Is Food You Buy From the Veterinarian Better For Your Chihuahua?

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Many Chihuahua pawrents are under the impression that the foods sold by their veterinarian are top of the line and better for their dog(s).

Veterinary Medical School

To put it in perspective, our veterinarians are a very necessary part of taking good care of our Chihuahuas. But, just like human doctors, they don’t know everything. It may surprise you to know that in veterinary school, classes on nutrition consisted of only a few required hours.

Of course, some were particularly interested in that part of animal health and went on to complete many more hours of nutrition training and become veterinary nutrition specialists. But the vast majority have very few hours of training in nutrition.

Should you ask your veterinarian what is the best food to feed your Chihuahua?

Don’t get me wrong: I respect and appreciate veterinarians. I have worked in a very busy veterinary hospital. Rather than an entirely profit motive veterinarians are susceptible to marketing as we are. They can be convinced that a certain dog food brand is the best quality by a talented salesperson or an informative seminar they attended.

Prescription Dog Food?

What about prescription dog food sold exclusively in veterinary clinics or hospitals? That this is better for your Chihuahua with specific health issues is also a dog food myth. If you worked 12 hour days and could barely keep up with your workload would you rather have a 30-minute talk with your client about a diet that is better for a dog with heart disease or kidney disease and why, or suggest one sold in your clinic that has those features even though, it may not contain all the necessary ingredients or nutrients that your dog needs?

Dogs Are Descended From Wolves and are Carnivores

Many people still believe that dogs are carnivores. Actually, just like humans, they are omnivores. What does that mean?

An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and animal matter. Obtaining energy and nutrients from plant and animal matter, omnivores digest carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber, and metabolize the nutrients and energy of the sources absorbed. ~ National Geographic

Domestic dogs diverged from grey wolves between 13,000 and 17,000 years ago when food waste from human settlements provided a new niche. Compared to the carnivorous cat, modern-day dogs differ in several digestive and metabolic traits that appear to be more associated with omnivorous such as man, pigs, and rats. This has led to the classification of dogs as omnivores. ~ National Library of Medicine

A carnivore, meaning “meat eater”, is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging. ~ National Geographic

What Should You Feed Your Chihuahua?

What if your Chihuahua has different dietary needs, or certain health issues? If not prescription dog food, what should you feed them in that case?

I know from experience how much my dogs’ health has improved since I began feeding them fresh dog food. I began with NomNomNow and after many years of extensive research and talking to veterinarian nutritionists, I now feed them my own homemade recipes.

The authors's cream and fawn short haired chihuahua eating from a bowl with the name winston onr it
My Winston eating his custom recipe

If your Chihuahua is healthy I recommend NomNom home delivery. Now only through ChiChis And Me you can get your first order of NomNom for 50% OFF!

I do not recommend that the average person should feed their dog homemade dog food. Why? Although many well-meaning Chi pawrents make their own home-cooked dog food. The idea that simply because a meal is home-cooked, it is balanced and nutritionally enough for your dog is erroneous. This is many times, not the case, as home-prepared dog food without the guidance of canine nutrition specialists, often leads to a diet that is unbalanced, and lacking in essential nutrients.

Another Option For Feeding Your Chihuahua

Another alternative is ChiChis And Me Nutrition Consulting Service.

ChiChis And Me now provides three types of nutrition consulting services for your Chihuahua’s health, a longer life, and a happier dog through nutrition.

Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy Chihuahua. Don’t take chances with your Chihuahua’s health!

Are you happy with his or her current dog food, but would like to investigate the healing and preventive power of herbs and natural supplements? Then our Optimize It! service is for you.

cream short haired chihuahua lying next to a bowl full of kibble or dry dog food.
Kibble or homemade? What is best?

Want to be proactive and ward off any diseases and health issues common to Chihuahuas through proper nutrition? Then the Proactive Recipe! is the service you need.

Want help managing and supporting any health issues your Chihuahua may now have? We have a nutrition plan for you too!

These services are diet plans personalized and customized to your Chihuahua’s specific nutritional needs. Are you intrigued? Click the button to learn more and to book your session today!


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