There is no other decision you will make more important than what to feed your Chihuahua.

I learned this the hard way! Let me tell you about my Pebbles and our quest for healthy nutritionally balanced dog food. When Pebbles was only 5 years old, on one of her routine visits to her veterinarian he noticed a heart murmur. After seeing two veterinarians, blood tests, x-rays, and an EKG, the diagnosis was heartbreaking!

My veterinarian informed me that Pebbles had not just a murmur, but an enlarged heart. In the x-ray, her heart took up her whole chest cavity! That day he put her on heart medications and told me that her life-span was greatly reduced. He said it would not be long before fluid would build up around her heart and in her lungs and that would be fatal. She was only 5 years old!

Photo: Pebbles on one of our trips to the beach approximately 3 years after her diagnosis.

I decided then and there that this was not going to happen to any of my other Chihuahuas, those that I had now and any that came to live with me in the future! I knew that nutrition was very important, but until I started doing the research, I did not understand exactly how important! At the time I was feeding her and all my Chihuahuas dog food that I thought was one of the best. I still suspected, however, that diet had caused or at least contributed to her heart disease. So I was on a quest for healthy dog food! It turns out I was right! The FDA came out with a report that some dog foods were causing heart disease in dogs. See the FDA’s report on commercial dog food and the link to heart disease.

Research, Research, Research!

I spent the next two years in intense research and study. I put in hours and hours of research pouring over veterinary medical journals, veterinary school libraries, veterinarian teaching hospital libraries, and talking to veterinarians, including my own, about canine nutrition.

I learned all about store-bought dog food and how it is manufactured. Where the nutrients in a bag (or can) of dog food come from. What goes into it and just how much nutrition there is (or isn’t) in manufactured dog food.

I learned that there are even premium brands out there that are actually poor in nutrition. I then learned how I could make commercial store-bought dog food healthier and nutritionally balanced with all the proper nutrients added that dogs really need that their dog food may not be providing. I learned that it’s not just the ingredients, but how they are produced, balanced, and absorbed in the body.

I ascertained what nutrients actually supported a dog’s health issues such as heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, allergies, and so on. Of course, there is no cure for diseases like heart, some cancers, or kidney diseases, however, there are nutrients, amino acids, minerals, probiotics, and healthy fats that can slow the progress and increase the quality of life. And good nutrition (or bad) is the number one factor on how long your Chihuahua will live an active quality life. Good nutrition is so vitally important to help your Chihuahua to live a longer life than they might have if they were eating another diet or dog food. But, of course, what really matters is the results, right?

The Amazing Results!

As a result of all that research I realized that even though every dog needs the same basic nutrition, every dog is not alike and may need different nutrients at different stages of life, based on a number of factors. Each individual dog has different nutritional needs based on their health issues and to help prevent disease. For instance, some breeds, including Chihuahuas are more susceptible to certain diseases.

My Chico started out eating the same “premium” dog food that Pebbles had been eating. With the help of a nutritionally balanced diet he lived a full and active life, he recently passed away at almost 18 years of age (above average lifespan for a Chihuahua) he was on no medications throughout his whole life clear to the end (rare for an older Chihuahua). We miss him so much but are so grateful he had a long, healthy, happy life!

I drew up a diet plan for each of my Chihuahuas based on them individually and their particular dietary needs then began feeding them my own dog food formulated by me. Cooked by my husband (he’s the cook in our family!) The recipes are easy and we make two week’s worth at a time, freeze most of it, and thaw when needed.

As a result, I am happy to report that my Pebbles is now 14 years old at this writing! Although she is still on heart medications — there is no cure — she is living a normal, happy, and quality life. Each time I see my veterinarian he is amazed by her! I can’t count the times that he has said, “that is one tough little dog!”. I know, however, (and so does he, as we have discussed her nutrition many times) that she is still with us, not because she is tough, but because her mom cared enough to ensure that she was getting the proper nutrition that helped support the health of her heart.

The Rest of My Four-Legged Family?

My other two, Chico, and Remedy Jane also benefited from a healthier diet! My husband and I immediately noticed they were more energetic, their skin was healthier, the constant licking ended, and their coats felt like angora rabbits’! Silky soft! Chico has since passed away as mentioned above, but at the ripe old age of 17, almost 18! That is an above-average life-span for a Chihuahua, and it’s all because of a healthier diet!

Cora’s Weight-Loss Story

We adopted our Corazón (Cora-aged 6) from a local rescue organization on October 12, 2020. She was an unhealthy 9.2 lbs when she came to us. Her ideal weight is 6 lbs. I formulated a diet for her and by feeding her the proper amount she has now lost 2 lbs! Since writing this she is now at her healthy, ideal 6 lbs. She has so much more energy and she and Remedy (Remedy is 5 at this writing) chase each other around the house and in our back yard!

Cora is now so much healthier, her coat is shiny and silky soft. She has lots more energy and zips around the house as she never did before. She is obviously happier now. She and Remedy race each other out the door to the backyard every single morning.

I can testify that there is almost nothing better than witnessing your Chihuahua become healthier and happier! Don’t do like I did and wait for a health scare before you start feeding your Chihuahua healthier! SEE BELOW:

A Little About Me

I have owned and raised Chihuahuas (not to breed or sell) for over 20 years, I have volunteered at our local Animal Shelter and have worked at a very busy state-of-the-art veterinary hospital with eight veterinarians on staff. Over those years I have learned through experience, research, and working at the hospital more and more about the Chihuahua breed. About their health and nutritional needs. I am as passionate about your Chihuahua’s health as I am my own because I know what a tremendous difference good nutrition can make!

Photo: left to right; Chico, Pebbles, and Remedy Jane

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Ray and Minnie

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