How To Stop Bad Behavior Forever

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Basic “Must Know” Commands

There are some basic commands that ALL dogs must know, that will help stop bad behavior. But, because of the Chihuahua’s sassy little attitude and their tendency to want to take over, these are just as important, if not more important for a Chihuahua to learn. They are:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Come
  • NO
  • Enough
  • Leave it

Some think that because of their diminutive size, teaching a Chi these commands is unnecessary. They couldn’t be more wrong. Teaching your Chi these six commands will stop bad behavior in most cases AND restore peace and harmony in your home. It may even save their life!

For instance, if your Chi is about to run out in the street his obeying the “NO”  or “Come” command may very well save his life. If you’re walking your dog and he starts to eat a poisonous plant, obeying the “Leave it” command could likewise save his life. In this post, we will learn the ins and outs of the “NO” command.


Teaching them the meaning of “NO”

In some cases, owners actually unknowingly reinforce bad behavior by the things they do or say. When you utter the word “NO” your Chihuahua should stop whatever he or she is doing immediately. No means “stop what you are doing right now and don’t ever do it again!” If you say it in a sharp, firm, loud (not yelling) voice, your meaning won’t be lost on them. If your voice is not forceful, clap your hands after you say it. But, say it and/or clap your hands only once.

Many people make the mistake (I’m guilty too sometimes) of repeating no, no, no, over and over again or clapping over and over. Please resist the urge to do that. If you do, the word soon becomes meaningless to them and they will completely ignore it. You want to immediately grab their attention and let them know that you really mean it. It tells them to stop whatever bad behavior they are doing now!

If you have already desensitized them to the word “NO” then think of another word that doesn’t have a similar sound and start using it only when you want them to know that you mean business.

What to never, ever do!

Never, ever touch your dog in anger! Always keep your cool. If you yell, scream, or hit your dog all you will do is teach him to fear you. He may stop the behavior, but out of fear, not because he wants to please you. He will lose confidence and a fearful dog is an angry, unhappy dog. I know that is not what you want for your little guy or girl.

The body language of this dog is fear. You don’t want your Chi to be afraid of you.

This Will Stop Bad Behavior Most Of The Time

Remember that probably 90% of bad behavior is boredom. If you walk or in some way make sure they get enough exercise every day, they are far less likely to engage in bad behavior.

Making sure your dog gets adequate exercise will be a lifelong commitment. It is the most practical and natural way to stop bad behavior most of the time.

For those that are unable to or are simply too busy to add one more thing to your “to do” list there is a product that will help exercise, train and stop bad behavior (remotely!.

While we’re on the subject, I know that it’s not always easy to make sure they get enough exercise.  For instance, it may be hard for an elderly or disabled Chi owner to walk their dog. People are so busy these days that adding “exercise or walk the dog” is just another thing to add to their ever-growing to-do list.

I want to share with you a product that is very effective and helpful. I’ll be honest, I have not tried this …. yet, but every review I’ve read has been positive. Some just rave about it. So I thought it may be something to share with you because it will keep your dog activity and exercise and he will love doing it! The best part is you don’t have to do anything. I believe that this educational product may help stop a behavior in your dog that’s bored. I have nothing to do with the company that manufactures the product.


Don’t miss our series “Training Your Chihuahua”.



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