Take Our Short Survey To Enter Our $25. Gift Card Give-a-way!

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This Give-a-way has ended as of March 22, 2021. The winner will be announced on our Instagram on March 25, 2021. Be sure to follow us there and check for our winner on March 25, 2021!

Thank you to all our participants! Stay tuned for more give-a-ways coming soon!

Won’t you please take our short survey?

We know that your time is limited and that’s why when you take this brief survey you will also be entered into our $25. Chewy.com gift card give-a-way! If you live outside the U.S. you will receive a $25. gift card from Amazon (they ship internationally).

This survey will help my Chihuahuas and me to bring you better content and information that you really want. ChiChis And Me is Chihuahua parent’s from all over the world’s go-to blog for all the Chihuahua information they are looking for.

We have fun too and our readers share their babies photos with our large community of Chihuahua lovers.

This blog is all about you and your Chihuahua! So, we want to know what information that you want, what you’d like to see more of, or even what you do (or don’t) like about our blog.

It’s only a few questions and will only take a few minutes, but it will give us some valuable insight into how to improve and personalize our blog.

Now is the time to let your voice be heard! Let’s make this blog all about you and what you want! My four Chihuahuas are anxious to hear what you have to say! Don’t wait, enter today to be sure that your voice is heard.

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When you enter you will be subscribed to our mailing list. We send occasional Chihuahua updates, information, and great deals on pet supplies.

About our Gift Card Give-a-way:

Our give-a-way will end on March 22, 2021, and the drawing will take place shortly thereafter. The winner will be announced on our Instagram on March 24, 2021. If you aren’t following us yet on Instagram (@chichisandme), just go to Instagram.com to start following and watch for the announcement of our winner on March 24, 2021! Don’t put it off, take our survey and be entered today!

You must be at least 18 to be eligible and you can only enter once.

Our privacy policy

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