Meet A Special Chihuahua That Is Inspiring A Nation!

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Meet a very special and very busy little Chihuahua! Mr. Miyagee, whose nickname is ll Piccolo Di Cucciolo di Cioccolato (little chocolate dog) is a 2 1/2-year-old Chocolate Tri-Color Longcoat Chihuahua.

Princess Lee-Lu

We cannot tell the story of little Mr. Miyagee without starting at the beginning. First, we must tell you about a little special needs Pekingese dog named Princess Lee-Lu. Princess Lee-Lu was both blind and deaf.

Princess Lee-Lu

She touched the hearts of pet lovers everywhere and was not only the heart and soul, but she was the ambassador of Pet Mall South Africa’s Dare 2 Care campaign. She traveled the world and inspired people everywhere she went with the story of courage, bravery, respect, and unconditional love.

Sadly, Princess Lee-Lu’s family had to say good-bye to her on December 29, 2017 after she had suffered a severe stroke.

A Little Boy Named Marcélle

Princess Lee-Lu was Marcélle’s companion, confidant, and best friend. Marcélle was very attached to Princess Lee-Lu and loved her very much. At only 9 years old he had to experience death for the very first time in his life.

Children love unconditionally and grow very close to their pets. To a child a pet is much more than “just” a pet. Princess Lee-Lu gave Marcélle courage, she was his best friend. She was someone that he could talk to about anything and always kept his secrets.

After the loss of little Princess Lee Lu, Marcélle’s family noticed that he was going through a very intense phase of grief. He was experiencing anger, guilt, and depression. Losing Princess Lee-Lu was the most tragic, traumatic, and emotionally devastating experience for his poor parents to have to watch him go through.

When Children Lose a Beloved Pet

When a child loses a beloved pet the grief they experience may be accompanied by feelings of anger, despair, sadness, emptiness, longing, and in the case of younger children, confusion and lack of understanding. Losing a beloved pet for anyone, but especially a child is like losing a beloved member of the family.

Children cannot process death as adults do. They don’t understand death or why their beloved best friend who was always there is suddenly, and inexplicably gone.

Marcélle’s Struggles

Marcélle began to show signs of dyslexia. He started writing words in a mirror image. He couldn’t focus in class and could no longer read or spell.

As Marcélle struggled to come to terms and to understand why his best friend could not be healed and brought back to him Mr. Miyagee was there to lend a listening ear, paw, and unconditional love. Mr. Miyagee listened to Marcélle without saying a word, he provided the needed comfort and love that Marcélle so needed, and was there to lick away all the tears of this heartbroken little boy.

Marcélle and Mr. Miyagee

Mr. Miyagee excelled in puppy school and became a Certified Emotional Support Animal. As such he travels with Marcélle 24/7 and when times get too difficult he is there by his side to provide support and comfort.

A Tiny Little Dog With A Very Big Job

As the smallest and bravest member of his family, when Mr. Miyagee was only 5 months old he took over the legacy of Princess Lee-Lu.

So, at only 5 months of age little Mr. Miyagee took upon his shoulders the enormous task of carrying on Princess Lee-Lu’s legacy.

Mr. Miyagee in a South Africa Magazine

But, never fear! Mr. Miyagee was up to the task! In his free time as Marcélle’s Certified Emotional Support Animal, he enjoys participating in dog shows, acting in front of the TV cameras, posing as a model for various brands and campaigns. He does reviews for pet food, nutrition, wellness, toy and accessory companies. This little dynamo is a blogger and a well known and loved public figure and advocate against bullying in schools and animal abuse.

Mr. Miyagee Comforts and Inspires

Mr. Miyagee inspires and spreads his message and his love by visiting schools, hospitals, special needs institutions, assisted living, and nursing homes. He just adores children and he helps everyone by just being there, resting on someone’s lap, or sitting next to a sick little patient. Just by seeing how they light up and smile, you can tell that they are getting from Mr. Miyagee all the love, warmth, and care that every human being needs.

Mr. Miyagee is a world traveler

Mr. Miyagee acts as a motivational speaker, judge, and MC at various events. Of course, his human mom, Lindi Pieterse translates, after all, not all humans understand dog language. Mr Miyagee is known not only for his kind heart and blogs, but he is also an animal welfare activist, a brand, and a social media influencer. He is one of the most photographed dogs in South Africa and is their smallest celebrity dog!

The following video is not in English, but you can get the gist of what they are saying:

An Interview with Mr. Miyagee and his mom, Lindi Pieterse on a South African Television Show

Mr. Miyagee certainly has a very busy life! On behalf of ChiChis And Me and all Chihuahuas worldwide, thank you, Mr. Miyagee for all that you do and for spreading the message against bullying in school and against all animal abuse!

Be sure to visit Mr. Miyagee’s Facebook and Instagram page as well as Pet Mall SA Facebook page! Don’t forget to follow and “like” his pages too!

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