You and I are Chihuahua lovers. Dare I say we adore Chihuahuas? We love everything about them. Or do we really? Like any other dog breed, Chihuahuas have certain characteristics that they all may have, but they are also individuals with their own little personalities and quarks. Much of their behavior is shaped by you and me as their guardians.

People who decide to give a Chihuahua or a Chihuahua mix a forever home really should know what they can expect before they bring them home. You may be thinking “a dog is a dog”, right? Yes, however, the Chihuahua breed and their temperament are different from other breeds in several ways. The fact is that they can be one way or another. They can be the sweetest little dogs or they can be little demons and will take over you and your house if they can. Your guidance as their owner and guardian will determine which one you end up with.
Before You Bring Home A Chihuahua Breed Or Any Dog Breed
First, let’s talk a little about what it means to own a dog of any breed. Adopting a dog is not something to take lightly. A dog (or any pet, for that matter) is a living breathing thing that is totally dependent on you for his/her health and welfare. It is a commitment that will last their whole lifetime. Here are a few things to carefully consider before adopting a dog, especially a rescue dog. You must consider the responsibility, such as:
- Time Commitment. Whether you get a puppy or adopt an adult dog you need to consider that they take time. They may need to be housetrained. But, even if they are already housetrained, they will need training and socialization all throughout their lifetime. They will need to learn the “house rules“. Training is something that you have to keep reinforcing so they don’t forget.
- Grooming. I’m not talking about haircuts, however, if you get a long-haired Chihuahua that may be necessary also. I’m talking about regular nail trims and dental cleanings. These are both necessary for the health of your dog.
- Health Expenses. According to the ASPCA, we spend more than $1,000 annually on veterinary expenses. There is spaying or neutering, and annual vaccinations. We already mentioned dental exams. Dogs do get sick from time to time, and no matter how careful you may be, they also have accidents, so you have to consider that. In 2018 Americans alone spent over 18 Billion dollars on vet care. That does not include pet products, food, etc.
- Other Expenses. Then there is the cost of beds, crates, collars, leashes, toys, treats, food, and of course if your Chi will tolerate it, clothes. That is a big debate; whether or not to dress your Chihuahua, but they really do need coats and sweaters when it is cold outside. They are so tiny they get cold easily. You can teach your Chihuahua to love wearing (or at least not hate it).
Is The Chihuahua Breed The Right Compadre For You?
- Chihuahuas are a bit of a dog with a great big character!
- They are petite yet fierce protectors.
- Close companions. They usually bond to one person, but it doesn’t have to be that way. They can bond and love a whole family. Again, that depends on you.
- Comfort loving. They seek the heat and are little sun worshpers. They have mastered the art of relaxation.
- Home bodies. Most Chihuahuas prefer the comfort of home more than they do the great outdoors.
- Cautious. A typical Chihuahua is sassy with strangers and very discrimnating about making new friends.
- Adaptable. They are happy on a country estate or a big city apartment as long as they are with their human(s).
- Sensitive. Chihuahuas are very sensitive to their human’s moods. Did you get a promotion at work? Your Chihuahua will know that something wonderful happened as soon as you walk into the house. Sick in bed? Your little Chihuahua will not leave your side.
- Smart. I’ve heard that Chihuahuas are stupid or “not smart”. Nothing could be fartherest from the truth. Although they can be a little stubborn, they are very smart and catch on to training quickly as long as the training is done with positive reinforcement and a lot of TLC.
- Long term. Be prepared to commit to this little guy or girl for a long time. They can live as long as 18 years and have be known to live even longer.
A Chihuahua’s brain is actually bigger than any other dog breed in comparison to the size of the dog.
Types of Chihuahuas
There are two types of Chihuahua. An apple-head and a deer-head. If you have trouble telling the difference see our post with a comprehensive guide to telling the difference. Hint: It’s the whole dog, not just the head or skull shape.
There are two coat types; long-haired or short-haired (also called a smooth coat). I have both. Their temperament is the same.

Chihuahuas come in a huge variety of coat colors and patterns. So many, I won’t list them all here. Have you ever wondered what the rarest color for a Chihuahua is? See our post; “What is the rarest Chihuahua?”
Tea Cup Chihuahua
I think most people know by now that there is no such thing as a “teacup“, “micro”, “mini”, or “toy” Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. They come in different sizes and can weigh anywhere between 2 lbs and 6 lbs. Some may weigh a little more and Chihuahua mixes can sometimes weigh well over 6 lbs.
A Chihuahua that weighs less than 2 lbs or 2-3 lbs is not a different type or breed of Chihuahua. They are generally the runt of the litter. Some unscrupulous breeders will breed the runt with a runt trying to get as small a Chihuahua as possible in hopes of getting more money for one. This is dangerous and compromises the health of the dog. Teeny tiny Chihuahuas are usually delicate and can break limbs easily and a multitude of health problems.

The Most Important Thing I Can Tell You About Chihuahuas is: You cannot skip the training and socialization. If not properly trained and socialized you can end up with an aggressive and scared, and unhappy little dog. That is no way for anyone to have to live out their lives, not even for Chihuahuas.