Pookie’s Story

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This story was told to me by Nancy Storlie, and is written by me.

One day in 2004, Nancy, who lives in Alaska saw an ad for a little Chihuahua and immediately fell in love with the adorable puppy! So Nancy called inquiring about this little puppy — she later named Pookie — that had completely captivated her heart.

This person who lived in Arizona said that she was the breeder and that her puppies were purebred American Kennel Club (AKC) registered puppies. Nancy was so eager to meet this puppy who she already was calling Pookie that she told the woman that she would fly to meet her in Arizona to pick Pookie up.

The woman agreed to meet her at a hotel in Arizona and that she would even pay for the room. Nancy asked her to please bring photos of Pookie’s mom and dad (dam and sire). The woman said that she didn’t have any photos, however, she would bring them along to the hotel so that Nancy could meet them when she met Pookie.

photo of a puppy mill chihuahua
Little Pookie

Even better, Nancy thought. So she flew to Arizona and checked in to the hotel which the woman indeed had paid for. After she was settled in, she called the woman to let her know that she had arrived. She was so excited and eager to meet and hold little Pookie!

About an hour later the woman arrived with a carrier holding 3 or 4 puppies including little Pookie. When she finally got to hold him she was over the moon in love! Pookie was sweet and friendly, however, he was obviously frightened. She confirmed to the woman that this was beyond a doubt the puppy that she wanted.

According to the woman, little Pookie was three months old. So, Nancy paid the woman $1,600. and asked where Pookie’s parents were that she was going to bring along. In response, the woman just shrugged it off and told her she couldn’t find them when she left.

Nancy then asked for the AKC papers for Pookie that the woman had told her she would bring with her. The woman replied that she had forgotten to fill them out before she left, but, not to worry, she would mail the papers to her. Nancy was beginning to get a little suspicious by now, but all she could really think about was taking her new little bundle of love home and getting him settled into his new home.

Nancy preceded to get little Pookie’s flight papers ready and fly back home with her precious baby. She was just so happy that little Pookie was now officially hers!

Once they returned home she and Pookie settled in and got to know each other. Each day that passed she kept thinking that Pookie’s AKC papers would arrive that day. Days, weeks, and then months passed and she still had not received the papers proving that little Pookie was a full-bred AKC registered Chihuahua.

Of course, each day that passed she was getting more and more suspicious and wishing that she had been more insistent that day in the hotel room about the papers before she left Arizona.

She finally called the woman and politely reminded her that she still had not received Pookie’s AKC papers. Right away the woman got angry. It was pretty obvious now that Nancy was not ever going to see those papers. She told the woman that she was going to report her the American Kennel Club (AKC). What was the woman’s reaction to this? She hung up on Nancy.

photo of a puppy mill chihuahua
Little Pookie

Nancy did as she said she would, she called the AKC to ask about Pookie’s papers. Of course, I’m sure that you realize by now as did Nancy, that the AKC had no knowledge of this breeder or of Pookie or her parents.

Nancy was devastated that she would never know who Pookie’s parents were and where Pookie came from. She didn’t know that there were people like that who would fraudulently sell living breathing little dogs.

She did learn, however, that she could apply for Continental Kennel Club (CKC) papers for Pookie. The CKC allows it’s members to register their breeding stock and puppy papers are distributed to them for each litter, free of charge. So she did the only thing she could and applied for and received CKC papers for Pookie.

Of course, she wanted this woman to pay for what she did, but Nancy did not know how to do it or where to turn, so she resigned herself to the knowledge that this horrible woman would never pay for her dastardly deed and would probably go on cheating other unsuspecting buyers.

Then in March of 2018 she saw a TV program on puppy mills and low and behold, there was the very same woman! It may be hard for you or I to believe that Nancy had never heard of nor had any knowledge of puppy mills before she saw this program.

chihuahuas in a puppy mill
Puppy mill puppies and the horrid conditions that they live in

But it is not an uncommon occurrence. There are still to this very day people who have never heard of puppy mills or if they have they have no idea how they operate or knowledge of the unbearable conditions that the puppies, as well as their breeder dogs, have to endure. All for the sake of money! That is why these horrible people continue to get away with it and cheat and steal from others that also have no idea.

It was now quite clear to Nancy that she had been dealing with a puppy mill operator and why she did not want to meet Nancy at her home or have any papers and no pictures of Pookie’s parents. She is horrified to think that Pookie and his parents lived in such horrid conditions, but so grateful that at least Pookie is now safe living in a good home with people who love her very much.

Nancy has no idea what happened to Pookie’s parents or any of the other dogs that were finally rescued from that horrible woman, but she thinks of them often and hopes that they too are safe with a loving family.

Nancy wanted her story told in the hopes that no one else would be conned and that no more dogs would have to suffer in a puppy mill!

Sadly, Pookie had health problems as is the case with most puppy mill dogs and he has since passed away. But Pookie left us with a lesson. Have you learned Pookie’s lesson?

Never buy a puppy at a pet store! Never buy a puppy online (unless it is a legitimate rescue organization) and never ever buy a puppy from an ad on Craigslist or any other selling platform. Please see: 10 Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Puppy.

Yes, Pookie a a few other very lucky puppies get to find new homes, but their parents are used as breeders in filthy conditions with very little to no health care at all for the rest of their lives. What a miserable existence!

The only way to completely shut down every single puppy mill is for everyone to never purchase a dog from one. If puppy mill operators can’t sell their puppies and make money, they are out of business!

You can find true AKC registered Chihuahua puppies on the AKC website. First, please read: Is It Wrong To Adopt A Pure Bred Chihuahua?

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Karen Truglio
Karen Truglio
4 years ago

My long hair chichuahua is a rescue from a puppy mill. She was brought directly to me because they wanted to put her down. She is blind due to a very bad infection in both eyes that her eyes were swollen shut. She had a hernia, bad teeth and had never seen a groomer in her life. She was afraid of the sound of birds and the wind rushing thru the trees. She had never been outdoors or out of her cage. She had bred 6 liters of puppies and they wanted to destroy her. She is the love of my life and spoiled to an extreme but she will never see a cage again. Please shut down puppy mills they are inhumaine

Joann zboyan
Joann zboyan
4 years ago

This was a good story about Pookie.How unfortunate Nancy did not now about puppy mills.We have always gone to a rescue or had pooches given to us.

Joann zboyan
Joann zboyan
4 years ago
Reply to  Linda

We need to get the word out for people to adopt and not shop from a breeder or pet store!!!!!!!!!!

Shannon Edwards
Shannon Edwards
4 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful stories (although sometimes sad), I look forward to reading your letters every month!

Cheryl B.
Cheryl B.
4 years ago

I was looking for a Chihuahua to rescue and met a few but for some reason I just did not connect with them like I had my other Chis that had lived good long lives but had crossed the rainbow bridge. I came across a rescue that was a couple of hours away from our home so we went to check them out. We already had a Pomeranian that was 13 years old that we had rescued when he was about year old. Anyway, I walked in to this home and saw several dogs but there was one that just caught my eye. She was a Pomeranian that we were told was rescued from a puppy mill with a lot of other dogs. I picked her up and she just stole my heart. I named her Kiki. I had a doggie DNA done and found out that she was 3/4 Pomeranian and 1/4 Flat Coated Retriever! Well you can imagine she was a lot bigger then any chihuahua had raised. She was with us for 8 years and then she fell ill with pancreatitis and then diabetes. Then she got cataracts and truly within one week was totally blind. She then got an infection in one eye where it almost popped out of the socket and then the 2nd eye got infected. She was so miserable and clung to me every minute of the day. My husband and I finally had to let her go and have her put down. The veterinarian told me that all of her health problems stemmed from the puppy mill. We had her regular check ups all of the time and her shots and took good care of her. I am still heart broken over losing her last year. I know this story is not about a chihuahua but it is about puppy mills. Please whatever you do please work to shut down every puppy mill in the US!

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