Send Us Your Chihuahua Story – Landing Page


Do you know the saying “everyone has a story”? It’s true of all of us and our Chihuahuas have stories to tell too. Does your Chihuahua have a rescue story? Maybe your Chihuahua rescued you! Perhaps he has a special talent. Or does he have a story about overcoming an obstacle in his life? And of course, we all love funny stories.

They also say that there is a writer in all of us! This is the place to share your story with us! Because we are a community of Chihuahua lovers from around the world and we all want to know about other people’s Chihuahuas too.

I will publish here on our website YOUR story!

If you have a story that you would like to share with us, please just fill out the form below:

We will only publish personal information if we have your consent first!

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on guard!

Ho to stop your Chihuahua’s over protective bhavior

Your guide to understanding  the root causes of overprotective behavior and provides step-by-step strategies.

Don’t worry, we hate spam too—unless it’s the kind in a can. Our emails are all meat, no filler!

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Take this quick Chihuahua Feeding Quiz to see if your pup’s diet is on track! Plus, get expert tips based on your results