Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, did you know that ticks can live all year round? And they are not only found in the United States but also in Canada, Europe, Africa, and Asia. It seems you just can’t get away from the little buggers. There is nowhere to hide to keep your Chihuahua safe from ticks.
how ticks survive in the winter
Ticks are even capable of surviving the coldest winter temperatures when they can find a host to feed on or a warm location to hide in during the coldest weather months.
However, even without a warm host, adult ticks will still be a threat when temperatures hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit. (7.2 c)

Ticks survive the winter in a variety of ways, but they do not go away just because it is cold. Depending on the species – and stage in their life cycle – ticks survive the winter months by going dormant or latching onto a host such as your Chihuahua.
For this reason, no matter where you live or what season, or temperature where you live you should use flea and tick prevention of some kind.
what should you do if you find a tick on your dog?
Are you like me? Does finding a tick on your Chihuahua really freak you out? I loathe the little buggers! But, creepy or not, if you find a tick on your Chihuahua, you MUST remove it immediately!
In as little as 24 hours after attaching to your innocent little Chihuahua ticks can transmit diseases to your dog. That is why it is imperative to remove it immediately.
After you’ve gone for a walk or after your dog has been outdoors you should check them for ticks.
Ticks can come from other animals, and grass, and can even drop from trees. No matter where you go your Chihuahua can bring home a tick.
It’s always a good idea to check you Chihuahua for ticks after he/she has spent any time outdoors.

Ticks like to hide especially:
- Around their face
- Around the neck
- Inside the ears
- Under their legs
- Between their toes
guide to safely remove a tick from your chihuahua
Tools You'll Need:
- Latex or rubber gloves
- Good lighting and a magnifying glass
- Tweezers or a tick removal tool such as, Premium Tick Removal Kit
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Jar or small container with a lid
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Treats
Steps To Remove A Tick From Your Chihuahua
Be very careful when trying to remove a tick from your Chihuahua around the eyes, around their mouth, and inside the ears.
If you feel uncomfortable trying to remove a tick from any of those areas do not be afraid to take your dog to the vet to have them remove it. I’ve worked at a veterinary hospital and they really don’t mind removing them for you.
Use treats to distract your dog while you’re working on removing the tick (you may need an assistant if your dog is especially squirmy)

Using Tweezers:
If you are using tweezers to remove a tick from your Chihuahua, follow these steps:
- Grab the tick as close to the dog’s skin as possible. But try not to pinch your dog! Also, don’t squeeze the tick too tightly or you might crush the tick and that will make it more difficult to remove.
- Slowly pull the tick from your dog’s skin in a steady motion and pull straight up. Don’t twist or jerk your hand while pulling. Try not to pull the head out while leaving the rest of the body still attached.
- Once you have successfully removed the tick examine it to make sure that you got all of the tick’s body parts removed from your dog’s skin.
Using A Tick Removal Tool:
There are many great tick-removal tools to choose from. The premium Tick Removal Kit comes with a free identification card to help you identify the most common species of ticks found in the United States. And a portion of each purchase goes to Lyme disease research!
I personally prefer them over tweezers because the ends of tweezers are sharp and I don’t want to poke my Chihuahua! I just think they are safer. Follow these steps:
- Gently “hook” the body of the tick in the notch of the tool.
- Rotate the tool clockwise or counterclockwise (which you don’t want to do if using tweezers) until the tick detaches from the skin. Don’t pull on the tick while it is still attached.
- Once the tick has detached, lift the tick away from the skin.
- Examine the tick to be sure all body parts have been removed from your Chihuahua’s skin.
what should you do if the head is left in your dog's skin?
If you realize that the head or other body parts are still left embedded in your dog’s skin there is no reason to panic.
However, do not try to dig them out. Trying to dig it out will only cause more irritation and inflammation and could cause an infection.
Instead, take your Chihuahua to the vet to have the head removed by a professional. They can also prescribe medication or antibiotic to prevent infection and more discomfort for your Chihuahua.

how to kill a tick
Once you have removed the tick you need to kill it. — Did a murder mystery just pop into your head … or is that just me? 😜
Okay, seriously … once you have safely removed the tick, place it in a jar filled with isopropyl alcohol and seal the lid tightly. The alcohol will kill the tick.
You may want to take a photo of the intact tick to identify the species later.
Or, keep the tick in the container in case your dog starts to show signs of illness. That way your veterinarian can identify if your dog may have a tick-borne disease that is making him/her sick.
Different species of ticks cause different diseases. Some can have long-lasting debilitating effects or even lead to death. So your veterinarian will be grateful that you kept the tick or have a clear photo of the tick to help him/her identify what disease your Chihuahua may be infected with.
disinfect the skin
After placing the tick in the jar you can then clean and disinfect the skin to prevent any infection and soothe the area. First gently clean the site of the tick bite with a mild soap and water. Then apply an antibiotic cream or gel.
Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Hydrogel spray is a good choice because it is veterinarian-recommended and will reduce allergy symptoms from the bacteria from the bite. It is also safe if your Chihuahua bites or licks the area.
Continue to watch the area where the tick was attached. If you notice any redness or inflammation, contact your veterinarian immediately.
preventing ticks
Naturally, the best way to prevent both ticks and fleas from biting your Chihuahua is to keep them on flea and tick prevention all year round.
However, I caution you about some prescription preventatives and some over-the-counter flea and tick preventatives.
Just recently scientists are realizing that these “safe” preventatives are not safe at all. Sadly, there have been dogs that have died directly due to some flea and tick preventatives.
You may want to read the article entitled; “Wait! Before You Buy Any More Fleas And Tick Products, What You Need To Know“.