that playing was okay, — or even how to — they carry that uncertainty with them for the rest of their lives.
This is the case with all three of my rescues. I have tried to get them interested in playing, but they just aren’t interested. But, they are happy to just be outside and with their people, so it’s okay.
Cora's favorite toy
Since she doesn’t play, she doesn’t have a favorite toy. We have a box full of toys but she never even goes so far as to check them out. I’ve bought a few just for her and have tried to get her interested but to no avail. Her favorite thing to do, however, is to ride in the car!
I’d like to hear about your Chihuahua too. Just tell us about your beautiful and unique Chihuahua in the comments below.
Then go on over to our photo gallery and see our other reader’s photos from all over the world! and submit your Chihuahua’s photo and tell our readers about them.
Sadly, we lost our precious Pebbles on August 31, 2021. She is still missed and although we love our Fab-4 with all our hearts, Pebbles left a big hole that will never be filled. You can read about Pebbles HERE
Don’t miss our articles about our other Fab-4: Winston and Liliana