The history of the Chihuahua is steeped in speculation. One theory is that Chihuahuas originated from a dog called the Techichi in the Toltec Civilization near Mexico City around the 5th century BC.
The Chihuahua is named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua that borders Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Did you know that what we know as the modern-day Chihuahua was first noticed in the mid-19th century?
It is widely believed that they were derived from the Techichi, a small, slender, mute, fox-like dog kept by the Toltec people of Mexico as early as the 9th century AD. Mute? I think that is rather comical considering that Chihuahuas are now known as “little barkers”, don’t you?
Mexico is not the only place that they were thought to be found. They were also known to have been in both north and south America.

One Chihuahua History Theory:
According to some, the history of Chihuahuas began with the first sighting of the Techichi in Europe by the Spanish explorer Francisco Hernandez. He reportedly commented that the native Americans ate them as commonly as his own people ate rabbits.

The native Indians considered them as every day food. By the mid-19th century they seem to have disappeared altogether. They were eaten? That’s a bit disturbing don’t you think? Moving on …
Other Theories of the History of Chihuahuas
Another theory is that when the explorers arrived in the New World, they bred the Techichi with a small hairless dog that they had brought with them and the resulting breed was the Chihuahua. This hairless little dog was from China.
Some believe that they originated in Egypt and others theorize they were brought to North America by Chinese traders. What we do know is that the dogs were found in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico in the1850’s
A group of tourists in Chihuahua Mexico returned to the US with several of these dogs. From these first few Chihuahuas, we have what in this present day is known as the Chihuahua.
Other Juciy Tidbits:
Chihuahuas rank 5th in popularity with America’s Pet Registry Inc. Sales for Chihuahuas rose dramatically after the Taco Bell dog commercial was aired. The voice of the Taco Bell Dog, as he is known, was definitely male, however, he was actually a she, and her name was Gidget.
She would say the popular catchphrase, “jYo Quiero Taco Bell,” which means “I want Taco Bell.”
Their Job?
In the rural part of their native Mexico Chihuahuas were kept as little ratters. They are fearless little ratters and will take down squirrels, rats, and other rodents. This innate skill, the ability to track and hunt without human training is a mark of dog intelligence. Chihuahuas are much smarter than people think. They have the biggest brains in proportion to their body than any other dog breed. Chihuahuas also recognize and prefer the company of their own breed to any other breed of dog.

It is also believed that the Europeans as well as the Toltec people often used Chihuahuas in their beds as little heating pads. To this day, they make the best little heating pads in the world.
Today, however, they are bred to simply be little companions and lapdogs. To this end, they are the very best at what they do!
Chihuahuas are tiny but mighty! Because of their unique temperament and size, they need a different training protocol and technique. Why not learn how to train a Chihuahua from a Chihuahua expert? E-book $9.95