Chihuahua Training Book
There are thousands of training books for dog owners — maybe millions, I haven’t actually counted — but, there are very few Chihuahua training books, and you and I know that although a Chihuahua is a dog, they are different in many ways than other dogs.
Loyal & Protective
Chihuahuas are very (extremely) protective and loyal. These are wonderful qualities for a dog, however, if these traits in a Chihuahua are not channeled in the right way they can become little tyrants. They will take over your house and you. They may be little, but they are mighty.

On the other hand, if they are properly trained and socialized they are the sweetest, most loving and loyal little dog on the planet.
You may get lucky and find one that just naturally has a sweet personality and get along fine without much training or socialization, but that is very, very rare.

Fear Aggressive
Chihuahuas are also fear aggressive. What does that mean? It means that when they are afraid, they do what their instincts tell them to do. They don’t retreat or cower, they get aggressive! That is the only way they know to scare away whatever or whoever it is that appears as a threat to them or their property.
They will try more subtle tactics first, snarling, curling up their lip to show their teeth, growling, and if none of those things work they will resort to biting!
Behavior Problems
This often results in behavior problems. aggressively protecting their food, toys, you, your chair, the couch, or the bed. Anything that they perceive as their property they will fiercely protect.

So if you need help to train your Chihuahua and stop the bad behaviors why let just any training book help? Why not let an expert in the Chihuahua breed help?
How To Train A Chihuahua
Learn :
How to overcome their stubborn tendencies
The best techniques for training a Chihuahua
5 easy steps to correcting unwanted behavior
How to avoid these common mistakes
Now only $9.95

There are even physical considerations to consider when training a Chihuahua. They are tiny dogs. Most training books and videos show the trainer standing to give hand signals or verbal commands. That’s mighty hard to do with a Chihuahua. There are other ways to train a Chihuahua. Don’t hurt your back or knees by constantly bending over when training!
Need help with aggression one was understandable, #2pain? #3 touching ears #4 cuddles in the morning ritual and touched his belly while a roused, feeling a small stick to his lipstick and he got very aggressive, scary aggressive had to throw my covers on him.
We’ve done a lot of training. He obedient, sweet understands his commands usually very low and sweet commands.
I really can’t afford a lot and love him dearly. A soul match with communication.
The fear I felt from this startling event may have startled him; however, I’ve done things like when brushing his teeth and it hurts he yelps, I kiss his head say sorry and finish.
Why in the world has he had too many episodes of aggression in the last year and half.
I know he’s had pain ( patellar luxation) and felt the first aggressive act May have been pain. I touched one ear and he growled , like I never saw m, so I touched the other ear curious and first time mommy. Well he jumped all up my body and I had to turn my face.
If he hurts he maybe telling me.
He trust me.
Got him before Covid and got sick not Covid anemia and in the first part of his life I’m understanding how cruel it was not to have socialized him. Now I do and fear people petting him.
I’m sad and confused.
Tell me what I can do or read just please help.
Sad and confused furbaby mommy!
Thank you
Hi Leslie, I am so sorry you are having this problem. I feel your frustration and I know the desperate feeling. However, 1. I’m not sure what exactly you are saying and 2. I can’t solve an aggression issue for you in a comment at the end of an article. From what I understand he may be in pain and you should have him evaluated by a veterinarian. My other suggestion is to watch my videos on YouTube. There are several about aggression. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help and I hope you find the answer in one of my videos. CLICK HERE TO SEE MY VIDEOS
How do I purchase the book? It keeps bringing me back to the same page
Hi John, I sent you an email ….
I would love to have a puppy to love and care for
It may take a little time, but it’s not that hard to find a Chihuahua puppy. Check with all the veterinarians in your area. They will know the responsible breeders and rescue organizations in your area.
Below are some articles that will help you:
Love your tips and trying to purchase your trainning book,
I’ll keep trying but maybe you can have a look into it for me,
Ps I’m in Australia, can’t imagine that’s the issue but thought worth mentioning,
Many thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebeca!
Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m so happy that you find them helpful. I’m having issues with the software for the payment process. I am working on it and it should be up and running soon.
As a thank you for letting me know, I’ll send you a free copy. So, watch for it in your email.
Thank you & I’m so sorry you had issues. No, nothing to do with you being in Australia. 🙂
Hi I’m trying to purchase the book but keeps bringing me back to the buy me page. Help lol
Hi Julie!,
Yes, having some software problems with the payment process. I’m so sorry! I am working on it. But, for letting me know, watch your email because I’ll send the book to you for free.
Again, I’m very sorry & thank you!
I’m trying to purchase your ebook but the site doesn’t take me to the page where I can order it. Is there a problem with the site or am I missing something? Please advise.
Hi Wendie!
Thank you for letting me know! I discovered a break in the payment process. I am working on it now. As a thank you for letting me know I am emailing you the book for free. If you don’t find it in your inbox by this afternoon, please check your “promotions” or “spam” folder. Thanks again! ~ Linda