Are You That person?
I love Pinterest. Do you, like me, look for fresh, healthy dog food and treats? Those that are human-grade dog food, not that “who knows what is in it” dog food? One day you’re going to try that recipe, or one day you’re going to get it together and start feeding your dog homemade real food, because you know it’s better for them than that stuff you buy at the pet store that has lots of preservatives because it sits on the shelves for who knows how long!
So, you pin the recipes to your Pinterest board and you keep adding to it, but never make any of the recipes – guilty! (I have tried a few and passed them on to my Newsletter readers.)
However, I have done years of intensive study and research on canine nutrition. Those recipes on Pinterest are usually created by someone who doesn’t know what the best nutrients are and the right balance for a healthy Chihuahua.
There is nothing better than a home-cooked meal, and many loving dog parents take the time to cook fresh for their dogs every day. After having done the research I have found that…preparing home-cooked dog meals by yourself, while always well-intended, is often guided by a few common misconceptions.
That’s why I am very excited to be announcing that ChiChis And Me is testing and reviewing NomNomNow’s fresh, nutritional dog food! Actually, Chico, Pebbles, and Remedy Jane will be testing and I will be reviewing. Maybe I can be that person. You know, the one that has a clean conscience and very healthy, happy dogs!
This review will be in three parts,
- The ordering process
- The transition from what they have been eating
- The final review
Although I am excited to try it, this review will be completely truthful and accurate and will be done by me. I will give my honest opinion in this review, whether it’s good, bad, or indifferent.
Healthy Dog Food
While I was doing all the research for my series of posts on nutrition, I was determined to feed my dogs healthy dog food with all-natural ingredients. Meals that were homemade, real food. What I discovered, however, is that it was an overwhelming task, and well, I just don’t have the time and I hate to cook. My husband on the other hand loves to cook, so he now cooks our dog’s meals.
Then I learned about NomNomNow. The best part to me is that It’s fresh dog food made with all-natural human-grade ingredients and I don’t have to worry if they are getting all the nutrients that they need because their meals are veterinarian formulated and certified by a veterinarian nutritionist. The ingredients are human-grade, good enough for me, good enough for my dogs!
Here is what I know so far:
- The meals are individually portioned according to your dog’s nutritional needs.
- All meals are certified and veterinarian formulated by their own Veterinary Nutritionist, Dr. Justin Shmalberg
- All meals are human grade, gently cooked dog food and the vitamins are natural not added supplements
- All meals are cooked fresh, delivered fresh and served fresh.
- There are no additives and no artificial ingredients.
- They are shipped to you in individual packages and the shipping is free.
They even give discounts for multi-dog families! Yea, that’s me.
Part I, The Ordering Process:
In the process of ordering, it became obvious to me that NomNomNow really cares about their customer’s four-legged family members. They care enough to provide human-grade dog food to their customers.
There are five different recipes to choose from all-natural ingredients are listed for each one of them. I chose Porkalicious Potluck for Chico for a very good reason, it sounded good, but also because it has omega fatty acids that promote joint health.
For Pebbles, I chose the tasty turkey recipe because of the carrots and spinach and the health benefits that they provide.
Remedy Jane gets Chicken Chowwow. She eats kibble now that has chicken as the main protein source so I thought I’d continue feeding her chicken. All recipes are homemade real food.
They also have Heartland Beef Mash. When choosing a recipe there is a video of Dr. Shamlburg explaining each ingredient and what it is for and how it helps fuel the body.
You create a profile for your dog on their website and can even add a picture. In the profile, you provide your dog(s) name, breed, and weight. If you think your dog needs to lose a few pounds, they will adjust the meals accordingly and you can edit the profile at any time.
Before Arrival
I was impressed that they don’t just end it there and leave you in the dark, so to speak. They send you a follow-up email explaining what to expect next and exactly how to transition from the food they have been eating to the new fresh ingredient foods. You should never just abruptly change your dog’s diet.
There is a download for new customers to help guide them through the process. With the first order, they send free samples of all the recipes in case you have a picky eater (my Pebbles is one) that may not like the one you chose. If it turns out that your dog loves it, you can spread the love and send a friend a free sample box to try.
The Dog Food Delivery
On the day of delivery, the meals were deposited on my doorstep in a box with cold packs and insulation inside to keep the food cold for the rest of the day, so no worries if you are not home. In my delivery, one of the gel packs leaked, and the food packages were a little slimy, but it was still cold.

Gently Cooked Dog Food
I have to say that with three dogs and 4 weeks of food, it took quite a while to unpack and separate. I think the reason they don’t separate the recipes when packaging them for delivery is that you can rotate recipes, so your dogs don’t have to eat the same recipe all the time. Because these are fresh, human grade ingredients they can eat a variety, just like we do without upsetting their digestive system.

I put each dog’s name on a gallon zip lock bag and put all but the transition meals in the freezer. The transition meals are clearly marked with the percentage of serving on the front, to be mixed with their current food.
Along with the email that I had received with instructions, there was a little booklet inside the box with more clear instructions and a calendar. Also included were samples of each of their recipes, as promised.
We are going to try this out and let you know what the transition period was like, so watch for that in a couple of weeks.
Would you like to try it too? Now is the time, you can get a 50% discount on your first order!
no obligation and you can cancel anytime