See The Cutest Chihuahua Fall Photos From Our Subscribers

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A few weeks ago I asked in an email for our subscribers to send us some “fall-themed” photos of their Chihuahuas. Although we didn’t get as many as we hoped, our subscribers really came through! We got some beautiful ones and some mighty cute photos of their Chihuahuas!

Let’s Make This An Annual Tradition!

I would like this to become a seasonal tradition. Let’s do Summer, Fall, and Winter. May 14th each year is International Chihuahua Appreciation Day, so instead of Spring photos, I’m planning an International Chihuahua Appreciation Day contest with prizes!

So, get your thinking caps on and start planning that perfect photo of your Chihuahua for our upcoming photo contest!

Previous International Chihuahua Appreciation Day Photo Contest

We have had International Chihuahua Appreciation Day Photo Contest, in the past, but, this year I want it to be bigger and with bigger prizes! I am reaching out to our partners and sponsors now and asking them to partner with me on this photo contest with prizes from them. I’m excited about this, and I hope it turns out to be the very best one yet!

Anna from a previous Chihuahua appreciation day contest

If you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe so you will receive a notification when the contest begins with all the details! Pssst, you will get a FREE ebook; “How To Housetrain A Chihuahua” when you sign up!


I didn’t specify any rules for these photos, as a result, some sent more than one and some gave some adorable details that I don’t have room for in this gallery. I did, however, read every single one and I thank you!

One person sent an email, but there was no photo, and did not respond to my email letting her know (if you are or plan to subscribe, please add us to your contact list so it doesn’t end up in a spam folder and you miss them). If I missed anyone or misspelled a name, I humbly apologize. If you send an email letting me know of my mistake, I’ll fix it. Just send me an email at:

I thank each and every one of you that took the time to send your beautiful photos of your precious babies! Getting a good photo of a Chihuahua is not easy! I know! I am no photographer, but I have to acknowledge that some of these photos look professional! Great job, everyone!


I am very excited about our newest Partner, K-9 Training Institute! We all know Chihuahuas can develop some serious behavior issues that are very difficult to deal with or to fix. Now you can with this wonderful training masterclass!

They work with every breed from tiny Chihuahuas to Great Danes. You can start with a FREE workshop, and if you like it, you can pay for the masterclass in three easy payments. It’s affordable and it has helped many others (read testimonials below). Just click on the photo below to learn more about it.

What Others Have Said About K-9 Training Institute

Guess what, my Chihuahua is completely housebroken now! I used to have so much difficulty getting Frankie to not do his business all over my house. I used your methods to housetrain him and it has worked wonders on him!“– Amanda Silver from Glasgow, Scotland

I used your tips to start training my Yorkshire Terrier puppy Grace a few weeks after I got her. With just a few days of training, I have managed to get Grace to come when called and stop pulling on her leash.

She is also completely housebroken now. I am so happy I discovered your site. I have had other dogs in the past, but none of them were as easy to train as Grace has been thanks to your site“– Cassandra Wallace from Scranton, Pennsylvania

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