Media and Contest Disclosure

I am not a professional.  I may be an expert Chihuahua mom and an experienced Chihuahua trainer, but I’m definitely not a veterinarian. If you have a medical emergency or questions regarding your pet’s health, please seek veterinary attention.

  • All product reviews, campaigns, and sponsored posts are written by me and do not reflect the opinions of any other person or company.  I may receive compensation for reviews, campaigns and sponsored posts, however, I do not write about products or services that I don’t use or believe in.  I write this blog with complete honesty.  If you’d like to work with me, please email me at
  • I will not post or advertise anything for a company on my blog without monetary compensation.  I work to pay my bills just like you do!
  • My content may not be published elsewhere without my direct written consent.  You can email me at if you would like to publish my photos or posts. The name ChiChis And Me© and all content including photos, text, and logos are under copyright.
  • All giveaways and contests are performed at my discretion.  Typically a random selector or a panel of judges chosen by me is used in giveaways. We may ask the winner for contact information including shipping address.  If I don’t hear from the winner within 48 hours, I will contact a new random winner.  All entries must be 18 years of age or older.  ChiChis And Me is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen goods in the process of a giveaway shipment.  Please allow up to 30 days to receive a gift from a giveaway or contest.
  • All rude, degrading and inappropriate comments will immediately be removed from the website.  I am open to everyone’s opinions but I ask that if you are going to leave a comment, please be respectful toward the views of others

For more information on my media honors, qualifications and affiliate partnerships, please visit my Media page.


on guard!

Ho to stop your Chihuahua’s over protective bhavior

Your guide to understanding  the root causes of overprotective behavior and provides step-by-step strategies.

Don’t worry, we hate spam too—unless it’s the kind in a can. Our emails are all meat, no filler!

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Take this quick Chihuahua Feeding Quiz to see if your pup’s diet is on track! Plus, get expert tips based on your results