In my years as a Chihuahua owner, I’ve heard all the things about Chihuahuas that get passed around as absolute truths that are ABSOLUTELY FALSE. I decided setting the record straight is way past due!

How many of these myths have your heard? How many did you believe? I love Chihuahuas so much it really hurts when I hear someone recite something that I know is not true. So, I want to “bust” the myths right here, right now.
Chihuahua Myth #1
Chihuahuas are mean little snarly dogs. This is a tough one to debunk because they can be, however, so can every other breed of dog known to man. Why pick on Chihuahuas? Why do many people assume that it is true of every Chihuahua?
A mean dog of any breed can be attributed to the owner, or a past owner if your Chihuahua is rescued. But with training, socialization, and lots of love, they are actually the sweetest, calmest little dogs around.
Myth #2
They are little barkers. Well, this one is partly true, some are, some aren’t. Again, lots of dog breeds bark a lot. Why are Chihuahuas more well known for barking? There are other breeds that bark more than Chihuahuas. They are:
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Dachshund
- German Shepherd
- Basset Hound
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Standard Schnauzer
- Siberian Husky
- Beagle (most experts name the Beagle as the number 1 most vocal breed)
Note: I’m not disparaging any of these breeds, just stating facts. I love all dog breeds whether they bark or not.
If your Chihuahua is a constant barker you can train him the “enough” command. You don’t want to squelch your Chihuahua’s instinct to bark. That’s what makes them great little watchdogs. But you can teach them to stop on command by teaching them the “enough” command.
Myth #3
The TeaCup Chihuahua is the smallest dog Breed. FALSE! This myth just won’t die! Thanks to irresponsible breeders whose only interest in the breed is how much money they can sell them for! Some invented the term because they discovered that people will pay more for what they think is a “TeaCup Chihuahua.
It is false for two reasons. Chihuahuas ARE the smallest breed dog, period! And there is no such thing as a teacup, mini, toy, or micro Chihuahua.
Rather than correct people when they mention a TeaCup Chihuhauhua, question their meaning. Some people refer to a “TeaCup Chihuahua”, but they are simply referring to the size. Chihuahuas come in a variety of sizes and weights. Some are just using the term to describe the runt of the litter or a very small sized Chihuahua.

A tiny 2lb Chihuahua is still simply a Chihuahua, not a TeaCup Chihuahua, however you could certainly fit a 2lb Chihuahua in a TeaCup!
Myth #4
If you want a purebred Chihuahua puppy you have to buy one from a breeder. So not true! You can find purebred Chihuahuas and Chihuahua puppies at any Chihuahua rescue organization. Many female Chihuahuas are rescued while pregnant and those puppies need homes too.
So, go ahead and check the Chihuahua rescue organizations in your area for a pure-bred Chihuahua puppy. You will also find a list of specifically Chihuahua rescue organizations on my resource page.
Myth #5
Chihuahuas are delicate and need to be carried and pampered. Not true! They are tiny, but they are mighty. They can be prone to broken limbs because they are also fearless and jump off things that are too high for them, and their smaller bones. But they are certainly not delicate.

Pampered? Well, yes, you can pamper them, just like you can pamper a toy poodle or a Yorkshire terrier. But, make no mistake, Chihuahuas are dogs and they need to be trained, socialized, and treated like any dog! With some occasional pampering. 🙂
You can carry them occasionally, but they have legs, let them use them.
Myth #6
Don’t get a Chihuahua if you have children. The truth? Although Chihuahuas tend to bond more with one member of the family, they can be family dogs and if trained and socialized properly get along with children as well (or better) than any dog breed.
You do need to take precautionary measures to assure both the Chihuahua’s safety around very small children or toddlers. Just as you would with any breed puppy. Toddlers tend to think that they can treat a real live dog as they do their stuffed toys.

Toddlers can be over-enthusiastic and squeeze too tight or not hold them securely. If you have toddlers, teach them how to be with and play with, and hold a Chihuahua and until they are older, make sure they are always supervised when in the same room as a Chihuahua.
If you have company that have toddlers or children who have never been taught how to be with or pet a dog, make sure they are constantly supervised also.
Myth # 7
Chihuahuas are not outdoor dogs. This one depends on what exactly you mean by outdoor dogs. Although Chihuahuas should NEVER live outdoors or be left outside for extended periods of time, Chihuahuas love being outdoors. They love to sunbathe and to go on outdoor adventures with you.
I know many that take their Chihuahuas on short hikes, or longer hikes if they have a carrier or backpack with them for when their Chi gets tired.
Myth #8
Chihuahuas are a girly dog. Oh yeah? Tell that to Ashton Kutcher, Mickey Rourke, Adrien Brody, Channing Tatum, Matt Damon, George Lopez, Hugh Jackman, who all own Chihuahuas, and well, this guy:

Myth #9
Chihuahuas don’t shed. Ha! This Chihuahua myth is proven false by my furniture, bed, and my clothes are covered with Chihuahua hair! But, that’s okay! I’m sure you’ve heard the saying:

Here’s a fun fact: Both long and short-haired Chihuahuas shed. You might be surprised to know, however, that long-haired Chihuahuas shed LESS then short-haired Chihuahuas.
Why? Long-haired Chihuahuas only shed twice a year while short-haired Chihuahuas shed all year…. every day of the year.
Myth #10
Chihuahuas are hypoallergenic. Sorry all you people that are allergic to dog fur or dander, this one’s false.
This Chihuahua myth began from an ancient myth that Chihuahuas took on their owner’s illnesses because they loved them so much. This then went from “illnesses” to “allergies”. Although, Chihuahuas are such loving and loyal dogs that I’m sure they would if they could.
Is it a myth or facts that a person that has seizures can pass it down to a Chihuahua an it stops the person from having it…..
definitely a myth.
Thank you, that was helpful. I appreciate your knowledge
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