how winston came to live with us
My Winston is a apple head short haired Chihuahua. His coat is cream and tan.
Winston’s journey is a rather long one. We actually got Winston from a local rescue organization called F.L.E.A. (For The Love Of Every Animal).
At that time, we had Pebbles (8-28-2006 to 8-31-2021), Remedy, and Cora. We were a complete family. We decided that three were all we could care for as they deserved. But, as fate often does had other plans for us and Winston.
When Winston was at the rescue his name was Tugs. F.L.E.A. posted on their Facebook page that Tugs had gone for a meet and greet with a potential adopter and escaped from his halter while on a walk. He was gone for 8 days, lost to the elements and birds of prey! We live in a small community which is a suburb of a larger city. People were posting sitings on Facebook and the whole community was out looking for him. When someone got site of him he would run from them.
We were following the whole thing on Facebook and were very worried for him. As it turned out after being missing for 8 long days he was finally found. He was taken to a local veterinarian hospital to be checked out. Fortunately, after 8 long days he had lost some weight (which he needed to do anyway), but was otherwise healthy and no worse for wear.
ChiChis And Me is well known by this rescue organization and Suzanne, the owner and I have worked together before. She called me one evening and wanted to ask one more time if I could adopt “Tugs” as she knew he would be well cared for, loved, and safe with us. Well, you can guess the rest! 😁
the name game
I really wasn’t too fond of the name “Tugs” and was thinking of changing it. One day I walked by his bed and he was sitting up. I thought, “put a cigar in his mouth and he would look just like Winston Churchill!”
So, we changed it to Sir Winston and eventually dropped the “Sir”. In case you are wondering . . . it’s perfectly acceptable and can be beneficial, especially if the dog has negative associations with their current name or if you simply prefer a different one; dogs can easily learn new names and don’t have the same concept of identity as humans do, so a name change is usually not a problem for them as long as it’s done consistently with positive reinforcement.
As he began to lose weight he began looking more like a little Teddy Bear than Winston Churchill, so we generally shorten Winston to Winnie (the pooh). Our little Winnie with the Teddy Bear face!

being extrememly overweight
When “Tugs” arrived at the rescue he was extremely obese! He weighed a whopping 12 lbs! I worked with Suzanne from the rescue to help him lose. When he went on his little adventure he had lost some more. So when he came to us he was 9 years old and weighed 9.2 lbs. Still way too much weight for his tiny frame.

Winston's favorite game
It’s heartbreaking, but Winston —like my other two rescues—doesn’t play games. Sadly, this is common among rescued dogs. Regardless of their past, it’s likely they were never given the chance to experience the simple joy of play. If they never learned that playing was okay, — or even how to — they carry that uncertainty with them for the rest of their lives.
This is the case with all three of my rescues. I have tried to get them interested in playing, but they just aren’t interested. But, they are happy to just be outside, go for walks, and be with their people, so it’s okay.
winston rules my world
Winston came to live with us on December 19, 2020. He was 9 years old and his birthday is on 11-11-11. 😄 No way I’m going to forget his birthday!
Winston can be very demanding. When it’s dinner time he begins barking to let us know that he wants his dinner NOW! If we are in a room with the door closed he will bark his displeasure until we open the door and let him in. But when I think of all the time he was lost and on his own with no one to care for him and having to fend for himself for food it is very understandable and we don’t mind him demanding what he wants! He has earned it!
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Need Help With Your Dog's Weight?

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Don’t miss our post about our Liliana: “The Most Adorable Chihuahua Ever! Meet Our Liliana!”
sorry tried to give it a 5 and it went to a 2 but i wanted % stars
Hi Leslie! Thanks for the stars! I’ll check to see if there is an issue with the system. But I appreciate the 5!! even if it only shows two. You and I know what you meant 😉
Winston is soooooo cute! Makes me happy to see him in a home with people who adore him and love him. Absolutely the best!
Thank you Lislie! I’m glad you think so and I’m glad you find my website helpful. If you listen to Podcasts, I will be a guest next Wednesday, March 4, 2025 on a Podcast called “FUR REAL WITH MARK KYLE”. It will be on all platforms where you can get your podcast. We will discuss my favorite subject … Chihuahuas! And a little about Me, Chichis And Me, my passion, and my mission! It will also be on YouTube, but only the voices, there is no video. 🙂