We try not to even think about a beloved pet dying, let alone talk about it! But that does not make the inevitable not happen. When we do think about it, we pray that our beloved Chihuahua will pass peacefully in his sleep or better yet, in our arms. We imagine him or her just falling asleep and never waking up.
Sadly, that is not always how it happens, in fact, that is not the way it will most likely happen. Just like with facing the death of a human, it is best to plan ahead. You don’t want to have to make the hardest decision you’ll ever have to make in your Chihuahua’s life during an emergency situation or think about the details at a time of great emotional distress.
What you need to know
I have thought about writing this post for quite a while, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it, then we lost our beloved Chico on Friday, July 17, 2020. Although it is a subject that is painful for me to write, I hope that it will provide you and others with some comfort and the confidence that you can face this time when it comes knowing that you are doing what is right for your beloved Chihuahua.
Losing Chico reminded me that others have to go through this pain too, and I want to help others to find peace and to give you and others the tools that you will need to know before it happens. That way, the decision, and the details are already decided when you are able to think about it calmly and not when emotionally distraught.
Making The Difficult Decision
Your Chihuahua may not even be old when you have to make the awful decision of euthanasia. Tragic accidents can happen and it is best that you be prepared while you are not dealing with the emotional situation. When you are emotionally distraught, you can make decisions that may not be in yours or your Chihuahua’s best interests.

As your Chihuahua gets older you may begin to wonder, “how do you decide when it is time?” or “Is it time for euthanasia”? When the time comes, you will know. The decision is not made because he or she is old, or because he or she is incontinent and you are tired of cleaning up.
You’ll know the decision is right because you can no longer stand by and watch him or her suffer. Or you know that your beloved Chihuahua no longer has any quality of life at all.
Sometimes the decision becomes an easy one. When we had to make the decision for Chico, I had no doubt in my mind that it was time and the right thing to do. I won’t go into the details about Chico here, I just knew that it was time and that made the decision much easier. That may be the case with you too. READ MY PERSONAL STORY OF THE DAY WE LOST CHICO BELOW:
Many may wonder; “is it painful?”. The answer is it depends. It is so very important that you know that the veterinarian that you take your Chihuahua to is very experienced at giving the injection.
Many imagine their dog’s release from a body of pain and crossing over the rainbow bridge to frolic with other pets waiting for you to join them again.
Understanding Euthanasia
The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek word “eu”, meaning good and “thanatos” meaning death. The goal is to bring about the passing without pain or any distress.
The drug used is Pentobarbital and is fast-acting causing no discomfort other than the needle prick. Once injected the barbiturate depresses the central nervous system. It removes awareness causing the dog to fall into a state of unconsciousness and deep sleep similar to anesthesia. In this state of unawareness within a few seconds, the dog stops breathing.

According to the Humane Society of the United States Euthanasia Reference Manual, after 5 seconds the pet is unconscious, within 10 seconds the pet is in deep anesthesia, within 20 seconds the pet stops breathing, within 40 seconds the heart has stopped circulating blood, and finally, within 2 minutes the pet is clinically dead meaning that all voluntary/involuntary functions have ceased even though you may still see an occasional muscle twitch.
When Things Seemingly Go Wrong
However, there are some very rare circumstances where the procedure turns out to be not as peaceful as expected. No, it wasn’t the occasional and expected muscle twitch or a sigh to cause concern. That can be a normal occurrence after your Chihuahua has passed away. Some owners report that their dog’s pupils dilated and their dogs acted out in sheer terror, panicking and screaming in pain.
Many go home overwhelmed with sadness and guilt wondering if they did the right thing after all. They wonder if their Chi was really in pain. Was it some odd reaction to the drugs. They may not be able to get the last images of their Chihuahua’s passing out of their mind.
I do not want that to be the case for anyone, so I will explain the process and what happens to reassure you. To let you know that you have options to ensure that it is a calm and peaceful experience.

Mourning the passing of a beloved Chi is an overwhelming situation already, but mourning the passing of a pet that has seemingly suffered during what was supposed to be the end to pain and suffering must be extremely difficult. I can’t even imagine how that must feel or the horrible guilt that you would feel. I hope that this post will help you to better understand the process.
Is Your Chihuahua Anxious Going To The Vet?
If your Chihuahua is uncomfortable or anxious about going to the vet, he is going to be uncomfortable and anxious at this time too. Keep in mind though, your dog has no idea what is happening and this vet visit is no different to him or her than all the other vet visits they have been to.
Is Your Chihuahua In Pain?
If your Chi is in pain from arthritis, he may vocalize the pain of his leg being moved to inject the solution. If your Chi has cancer, just moving him into position may be painful for him. However, this is before he is injected and luckily, within a few seconds, he will no longer be in any pain at all and will peacefully drift off to sleep.
Are Your Chihuahua’s Veins Difficult To Find?
When it is difficult for the vet to find the veins, for instance, if your Chihuahua is dehydrated, has low blood pressure, or is very old and sick, veins can be constricted and difficult to find and may even collapse when poked. Repeated attempts can only aggravate the situation and cause the dog to begin to vocalize and fight being handled. Sometimes dogs need to be forcibly held down or restrained. This makes his last moments less peaceful than expected.
Reaction To The Sedative
Many veterinarians give a sedative before giving the Pentobarbital injection. They can be given under the skin, in the vein or in the muscle. Most vets use tiny needles. This is supposed to relax the dog or even to cause unconsciousness before the euthanasia solution is injected.
Sedatives may take up to 20 minutes to take effect. Dogs, like people react differently to sedatives. Some dogs will get “loopy”, may lose control of some bodily functions. Some may bob their heads or have other unusual reactions.
The loss of a pet, especially a Chihuahua, a beloved best friend is one of the most difficult times of a person’s life.

Sedatives may even cause seizures in some dogs. In that case, your dog is not aware, or in any pain during a seizure. Although this may be very disconcerting to you as the one who loves this dog. It may seem that your dog is anxious or stressed, but it is you, not the dog that is anxious and stressed and scared. Even though your dog is fine and in no pain, there are no words that can comfort you at this time.
Did The Solution Go Outside The Vein?
If the solution accidentally goes outside instead of inside the vein, it can cause a burning sensation. This can happen if the dog moves as the injection is being given. Because it burns, the dog may cry out in pain.
The dog may cry out simply because they feel the solution going into the vein and it simply feels odd to them. Because they don’t know why or what is happening it may be frightening to them, but it is not painful.
A Reaction To The Pentobarbital
As with any drug, dogs can have an abnormal reaction to the euthanasia solution. Sometimes with older or very sick dogs the stages of euthanasia as described in the Euthanasia Reference Manual, may happen more quickly and the dog’s reaction may be more pronounced. However, the dog has already lost consciousness and isn’t aware of his behavior and is in no pain.
Normal Reflexes
When death has occurred it is normal for some reflexes to take place. Usually, vets will warn about these. The dog may twitch, gasp, take a final deep breath, or vocalize. Some may urinate and/or defecate. Some may even breathe while completely unconscious. These are all reflexes that take place in natural death as well. It is not a sign of pain. It may appear as though the dog is “fighting for its life”, but in reality, these are unconscious and involuntary responses.
One veterinarian, Cherie Buisson has a comforting explanation to these reflexes. She says that twitches are just hiccups and the dogs’ body way to get rid of energy, heaving breathing is “where they hit the Rainbow Bridge running” and lip twitches are the dog’s smiles when they get there.
She says her clients find this comforting and you may also. However, keep in mind that everyone’s belief in a dog’s afterlife is not the same and everyone is entitled to their belief.
You Have Options
Home Euthanasia
If going to the vet, even just driving there causes your dog to become extremely anxious and stressed. In-home euthanasia may be a better option for you and your dog. This way your dog is comfortable and at ease in his or her own environment and you avoid all the negative connotations of the vets office.
Ask For An IV Catheter
Asking for an IV Catheter can make a huge difference. It prevents the dog from having to be repeatedly stuck with needles and it ensures that the solution goes into the vein, preventing the unpleasant or scary sensation or from it accidentally going outside the vein.
Some dogs, however, hate having IV catheters placed. Some vets will compromise by giving the shot and then placing the IV Catheter, so the dog won’t struggle or feel any pain as they might if wide awake.
Ask For Anesthetics
If you want your dog to be unconscious for the procedure, don’t hesitate to ask your vet if he uses anesthetics. Anesthetics are a much more preferred way than sedatives because they make the dog completely unconscious and it may reduce the chances of witnessing neurological episodes and muscle spasms which may seem like the dog is “fighting for his life”.
In Loving Memory:

Chico went peacefully with his mom right by his side. We will always miss you and love you, Chico my Bambino.
Also read the article: “6 Strategies To Help You Cope With The Loss Of A Beloved Pet” HERE
Thank you so much for sharing this, my baby Izzie just turned 15 but unfortunately I’ve had to make that horrible decision to stop her suffering. It’s still not going to be an easy task because at this time tomorrow night she will be gone and I can’t stop crying. But I am thankful that we had 15 years together. And I am so grateful to you for sharing this, it has given me some comfort knowing what to expect. Thank you again.
Hi Charissa, Bless your heart! If this article gave you some comfort, then I am humbled. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You know you are doing the right thing, and I pray that it makes it just a little bit easier. I look at all my pictures of Chico now and smile remembering the good times that we had together. You will be able to smile again too. ❤️~ Linda
Omg! I’m still leaking tears after watching the video of Chico. I can honestly tell you that I know exactly how you feel. I had 3 chi’s. Two of them bonded very well. The third, although related to one of them, was kinda a third wheel. They all were friends but he ended up bonding to me. He was my true friend and there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t love him. I rescued him from an abussive home and bought him from the owner. That said, he was one when he came to live with us and died a few weeks before his 11th birthday of cancer. I have not ever forgotten him and think of him every day still. Usually laughing as he was so funny! His name was Cubbie. Now, I still have the other two chi’s. I love them dearly as well. They’re both getting old now. The oldest is now almost 16. The female,Gretel is 12. She had surgery this year to remove a mast cell tumor. They did get it all and now I love her each day and pray that it never returns. You never know with that type of cancer. So what I’ve learned from it all is to love all my dogs as much as I can each day. I tell each one how special they are to me. They are friendly, groomed well and kissed and cuddled ad nauseum. Thank you for allowing me to tell my tale and how generous of you to share Chico’s story. ❤️🐾
Hi Ruth! Thank you so much for your comment. Making that video helped me a lot and I’m glad that so many people have watched it. My Chihuahuas will always be my babies for all eternity. Gone, but never forgotten, as they say. I’m sorry for your loss too. It is difficult each and every time, it never gets easier to lose a special little life. I could never ever replace Chico, but I still have lots of love to give. We recently adopted a 6-year-old long-haired, apple head Chihuahua. If you haven’t heard, you can read about her HERE. So we now have Pebbles, 12, Remedy Jane, 5, and Corazóon (Cora), 6, and a 1-year-old cat, Lucy! Thank you so much for being a part of ChiChis And Me! I appreciate it very much! ~ Linda
I’m so sorry about your precious chi , they are our BABIES . I’ve lost my baby Feb 27 , 2019 . I could not and did not prepare myself for the unbearable pain from my loss . After a few months I got a brand new 1.5 lbs baby and now he weighs 8 lbs 14 months later , I love him with all my heart but I will always have that very special place for my other one too .
Hi Tena! I’m sorry about your baby. You never forget any of the babies that you’ve lost, but, especially your first baby. I’m glad you had room in your heart for another little one! Thanks so much for your comment! ~ Linda
I am so sorry for your loss. I admire you for staying at his side right up until the very end.
Thank you very much. I know I’m not the only one that has gone through it and I hope this gives someone some peace of mind. ~ Linda