The Skinny on Chihuahuas and Other Toy Breed Dogs

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As you know by now, my mission is to educate about the health and training of Chihuahuas. But, most of the information found here can also apply to all toy breed dogs.

the mighty chihuahua!

Since this website is all about Chihuahuas it is fitting that we start with the smallest of all the toy breeds!


Some toy dogs are scaled-down versions of their larger cousins. Toy Poodle for example. You may be surprised to learn that The Miniature Pinscher has been around longer than the larger Doberman Pinscher.


The Chihuahua is not a scaled-down version of anything. There is not a different “type” of Chihuahua. There is no such thing as a “teacup” or “micro” Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is a true toy breed and was bred for the one and only purpose of being a companion dog. They do it so well, don’t they?


Let’s not forget about the other toy breeds. What do all of them have in common? They are living proof that great things really do come in small packages. Toy dogs are small and they fit anywhere. Sometimes even in your pocket or purse and they can be great dogs for apartment dwellers.

here is a list of all the toy breed dogs according to the akc:

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are known for their large soulful eyes
Maltese known for their cute little button eyes may look a little different depending on how they are groomed

do toy breeds have the same temperment?

With all of that being said, just because they all fit into the Toy Group does not mean that they all have the same characteristics and temperament. They do not.

is a toy breed right for you?

Toy Dogs Are Small!

They will fit anywhere – some even in your pocket or purse.

Toy Dogs Are Cuddly!

If you are looking for a companion to cuddle with toy breeds love human attention. They form extremely strong bonds with their people, and many are perfectly content to warm your lap for hours.

Toy Dogs Are Portable!

They are the ideal dog for people who travel a lot and want to take their dogs with them. Toy dogs are often welcome where larger breeds are not. Some condo associations and hotels allow dogs under a certain weight.

Toy Dogs Love To Show Off!

Most of them are very smart and enjoy learning new things.

Toy dogs are not toys; They are real dogs!

Despite their compact size, they are real dogs. They are intelligent, affectionate and fun-loving. Many make alert watchdogs.

toy dogs need careful owners!

This could be a concern depending on your nature. Although most Chihuahuas and other small breeds think they are big and tough, they are more vulnerable to injury. They have the potential to be stepped on or tripped over. If you are looking for a rough and tumble dog to play with, a toy breed might not be for you.

Left: A Short-Haired Dear Head Chihuahua Right: A Long Coat Apple Head Chihuahua

potential problems with toy breeds

Toy dogs are so small and cute that some owners overdo carrying and cuddling and are lax with the training. Because after all everything they do is cute, so why train them not to do certain things? If toy dogs are not properly trained they can be turned into little tyrants or nervous, scared little dogs.


Toy breeds are social creatures. This means that they need plenty of social interaction with a variety of people and other animals from puppyhood on.


Toy dogs that are neglected when puppies or come from puppy mills or irresponsible breeders may suffer many physical, emotional or mental problems when they mature.


Some people, believe it or not, dislike toy dogs (Chihuahuas especially have an unwarranted bad reputation) and may make rude remarks when you walk them. Either ignore them or say something like: “shhh”, he thinks he’s a Great Dane”.


Toy dogs are real dogs that need training and guidance just like any other breed of dog. If you don’t have the patience, time or money to train your dog, I suggest you get a cat. 😊

in couclusion

Although toy dogs have a lot in common, they do not all have the same characteristics or the same temperament. When considering getting a toy breed dog, please do your research on each breed before you decide which toy breed will fit in with your family and lifestyle.

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