The Ultimate Guide To Traveling By Car With Your Chihuahua

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It’s road tripping time. Think vacations, weekend get-a-ways, or day trips. According to AAA and Best Western International, more than half of U.S. pet owners take their dogs or cats with them when they travel. Traveling with a Chihuahua can be a fun and safe experience if you follow these tips.

Chihuahuas make great little travel companions, however, when traveling with a Chihuahua you need to be prepared.

traveling with a chihuahua

My husband and I have taken our dogs with us on all but a few trips. Here are 8 tips that I have learned when traveling with a Chihuahua.

  • Make a trial run
  • Buckle them up
  • Keep them inside the car
  • Be prepared
  • Make plenty of pit stops
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate (thus the need for plenty of pit stops(
  • Never leave them alone in the car
  • Be cautious of roadside pet areas

Make A Trial Run

Before traveling with a chihuahua take him on some short trips to help them get used to traveling in the car. How do they do? Do they get anxious or car sick?

Buckle Them Up!

I can’t stress this one enough. It is estimated that about 30,000 accidents each year are caused by an unrestrained pet. Traveling with a Chihuahua that is not properly restrained, not only are they distracting to the driver, but they are also most likely to be injured in an accident.

There are now some great new ways to help keep restrained and safe when traveling in a car with a chihuahua that will make the trip much more pleasant for both you and your Chihuahua.

Keep Them Inside The Car

Yes, dogs love to feel the wind in their face, but did you know that riding that way can cause ear damage and can expose your pet to lung infections? That’s according to the ASPCA. It’s also very dangerous.

traveling with a chihuahua you'll need a car booster seat

Be Prepared!

When you are getting ready to travel with your Chihuahua, make sure you have a record of all your pet’s shots and vaccines with you. Be sure that their collar has a tag with address and phone (cell) number on it. Ideally, you have microchipped your Chihuahua.

Make Plenty of Pit Stops.

Pets need to stop every two to three hours to use the bathroom and get some exercise. It’s also recommended for people.

Keep Them Hydrated.

Be sure to keep water and a pet travel water bowl in the car with you for them.

Never Leave Them Alone In The Car

This is another one I can’t stress enough. I am always surprised as to how many times on our road trips we have pulled into a fast food restaurant on hot days and we’ve seen pets in the car while owners are inside eating. Even with windows rolled down it can get dangerously hot very quickly in the car.

Please keep this in mind when traveling with your Chihuahua in a car. We always get our food and eat it in the car or go through the drive-through. You could even have a picnic with your pets at a rest stop.

traveling with a chihuahua
Please don’t leave them in the car alone, not even for a “minute”!

Our three little Chihuahuas love to ride in the car. Remedy hasn’t been on as many trips like the other two, so she is still a little nervous at first. Perhaps she thinks that we are going to the vet. But soon she takes a cue from the other two pros and she relaxes and just enjoys the ride. I hope these tips are useful to you next you are considering traveling with your Chihuahua. Happy traveling and stay safe!

Be Very Cautious of Roadside Rest Areas

There are many diseases that dogs can get when exposed to an infected dog’s feces or vomit. So, please, watch them carefully and keep them away from possible dangerous areas.

Remember that not everyone vaccinates their dogs as they should. Parvo is a particularly dangerous disease that your dog can pick up from a roadside resting area.

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