What Are The Rarest Chihuahuas?

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Chihuahuas come in a huge variety of coat colors and patterns. The AKC official standards accept any color and pattern. Color and pattern preferences among breeders and Chihuahua lovers abound and for each preference, there is a Chihuahua in that color.

But, some of them may be very difficult to find. From top to bottom, these are the rarest colors you’ll find in a Chihuahua.

  • Merle
  • Brindle
  • Lavender or Lilac
  • Pure White


The merle Chihuahua is not a color but rather a coat pattern. They are not the rarest Chihuahua, but they are not easy to find either. One reason they are rare is that a breeder has to know what they are doing to produce a healthy merle.

Due to the amount of colors and patterns occurring in the Chihuahua breed the ethical breeding of the merle pattern can be much more difficult than in other breeds who limit the allowed colors and patterns ~ The Chihuahua Club of America

If a breeder does not know the ethical way to breed a merle Chihuahua they are prone to a plethora of health issues.

rarest Chihuahua colors, chocolate merle
Two chocolate merle Chihuahuas

They may be born deaf, with abnormalities of the eye such as increased intraocular pressure, ametropia (images fail to focus on the retina), microphthalmia (abnormally small or malformed eyes), and colobomas (occurs before birth and is missing pieces of tissue in structures that form the eye).

The double merle gene may also cause abnormalities of skeletal, cardiac and reproductive systems.

rarest Chihuahua colors, blue merle
My Remedy Jane is a blue merle with one blue eye (she is very healthy!)

According to the Chihuahua Club of America, the merle pattern is best shown in a chocolate or blue merle. If you consider buying or adopting a merle Chihuahua be sure to have them tested and have a thorough veterinarian exam.


The brindle Chihuahua is also not a color but a pattern. The brindle is not the rarest Chihuahua but just like the merle, they are difficult to find.

Brindle is a pattern sometimes referred to as tiger-striped. The brindle pattern is not rare in some other breeds such as Boxer, Great Dane, English Mastiff, Boston terrier, just to name a few.

The streaks of color are irregular and usually darker than the base color of the coat, although very dark markings can be seen on a coat that is only slightly lighter. ~ Wikipedia

Again it’s all in the breeding. Breeding Chihuahuas that produce the brindle pattern is not necessarily an easy thing to do. I don’t breed Chihuahuas and don’t know very much about breeding and what genes produce what color or pattern. But I do know that breeding a true brindle is not easy.

rarest Chihuahua colors, brindle
A black and fawn brindle Chihuahua

Lavender or Lilac

Lavender or Lilac color is diluted chocolate. This creates a color known as “lavender” in Chihuahuas. The lavender color is difficult to breed because it is hard to reproduce. Even if you mate two lavender dogs you may not get lavender puppies. One of the mates must have the diluting “d” gene as seen in blues.

rarest Chihuahua colors, lavender or lilac
A lavender Chihuahua (photo courtesy of www.chichibabies.com

It is referred to as lavender or lilac because of the purplish tint to the diluted chocolate color.

Pure White Chihuahua

The pure white Chihuahua is the rarest color of all. Why is the pure white Chihuahua so rare? To have a truly all-white Chihuahua you must breed two pure white Chihuahuas.

rarest Chihuahua colors, pure all white
Pure white Chihuahua (image source: Instagram)

A rare all-white Chihuahua will have no black pigment to his skin. This means that the eyes nose and even the nails will be a light color. The ears will also be pink.

Sometimes the cream Chihuahua is confused with an all-white Chihuahua. However, a cream Chihuahua will have those deep, dark black eyes that you can get lost in and a black nose. Whereas the pure white Chihuahua will have light eyes and a pink nose. This does not mean that they are albino either.

cream long haired Chihuahua
Beautiful cream and white Chihuahua (notice the dark eyes and nose)

Don’t miss: What is a blue or a blue Merle Chihuahua?

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Melissa Turner
Melissa Turner
1 year ago

I have a blue 💙 Chihuahua she will be ten years old in February of 2024 how long do they usually live

Brandi Washburn
Brandi Washburn
1 year ago

What would that the type of Chihuahua be if it looks like he is a German Shepherd but is in fact a Chihuahua?

1 year ago

how am I supposed to enter your contest for prizes when all it does is tell me that the submission has failed. Just curious

Sonja McCrary
Sonja McCrary
2 years ago

What about height?? I rescheduled a chi who is quite tall for the breed. The previous owner swore that the pups were from 2 Chihuahua parents. And mine is pure black as a puppy. His parents were a fawn and variegated type. Both of them were your run of the mill size. Yet mine grew very tall , much taller than his parents.

Laura Savana
Laura Savana
1 year ago
Reply to  Linda

My chihuahua is a Deer Leg Chihuahua. I call her Lady Long Legs. I rescued her and the agency said that the pup’s available then were all purebred. Charly looks more like a miniature greyhound. I looked and looked for information on her and happened upon a picture that looked just like her. I never heard of such a thing as Deer Leg. On her first visit to our vet he warned me to not let her jump up or down because of her hips. He also let me know that she would have arthritis early. She is three now and already has signs of arthritis in her hips. She has stairs to get in and out of my bed. She never attempts to jump. And she loves a deep muscle massage of her back hips.

Pammie Henderson
Pammie Henderson
2 years ago

Loved reading this page. Found out dune really neat things about the Chihuahua that I never knew.👍🏽👍🏽

3 years ago

I think i have a merle coat Chihuahua, Hope it turns out long haired also.

Nancy Scott
Nancy Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Patty

I was always told that the black Chihuahua was one of the rare ones. Is this correct?

zana sessions
zana sessions
3 years ago

I have been searching everywhere for a female, apple head, smooth coat chihuahua. I cannot find one anywhere. I’ve always had chihuahuas and lost my last one 3 years ago. I’m just now ready to get a new one. I never knew it would be so hard to find one.

4 years ago

I am sliver of chihuahuas, I have adopted several. I have one male that is short haired and reddish brown. Some say he looks like a mix with a min pin. I also have a long haired male that is black. I think chihuahuas get a bad rap. I have been told they are stupid, non stop barking and are unfriendly. My chihuahua’s love to play fetch, love meeting new people and are very smart. I think that people don’t give them a chance and unfortunately like all dogs, many owners don’t invest the time to train their dogs.
Go Chihuahua’s 😁

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda

I agree my grandparents bought one when I was 6 mos old she died when I was 15 and I was devastated and she wasn’t even mine ! I have owned 3 2 died years ago and I have one now that I adore and she always has to know where I am at we know when someone is around on the property I live on but if you give her a treat then she will love you forever(I only give treats to give to her if I know the person and trust them)she is the best guard dog I have ever had she is 4 now and still has certain snuggly puppy love to give

4 years ago

We have a beautiful Brindle and Lilac long hair chihuahua. He is very healthy, happy and also has the wolf sable mask. So glad we found him!

Tammy Elkins
Tammy Elkins
4 years ago

Thanks so much for explaining the colors. Our Bella is a blue Merle. She was a rescue but we thought her momma had bred with an Australian shepherd somehow! We had never seen a chihuahua with her markings plus one blue eye and one brown eye.

Bobby Thompson
Bobby Thompson
4 years ago

I have chihuahua and her name is Misty and she is almost 18 years young she still has all of her teeth and is in good physical condition she is alert and still loves to play but I can tell old age is catching up with her. She is starting to have breathing trouble and the vets say her throat might be get smaller he’ll I don’t know but she is starting to hack a little bit at first they thought it was her heart but it is not they did a check on her blood and found that she hardly had any fat in her blood that could cause heart disease so we have ruled that out but like I said the vet said he has seen these before in small dogs and the throat just gets. Smaller he said he does not know why it just happens. But as far as that issue she is fine . She is a chocolate with what was at one time a peanut butter colored mask but now it is white. When I got her she had no white on her at all. Thanx Bobby

Diana Kiger
Diana Kiger
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobby Thompson

older dogs esophogus gets elongated with age, like droopy boobs and the symptom is coughing

Dianne Sawyer
Dianne Sawyer
4 years ago

I love my blue long-hair chi more than anything. I adopted her, and her name was Blueberry. I changed it to Pippa Blueberry. She can’t wag her tail, and it is so beautiful. I know s he would if she could. Was she likely born this way, or was she likely injured? It doesn’t seem to bother her. She seems so happy and is so sweet.

4 years ago

Is it normal for a Chihuahua’s lips to get darker as it ages?

Keith Monroe Reynolds
Keith Monroe Reynolds
4 years ago

I have a tea cup pup that is 4 years old an can sleep in cereal bowl. She’s no bigger than my hand. She is only 7″ long with a tale of 4″. I’ve had her since she was 12 weeks old. So how rare is my chihuahua, her name is Wello, after the movie Wello.

Kathy McCourt
Kathy McCourt
5 years ago

I just got a grey chihuahua. Shen is so beautiful

4 years ago
Reply to  Kathy McCourt

We saw a blue Chihuahua yesterday slick almost chrome looking coat. if it wasn’t spoken for ida grabbed it up.

5 years ago

I have a gorgeous teacup white Chihuahua he is absolutely gorgeous

5 years ago

I have two Harlequin Male brothers from same litter.
Are there lots of Harlequin and are they worth any money

Barbara L Lewis
Barbara L Lewis
4 years ago
Reply to  Linda

I have a long haired solid lilac w/ white markings puppy that’s now almost 8 weeks old, will she keep that lilac color or will it change when she blows her coat. This is the parents 2 ND litter. 4 males 1st litter 3 fawn & tan w/ lilac tips and 1 cream w/ lilac tips. This litter 1 fawn & tan w/lilac tips, 1 black& tan w/ white markings, 1 solid lilac w / white markings, 1 variegated brown with lilac mixed throughout coat, w/ lilac tips. Mom is fawn & tan w/ lilac tips, Dad is a deep two tone rust color ( like a red Doberman).They have the most beautiful babies together mom is young just 2. Dad is old was 6 in May. Such a shame he is so old they make such amazing baby’s.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda

My Layla looks like a minpin one parent was a blue (she has a long haired blue couple of years ago mixed with westie rofl)the other looks like her, I would have sold my first born to get a female blue and not breed her they are more of silvery gray but they are BEAUTIFUL!!

Suzzette Y
Suzzette Y
5 years ago

As an AKC Chihuahua breeder for 8 years, the only rare colors I have come across is pure white. The rest of the colors and patterns I see on your list are DEFINITELY not rare 🙂 Absolutely LOVE your website/blog! It’s great!!!

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