Training your Chi to respond to a verbal command is not an easy thing for most pet parents. That is why most dogs lack behavior training.
Shelters and Chihuahua rescues across the U.S. report that most Chihuahuas that come to them are untrained and have behavior problems.
Don’t miss: Why Are Chihuahuas The Second Most Euthanized Dog Breed?
So if you are wondering why can’t I train my dog? If you are having trouble getting your Chi to respond to commands or changing bad behaviors, don’t give up! It’s so important for your dog’s well-being and your peace of mind.

There is help available from shelters, nonprofits, reputable breeders, veterinarians, and animal behaviorists. There are also websites, books, videos, and other sources for help. (like ChiChis And Me!) 🙂
A Common Mistake Pet Parents Make
Although positive treat based training has proven to be the most effective — and the kindest — training method the most common mistake pet parents make involves treats. Many unintentionally sabotage their Chi learning to follow your commands.
There are those that give a treat(s) every single time their dog does as they are asked. Then there are those that never give a treat(s). Both can result in your dog not learning to reliably respond to your command.

If your dog will only respond to a command such as “sit” when he knows you have a treat(s) in your hand or pocket, chances are you have rewarded him with treats too often and for too long.
“Essentially, the dog had learned two things had to be true for him to comply: the sit cue plus a treat. If either were not true, he’d find something more interesting to do.” ~ certified professional dog trainer, Jeff Stallings
How To Be Successful With Dog Training
What you ideally want is for your dog to learn the connection between your verbal cue or hand gesture and a reward for complying. However, if you continue to give treats for too long he may stop working for them unless he gets a treat.
How many times have you needed your Chi to perform a command such as “sit” but you have no treats with you?
Change It Up
When you first begin teaching your Chi a new command you should give them a treat each and every time they comply, until you are sure that he has learned it and
Begin by giveing him a treat every other time or once out of three times he responds correctly.

This will keep him guessing and the learning process becomes more interesting and fun. Don’t settle into a rhythm and gradually reward them with a treat less and less.
On the other hand don’t stop giving treats as a reward all together. Continue throughout his life reinforcing the learned behavior and occasionally give them a treat when he complies.
When Dog Training, Praise Works Too
Dogs are different and respond to different motivations. Some dogs are food lovers, some love praise and affection, some are motivated by some play time, but most dogs enjoy all of the above.
So when your dog complies to a wanted behavior, once in a while reward with a treat, some pats and affection, or a few minutes of play time. Continue reinforcing the learned behavior throughout his lifetime. If not, they will forget what it is you are asking for.