A Game of tug is one of my Remedy Jane’s favorite games to play. We play this nearly every day. As soon as I bring out her tug toy she gets very excited!
Do Tug Games Cause Aggression?
It is an old school belief that playing a game of tug can cause a dog to become aggressive. This is not true. Although there is a difference between playing a game of tug and teasing your Chihuahua! You should never tease a Chihuahua.
Benefits Of Playing Tug
Playing tug with your Chihuahua is a great way to mentally and physically exercise your dog. You would be surprised at how quickly a game of tug will tire out your dog. It’s an easy game for you and not very time-consuming. You can accomplish your goal of having fun with your dog and giving him enough physical and mental exercise in a very short time. It’s a win-win.
You will still hear from friends and an occasional trainer that playing tug with your dog leads to dominance and aggression. The fact is there is no evidence that it does and in fact, it has been found that playing tug with your dog is a great way to build their confidence.
I will tell you as a Chihuahua owner that there is a big difference between playing tug with your Chihuahua and teasing your Chihuahua. You should NEVER tease your Chihuahua.

This is a subject that I am very passionate about! Chihuahua aggression! How many YouTube videos have you seen that are categorized as “cute” or “funny” that show a human teasing a Chihuahua by trying to take away a toy or a treat until they growl and snarl and even snap?
Interactively Exercise Your Chi Physically And Mentally
Playing tug is a great exercise for your Chi and for you without a great amount of effort on your part. There have been studies that show that a dog that plays is less likely to have behavioral issues. These dogs are also more playful and are more likely to come when they are called.
Tug-of-war is an enjoyable game for the dog, and playing it strengthens the bond between the owner and dog. Tug games can build confidence and help the dog use up excess energy. Games such as tug-of-war provide mental and physical stimulation, and they can be used to teach a dog self-control. ~ Dr. Mary Burch, director of the AKC Family Dog Program and a certified animal behaviorist
Using A Game Of Tug As A Training Tool
Have you ever watched dogs being trained for K9 police, military, or agility work? Then you may have seen them holding a tug toy in their hands. When the dog completes the desired behavior, the trainer will reward him with a quick game of tug.
If your Chihuahua is like my Remedy and enjoys a game of tug, try using it as a reward and positive reinforcement training. For Remedy, it is at least as rewarding as a treat (although she loves her treats!)
There Are Rules!
In order to keep the game safe and fun, there are rules to know before you begin playing a game of tug with your Chihuahua. They are:
- Be sure that your Chihuahua knows the “drop it” command. This way it will be easier to stop the game if you need to at any time for any reason.
- You should use a tug toy that is long enough that your Chis teeth are less likely to come in contact with your hand.
- It should be a game that you initiate. If necessary, keep the tug toy out of your dog’s sight until you are ready to play.
- Only begin the game after he sits and waits for you to tell him to “take it”.
- Never pull upwards. Only from side to side. You could cause spinal injuries if you pull up. My Chico is like a little Mexican pit bull and will NOT let go, even if his feet are lifted off the ground.
- If he begins to growl, don’t worry, this is normal play for a dog. However, if you feel that he is getting too excited or intense stop the game and take a break.
- If your Chihuahuas teeth do come in contact with your hand, stop immediately and say “no”, “ow”, or as dogs do, let out a yelp. Then begin the game over by making him sit and wait until you begin the game again. If it happens again, stop for the day. He will eventually learn to be more careful.
- Never let children play a game of tug with your Chi unless they are being carefully supervised and watch for signs of your Chihuahua becoming overly excited or intense.
Let Him Win Occasionally
This is not a game of competition between you and your Chihuahua. Contrary to what some people may tell you this will not cause your Chi to see you as being submissive.
In fact, it will build confidence in your Chihuahua. A confident Chihuahua is a better behaved and a happier Chihuahua. It does not cause aggression. Letting him win occasionally will make the game more enjoyable for him too.
Bonding And Training
Playing tug with your Chihuahua is a great way to bond. If your Chihuahua is new to your family, bonding is important and playing tug is a great way to start the bonding process. Just let him have a few days to adjust before you begin playing tug with him.

Having your Chihuahua follow the rules is a great way to get some training in and working on impulse control.
It is a game you can play indoors so it is also a great game to play on raining days or during other inclement weather.
So have fun and start playing!